
Antiforeigner discrimination

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009

Antiforeigner discrimination is a right for Japanese people

"Japan girai" — dislike of Japan — is an allergy that seems to afflict many Westerners here. If someone handing out Japanese-language flyers assumes they cannot read Japanese and ignores them, they cry racial discrimination. If they are left sitting alone in a train, they assume that is because the racist Japanese do not want to sit next to foreigners. If someone does sit next to them and tries to speak to them in English, they claim more discrimination, this time because it is assumed they cannot speak Japanese.

Normally these people do little harm. In their gaijin ghettoes they complain about everything from landlords reluctant to rent to foreigners (ignoring justified landlord fear of the damage foreigners can cause) to use of the word "gaijin" (forgetting the way some English speakers use the shorter and sometimes discriminatory word "foreigner" rather than "foreign national."). A favorite complaint is that Japanese universities discriminate against foreigners. How many Western universities would employ, even as simple language teachers, foreigners who could not speak, write and read the national language?

foreingerという、foreing natinals の略語は使ってよくて、外国人の略語である外人は駄目だ、というが、これいかに?また、その国の言葉をしゃべれない人を大学教員に採用しないなんてよくあることでしょう、と。

In Otaru the obvious answer from the beginning was to create a seamen's club similar to those that exist in many major ports. But here too the activists were very silent. It seems they prefer to move against weak targets where they can gain publicity with a minimum of effort





なお、有道先生らの活動をご存じない方々は、英語で考えるヒント8 北海道情報大学在学生・保護者のみなさんなど、参考にしてください。