

第50回日本レコード大賞(主催・日本作曲家協会)の最終審査が30日、東京・渋谷区の新国立劇場で行われ、最優秀新人賞は今年2月に発売したデビュー曲「海雪」で日本中を席巻した黒人演歌歌手、ジェロ(27)が獲得。名前を呼ばれると驚いた表情を見せた後、「本当にうれしいです。たくさんの方がスタジオから応援してくださって僕の夢がかないました」と号泣。さらに母の晴美さんから国際電話で祝福のメッセージを贈られると、「ありがとう!I LOVE YOU」と感激で声を震わせた。サンスポ

日本レコード大賞Japan record award



Pop group 'Exile' wins Japan Record Award grand prize

Members of the male pop group "Exile" smile at the 50th Japan Record Awards on Tuesday. Second from right is Masaaki Sakai, moderator of the event. (Mainichi)
The all-male pop group "Exile" won the grand prize at the 50th Japan Record Awards on Tuesday, while enka singer Jero was awarded the best new artist prize.

The annual record awards finalized its winners at the New National Theatre in Tokyo on Tuesday, honoring Exile for their smash hit tune "Ti Amo" and black American singer Jero, who shot to fame with his debut single "Umiyuki."

A special achievement award went to the late lyricist Kohan Kawauchi, who had previously a dispute with singer Shinichi Mori over the use of his hit title "Ofukurosan."

Mori appeared on stage and sang "Hana to Cho" as a tribute to Kawauchi, who wrote the hit song. Mori had refrained from singing Kawauchi's songs for about two years but reached a settlement with his bereaved family last month.

The nation's most prestigious record award for pop music is sponsored by the Japan Composer's Association and other organizations.
December 31, 2008