

Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction


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One of the central them of all that has gone before might be summarized as "realism lost" and along with it reliable sense of past history.・・・・
As we have seen, much postmodernist analysis is an attack on authority and reliability


the political and historical even always reaches us in a fictionalized form in a narrative, massaged by the more or less hidden hand of political purpose


For most postmodernist we live in a society of image, primarily concerned with the production and consumption of mere "simulacra". Information, by now, is just something we buy.・・・・・
The Nietzschean assumption that all such phenomena, from statements from the White House To everyday soap operas, are more or less secretly in the service of the mainstream of the power, economic and other , of somebody or other, rather than made in the service of the truth.

page 114
We are simply enclosed in a media -dominated world of signs, villainously generated by capitalism to synthesize our desires, which only really refer to one another within an entrapping chain of ideas. They are simulacra, which replace real things and their actual relationships(only truly known to those on the left, who see through such illusions) in a process which Baudrillard calls 'hyper-realization'.


page 116
The best thing that one can say here, and I am saying it, is that postmodernists are good critical deconstructors and terrible constructors.


page 117
It is worth asking, then how far a postmodernist 'hermeneutics of suspicion' is justified. There is in any case a crippling contradiction at the heart of analysis--if anyone says that everything is 'really' just constituted by a deceiving image, and no by reality, how does he or she know? They presuppose the very distinctions they attack. ・・・・


A postmodernist sceptic, noting the extraordinary range of conflict in versions of reality available to us within a remarkably tolerant and pluralist society, and willing to be a bit of relativist, might well be inclined to opt for something like Richard Rorty's postmodernist irony. Such ironist have doubts about the truth of any "final vocabulary' and realize that other have different ones; they don't see their vocabulary as 'closer to reality than other people's .

The ironist has doubts about the vocabulary he or she uses; others' vocabularies also seem to work well.

page 120
Post modernist beliefs therefore tend to a multiculturalism pluralism and relativism.


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however, ・・・this condition should be resisted and not allowed to justify a kind of ironic indifferentism・・・・・The belief that lead to the public stoning to death of an 'adulterous ' women are not just to be shrugged off as a symptom of the way they do things over there as opposed to round here.・・・・Postmodernist thought has done a great deal to point out and to defend the difference of identity involved here. But still , as a matter of fact, often lead to bitter conflicts, which need to be resolved by something better than postmodernist principles.


Tolerance is a principled willingness to put up with the expression and pursuit of beliefs that you know to be wrong, for the sake of of some larger ideal , like freedom of inquiry or the autonomy of others in the construction of their own narrative or identity---provided, I would say, that they don't harm others in the process. But no amount of tolerance or postmodern scepticism should be allowed to conflict with the ideals expressed for example, in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights(disputable as some them are) or the Geneva Convention.




Examined life

 Searle and Foucault on Truthなどで簡単に触れたことがある。
