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日本と中国が急激に接近したら、すぐア メリカが割り込んできて日本は八つ裂きにされるのが関の山だろう。日本と 中国を分割統治するというのは、アメリカのアジア専門家の間では大前提になっている


今こそ日本はタブーなき「憲法改正」論議に踏み込み、真の独立国家を目指すべきである、 と言っている。去勢国家から脱却するため、核、空母、爆撃機、そして国民皆兵を議論すべきだ






Indonesian nurses working hard in Japan
Vietnamese Nurse Working in Japan
一つ目はインドネシアからの看護士を目指すインドネシア人にとって日本語という言葉の壁が大きい、というニュースに関するJapan Probeの投稿。二つ目は、そのコメント欄にあったリンクで、三年で看護士試験に合格したベトナム人女性。よくがんばったと思う。えらいね。

6 arrested at UNC immigration protest
Friday, April 24, 2009 | 5:37 AM

CHAPEL HILL -- One week after protests at UNC that led to broken glass and pepper spray, another conservative politician spoke on campus. And again, the topic was illegal immigration.

On Wednesday, UNC-Chapel Hill's campus police arrested six people on charges of disorderly conduct during an appearance by former Virginia congressman Virgil Goode.


Illegal Aliens cost Florida Hospitals $100 Million
Posted By: Mike Deeson

Tallahasse, Florida -- There are between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States. No one has a hard number on how many illegal's are in the country but the Florida Hospital Association says the cost to hospital is staggering and everyone is paying for it.

Illegal aliens come into this country every day. In fact, more than one million live in Florida.

The influx of illegals has a devastating affect on hospitals through out the state, including Tampa bay.

Carol Plato, who testified before a legislative committee, says the Florida Hospital Association estimates the cost is $100 million for illegal patient care.

And part of the reason the cost is so high, is because illegal aliens often use the emergency room as their primary care physician. Usually illegal's don't have insurance and very little money, which means they can pay the bill. However, that doesn't mean the bill isn't paid. Those who have insurance pick up the difference and that's a major reason things are so expensive when you're in the hospital.

Bruce Rueben, President of the Florida hospital association, says there are unmet costs that have to be met somehow.

Rueben says hospitals can not write off the $100 million debt being caused by illegals. According to Rueben, the hospitals have to cut costs or pass them on to people who can pay. Rueben says that is a big reason why health care costs are so high for people who have insurance.

But each time an illegal shows up at a hospital and doesn't pay, you do and estimates are each family in Florida pays at least 315 dollars a year to support people who have come into this country illegally.


Sen. Feinstein gets reprieve for foreign-born lesbian mother ordered to leave Calif. family
LISA LEFFAssociated Press Writer
7:33 PM MDT, April 23, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Philippines-born lesbian mother ordered to leave the country next month for overstaying her visa will likely be allowed to stay through next year thanks to intervention from U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Tan, who lives in Pacifica with her 12-year-old twin sons and a partner of 23 years, was originally scheduled to be deported three weeks ago but won a temporary stay with help from U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo. Federal immigration officials then gave her until May 10 to leave the country voluntarily.

Tan, 43, has been in California since arriving on a visitor's visa in 1989. She applied for asylum in 1995 because she was afraid of a cousin in the Philippines who had killed her mother and sister and critically wounded her when she was a teenager. She was unaware the petition had been denied until federal agents took Tan away in handcuffs at the end of January, said her 48-year-old partner, Jay Mercado.

She said gay rights activists were using the couple's case to push for passage of a long-stalled immigration reform bill, known as the Uniting American Families Act, that would give gay Americans the right to sponsor foreign-born partners for residency.


Far-right politician convicted over racist World Cup flyers

A Berlin court has handed down suspended prison sentences to the head of the anti-foreigner NPD party for handing out pamphlets inciting racial hatred and defamation during the 2006 World Cup.

The district court judge handed suspended prison sentences to the head of the German right wing National Democratic Party, Udo Voigt and two other senior party officials for inciting racial hatred and defamation.

The three had circulated pamphlets during the 2006 World Cup, insinuating that a black player was not worthy to play for Germany's national team which they said should be made up of whites only.

The pamphlet referred to defender Patrick Owomoyela who was born of a German mother and a Nigerian father.
Suspended sentences

Voigt was given a seven-month suspended sentence, along with a party spokesman, Klaus Beier. The party's legal affairs head, Frank Schwerdt, received a ten-month suspended sentence.

 ドイツの極右の反外国人政党の政治家が黒人のドイツ人サッカー選手はドイツチームにいるべきでなく有色人を排他して白人のみのチームにすべきであるというチラシを配って、人種的憎悪を助長したとして、有罪になったという。ここらへん、憎悪を煽る表現までは表現の自由として許容する米国との違いであろう。suspended sentence というから執行猶予がついたということだろう。

'Racism and xenophobia undiminished in 50 years'
Published: April 25, 2009

GENEVA (AFP) - Racism and xenophobia are thriving as much as they were 50 years ago, fuelled by fears about growing migration and economic strife, the UN expert on racism said Friday at a conference on the scourge.Financial insecurity and job fears historically fuelled animosity towards foreign migrants, but that has grown in the current meltdown because it was affecting so many people, he said.

“If you are an illegal in the US for example, you’re probably costing the employer less and demanding less by way of social security benefits, insurance health care and so on, and there is a resentment that works around that,” Muigai said.
Muigai, who took over the post last August, also pointed to anecdotal evidence of an increase in xenophobic and racist sentiment among the middle class in Europe.


Police chief defends rise in race crime

22 April 2009
London Borough of Haringey

RACE HATE is on the rise in Haringey - as new police figures reveal reports of racist crime have jumped by 15 per cent in a year.

Chief Superintendent Dave Grant, head of Haringey police, said: "Rises in hate crime represent an increased awareness that this is an offence that police take seriously, and that victims are more comfortable and confident to come forward in an area where under-reporting is an issue.

"So increases in reported crime and good sanctioned detection rates in this area are positive."

He said officers are "committed" to protecting victims and prosecuting offenders.

But Lynne Featherstone, Liberal Democrat MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, said the rise was "extremely concerning" and hoped the police would examine the reasons behind it "a little more deeply than that".

"People are coming forward to the police more, but there are still others who don't. And the number of crimes itself has also increased.

"People receive threats and abuse from local residents. An Algerian man was beaten up and left close to death by a group of English people [in Finsbury Park itself] - and he never reported it because he was an illegal immigrant.

"And some teenagers pulled off a lady's headscarf in Stroud Green Road. We hear of something happening at least once a week."

Councillor Ron Aitken, Lib-Dem spokesman for crime and community safety, said there had been an increase in attacks on Muslims and those who appear to be Muslim, and a rise in "hate-related activity" against Jewish buildings and Jews in Haringey "on the back of the Gaza situation".


Latinos in the South often targets of abuse魚拓
"Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South"
Low-income Latinos have become growing targets across the South. In a report released this week by the Southern Poverty Law Center, poor Latinos described life in the South as living in a "war zone."

The SPLC's "Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South" documents the widespread abuse facing low-wage Latino workers in Southern states. Focusing on Nashville, Charlotte, New Orleans, rural southern Georgia and northern Alabama, the Montgomery, Ala.-based civil rights nonprofit surveyed hundreds of residents who detailed a striking degree of abuse, including "widespread hostility, discrimination and exploitation." Researchers said they found a "population under siege and living in fear" -- fear of the police, fear of the government and fear of criminals who prey on immigrants because of their vulnerability.

As more immigrants move South to fill low-wage jobs in fields and factories across the region, a growing anti-immigrant climate has taken root, worsened by the crackdown on illegal immigration at the federal level in recent years. The anti-immigrant climate is harming all Hispanics in the South, whether or not they are illegal immigrants, according to the report.

In fact, the discrimination against Latinos filters down into all parts of their daily life. For instance, Latinos are routinely the targets of wage theft, racial profiling, police harassment and workplace abuse, according to the report. Employers know that immigrants, even those here legally, are often poorly equipped to protect their rights, resulting in intimidation and unsafe working conditions in the workplace. Hispanic women suffer high rates of sexual harassment as male supervisors threaten to report them to immigration authorities if the women don't provide sexual favors.

Latinos interviewed reported having little confidence in police. Respondents said they're pulled over by police for "the most minor of offenses -- or no offense at all." In fact, Latinos often become the victims of crime because they do not feel safe reporting abuses to police or the government, making them attractive targets for criminals. Police checkpoints and roadblocks in predominantly Latino areas were also a common complaint, particularly in rural areas of northern Alabama. In fact, in Alabama more than 55 percent of respondents said there are police checkpoints where they live.

"This report documents the human toll of failed policies that relegate millions of people to an underground economy, where they are beyond the protection of the law," said Mary Bauer, author of the report and director of the SPLC's Immigrant Justice Project. "Workplace abuses and racial profiling are rampant in the South."

Since the 2005 hurricane season, the Gulf Coast region has also seen an explosion in its Hispanic population, particularly in New Orleans where migrant workers flocked to fill the construction jobs that opened up during the post-Katrina recovery effort. Estimates indicate the New Orleans metro area's Hispanic population has tripled in the last three years, from about 60,000 to about 180,000. The SPLC's report shows that in New Orleans migrant workers have faced rampant wage theft, coercion, and abuse. Some 80 percent of these workers said they had not been paid for work performed

Some findings from the study include:
Nearly 50 percent of respondents knew someone who had been treated unfairly by police.
77 percent of the women who responded said sexual harassment was a major workplace problem.
41 percent surveyed had not been paid for work, a figure that climbed to 80 percent in New Orleans.
Two-thirds of respondents said they had been made to feel unwelcome by others in the community, while 68 percent said they encountered on a regular basis what they perceived as racism -- from "looks" to physical abuse.
46 percent have confidence in police.
46 percent with court experience say there were no interpreters.


Alberta worries about becoming racist haven


As Calgarians worry that this past weekend's white supremacist rally will reinforce their image as intolerant rednecks, they may want to recall former premier Ralph Klein's famous quote about "creeps and bums" coming to Alberta and causing trouble.


Supreme Court Hears Case of Teen's 'Embarrassing' School Strip Search
High Court Showdown Over Student Privacy Rights, School Drug Policy
April 21, 2009

"They asked me to take off my clothes, and I did while they stood there," Savana said. "When I was finally in my underwear, I thought, 'OK, they are gong to let me put my clothes back on.'"

"They just looked at me and said, 'well, now you have to pull out your bra and shake it and your underwear as well," she said, her eyes filling with tears. "I really wanted to cry."


Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:40:05 GMT
African immigrants claim workplace discrimination

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) Five African immigrants who were fired from their jobs at one of the nation's largest pharmacy services corporations have sued their former employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.

The men, who were hired in 2007 as pharmacy technicians at a PharMerica facility in Portland, claim that bias by white co-workers and supervisors created a segregated workplace. The employees say they were fired after they complained about the work environment.


Minutemen with guns threaten kids at the peaceful Macehualli Center(youtube)

This video shows two Americas,one of love and one of hate. Please watch and decide which one you want to be a part of.

The Macehualli Center celebrated its 6th anniversary on 01/31/09 with a peaceful celebration, friendship and multi cultural sharing with Native American Dancers and indigenous ceremony including all people-regardless of nationality. But outside the center was a world of hatred
and prejiduce.
These racist militants have been terrorizing The Day Labor Center daily for over a year. They insult and threaten mothers, children and anyone with brown skin they deem as being "Illegal" (whenever they think nobody is watching with a camera).

They harass anyone that may attempt to hire a day laborer. They incite violence, carry guns and have no respect for humanity. What makes this most tragic is they have the support and encouragement of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Gov. Praises 'Minuteman' Campaign
By Peter Nicholas and Robert Salladay
April 29, 2005

Calling the nation's borders dangerously porous, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday praised the private "Minuteman" campaign that uses armed volunteers to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S.





WWII bomb found near Chancellor Merkel's Berlin apartmen

Unexploded bombs from World War II are frequently found in German cities, often during digging for construction projects.
