


April 19, 2009
The high cost of illegal immigration


The Salt Lake City chief of police, Utah Attorney General and numerous other senior law enforcement officials throughout Utah are determined to maintain good relations with Utah's rapidly growing illegal alien community.

This may be good for the illegal aliens but it is bad for Utah citizens because illegal immigration and identity theft go hand-in-hand.

According to a senior Social Security Administration official, 75 percent of illegal aliens use fraudulent social security numbers in order to get jobs.

In 2008, 16 percent of all identity theft in Utah was employment related. This is an increase of 14 percent over 2007 and it reflects the growth in the state's illegal immigrant population.

When illegal aliens use fraudulent documents to get jobs, they commit major felonies including document fraud, perjury on I-9 forms and identity theft.

They ignore illegal aliens who continue to unlawfully hold jobs using Social Security numbers belonging to Americans at the same time American citizens doing the same jobs are being laid off.

They ignore the plight of American citizens who are denied unemployment insurance because an illegal alien is either already collecting unemployment benefits under the American's stolen Social Security number or because income earned by the illegal alien is credited to the American's stolen Social Security number thereby making it appear that the unemployed citizen is still working.


PRIL 20, 2009
Obama and the 'Amnesty' Trap
The immigration bottom line: We need more legal avenues.

The nation's two largest labor groups, the AFL-CIO and Change to Win, have already announced that they will oppose any new guest-worker initiatives and any significant expansion of temporary work programs already in place. Democrats and advocacy groups, who tend to see immigration as a humanitarian issue more than an economic one, will likely side with labor. But history suggests that such programs are effective in reducing illegal entries. Past experience shows that economic migrants have no desire to be here illegally.

Nearly seven decades ago, the U.S. faced labor shortages in agriculture stemming from World War II, and growers turned to the Roosevelt administration for help. The result was the Bracero program, which allowed hundreds of thousands of Mexican farm workers to enter the country legally as seasonal laborers. In place from 1942 to 1964, the program was jointly operated by the departments of Justice, State and Labor. As the program was expanded after World War II to meet the labor needs of a growing U.S. economy, illegal border crossings fell by 95%.

But the schooling and skills that the typical Mexican immigrant brings to the U.S. labor market differ markedly from the typical American's, which is why the two don't tend to compete with each other for employment. Labor economists like Richard Vedder have documented that, historically, higher levels of immigration to the U.S. are associated with lower levels of unemployment. Immigrants are catalysts for economic growth, not job-stealers


Man 'lit cannabis joint' while being spoken to by police
Tuesday, 21 April 2009

A man from Londonderry who was being spoken to by police pulled out a joint and lit it, the local court has heard.

John Eugene Friel, of Carnhill, was in a house on September 19 when police were called in relation to a domestic incident. The court heard that as police were talking to Friel about the incident, he pulled out a rolled up cigarette and lit it.

The police said there was a strong smell of cannabis and they arrested Friel on suspicion of possessing a Class C drug. Later when questioned about the cigarette Friel replied that it was a joint.



Sunday, April 19, 2009
On Foucault’s 『The History of Sexuality』( Beholdmyswarthyface)

百科事典では、3.4 History of Modern Sexuality、また、日本語では、ミシェルフーコーなどに要約がある。


Foucault argues that categories of “sexual identities” are, for the most part, arbitrary constructions that do not accurately reflect any real phenomena, but instead serve only to conceal a whole set of nuanced and complicated truths about human sexuality.



In Thailand, the conceptions of homosexuality and “kathoey” are so nuanced that their discourse defies in many ways the Western discourse (Manderson, Sites of Desire). Papa New Guinea is another case in point, where men of pre-marital age are required to engage in sexual acts with older male members of the community as a sort of rite of passage (Nagel, Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality). One could go on forever citing examples of cultures where the notion of “sexual identity” is still a mostly meaningless concept.




White Pride Michigan Flyer Distribution: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Knoxville Patriot Rally 6-16-07 Pt. 3 - Alex Linder




元ギタリストをわいせつ容疑で逮捕 18歳女性の胸触る
2009.4.21 19:16


新宿でニューハーフヘルス店の経営者ら逮捕 )
2009.4.22 12:13



Help available for housing discrimination
APRIL 19, 2009

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has declared April 2009 as Oakland County Fair Housing Month, in recognition of the 41st anniversary of the signing of the Federal Fair Housing Act.

Freedom from discrimination in the denial of housing on the basis of sex, color, race, age, religion, national origin, disability, family or marital status is guaranteed by this act, and other federal and state legislation.

“There is ample evidence to indicate that unlawful discrimination is widespread, so the fight against housing discrimination must continue,” Patterson said. “I hope that this declaration of April as Oakland County Fair Housing Month will increase awareness of the fair housing laws and the various organizations working to protect individuals in their search for housing of their choice.”


India's Muslims See Bias in Housing
Recent Increase Is Blamed on Islamist Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai Last Fa

By Emily Wax

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Wilders' ideas enjoy 40% support

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Some 40% of the Dutch population agree with many of anti-Islam MP Geert Wilder's statements, according to research by TNS Nipo for magazine Vrij Nederland.

According to opinion polls, Wilders would take about 18% of the vote if there was an election tomorrow. But this research shows support for his ideas is much wider, Vrij Nederland says.

Some 42% of those polled agreed with the statement that Wilders says 'what ordinary people believe and want'. Some 35% do not think Wilders goes too far in his comments about Islam and Muslims and 38% agree with Wilders' statement that Muslims have come to the Netherlands 'to take things over'.

A large majority - 61% - agree with Wilders' call for 'street terrorists' to be deported. Wilders used the phrase to describe gangs of youths, mainly of Moroccan origin.

こちらは、オランダ。反イスラムで、イギリスに入国を拒否された議員Geert Wilderも、オランダ国内では半数近くの人が支持している、とのこと。

Pastor claims he was beaten at Yuma checkpoint
Comments 175 | Recommend 17
April 17, 2009 - 8:51 PM

Anderson said the incident, which occurred the night of April 14, started as a routine stop at the I-8 checkpoint, while he was on his way back from San Diego to Phoenix, but later got way out of control.

He said while at the checkpoint, Border Patrol agents began asking him questions, to which he replied that he was exercising his Constitutional rights and did not want to answer any of their questions.

"I told them I just wanted to be on my way. I started off polite, but later started getting angry as they kept asking their questions," Anderson said. "I have done this at other checkpoints several times before and have been sent on my way."

Anderson said while he was being questioned, agents brought a dog over, and it suppossedly alerted on his car, which agents said gave them probable cause to search his vehicle.

“I told them they weren't going to search me because they didn't have a warrant,” he said. "I never saw the dog do anything. They just brought it over to my car so they could say they got a hit. I asked them to bring the dog over and do it again, but they wouldn't."

Vik said at this point agents contacted DPS and an officer responded shortly afterward.

Anderson, who received 11 stitches and has visible scabs on his forehead, said the DPS officer and agents eventually broke both windows of his vehicle, tasered him, dragged him out of his car and slammed him onto the ground.

“After they shattered the windows in my car and beat me to a bloody pulp, they searched my car. Guess what they found? Nothing. Because I didn't have anything," Anderson said. "The fact is I have been beaten, abused and tased for nothing."

One border patrol agent, Anderson said, even stepped on his head while he was helpless on the ground and still being tased.
