
キスの表紙 他

More Double Standard BullCrap.

Jamie Foxx decided to launch a very crude, nasty and sexual perverted attack on 16 year old teen sensation Miley Cyrus on his Sirius satellite radio show, saying things like: "Make a sex tape and grow up!" She was called a bytch, and apparently, the verbal attacks just kept a coming.

If Billy Ray (the father of Miley Cyrus) had said that about Foxx's daughter, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, every TV and radio commentator in the country, AND the NAACP, would want him punished & demand everything in the world Billy Ray had, and probably his nads as well.

But Jamie Foxx says it, and no one says a damned thing.

Foxx ripped 2 grown women, Lohan & Spears, and a 16 year old kid. Oh, and they all just happened to be 3 white females. I guess though that Sharpton, Jackson and the NAACP do not consider that prejudice!

But they sure did when Don Imus ran his stupid racist mouth about those 'nappy headed hos'.

But with Jamie Foxx, it must be a different standard because he's black. So apparently it must be acceptable. Bullcrap.

Foxx was being purely atrocious, vicious, nasty, sexually perverted and prejudiced to a 16 year old kid.

I wonder if Jamie Foxx was white and he said that about a 16 year old black girl, would he be boycotted and considered a racist and bigot?


Originally posted: April 20, 2009
Interracial couple kissing makes readers hot

Consider what happened recently when the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s weekly magazine, Go!, ran an article about the best places to smooch and featured a picture of an interracial couple kissing on the magazine cover.
Kurt Greenbaum, who moderates the Post-Dispatch’s online blog “A Conversation About Race,” told me that readers’ comments about the black man kissing the white woman got so ugly---- for example: “Haven’t read the story but dont (sic) like to see blacks and whites kissing”-- that editors decided to close the article’s comment board and move the ‘discussion’ to the race blog. You can take a look at the blog entry here. The Poynter Institute also has an online story regarding the uproar.

" One commenter, for instance, wrote: "Haven't read the story but don't like to see blacks and whites kissing." Another said it was "done for shock value. Sickening that a once proud newspaper would resort to this. Joe Pulitzer is turning over in his grave in shame."


Diversity: Teens weigh in on race, gender, family income and more
Tisis: A lot of people go to Nelson County High because it is a predominantly white school.

Nelson County is still more of Southern town that is stuck in Southern ways. There are certain places I would be scared to walk outside.

Victoria: Some people won't talk to me because of my income or what my parents do or where I've lived. I don't want to sound like I am better than others. I don't perceive myself as that.

Tisis: I was in a Wendy's just sitting down eating, me and this other black girl, and we're in a territory in Bullitt County that is not territory for black people.

We hear "White power, white power" over in the corner. They are sitting there raising their fist at us.

Michael: I hang around mostly with white people. There's always a joke.

I'll say or I'll do something and it's like: "Oh, you've got Obama, you can do whatever you want now, huh?"

It's never gotten so serious to where it became a fight or anything.

Tisis: The only Japanese boy in the high school is constantly getting joked on about his race. They are always making racist comments.

He'll laugh, but you can tell it hurts his feelings.

There is this gay guy. The guys know who he likes. They make fun of him.

I am bigger than some of the girls in my class. They'll make a little joke about that. It does get old.



Healthcare firm accused of punishing Spanish-speakers settles suit

By Teresa Watanabe
April 16, 2009

Latino workers were prohibited from speaking Spanish to Spanish-speaking nursing home residents, disciplined for speaking their native tongue in the parking lot on breaks and subjected to other forms of discrimination and harassment, said Anna Park, the EEOC's regional attorney in Los Angeles.

He said managers always encouraged employees to speak in the language most comfortable for residents, including Spanish.

Two of the claimants, however, asserted otherwise. Shilo Schilling, a 40-year-old certified nursing assistant, said she was emphatically told at orientations at two of the group's Torrance facilities that only English would be allowed.

"I was kind of in a daze," said Schilling, the bilingual daughter of a Mexican mother and Hawaiian father. "I thought, 'OK, then how are we supposed to communicate with our Spanish-speaking patients?' "

In one case at the Royalwood Care Center in Torrance, she said, a resident told her in Spanish that she needed to use the restroom. When Schilling responded in Spanish, she said, she was told by a supervisor that she would be written up or fired if she continued to speak that language.

The lawsuit was part of a growing raft of charges filed nationwide alleging national origin discrimination. In 2008, filings increased to a record high of 10,601, up 13% from the previous year. Among them, 204 filings involved English-only rules, up from 125 cases two years earlier, according to EEOC figures.

Filings alleging national origin discrimination in the Los Angeles area were twice as high as the national average, 27% of all complaints compared with 11.4% nationwide.

"We are seeing a lot of anti-immigrant sentiment and the demonization of one group," Park said.


Monday, 20 April 2009 10:30 UK
Racist targets city beauty queen

Nigerian-born medical student Helen Lawal, 23, from Pickering, North Yorkshire, was threatened in a phone call to event organiser Vivienne Lee.
Miss Lee said: "A gentleman called me to say there shouldn't be a black person representing York and he said he would 'get all of us'."


Moratti accuses Juve fans of racism
by Laurent Picard , 20 April 2009

Inter president Massimo Moratti has made an official complaint of racist abuse against what he described as 'four fifths' of Juventus fans on Saturday night.

Italy Under-21 international Mario Balotelli was the target of racist chants during the 1-1 draw with Juve at Stadio Olimpico.

"These chants have been made by four fifths of the stadium, with such conviction that there seemed to be pride and happiness in singing those songs.


As Long as ‘Latino’ Is Synonymous With ‘Immigrant,’ We Will Remain a Class Apart魚拓

To illustrate just how emotionally charged the immigration issue is in Irving, readers get this glimpse of recent events at a City Council meeting.

Gears asked a woman testifying about the public harm wrought by immigrants, crime, overcrowding, even disease: "Were you at a meeting, a club meeting, where applause was given to the comment that 'anyone who comes over the border should be shot?'

As a nation we have arrived at a time when to admit in public, before friends and neighbors, support for the use of lethal force on suspected border crossers raises nary an eyebrow.

This is all perfectly reasonable, goes the argument, because presumably we are speaking about illegal border crossers, folks who break the law.

But the article, reflecting current political discourse, lumps together immigrant and "Hispanic;" citizenship status, therefore, is rendered irrelevant

It was 1954, and the case, Hernandez v. Texas, was brought before the high court to challenge the all-white juries that were pervasive in Texas and was rooted in the argument that although Latinos were "white," they were "a class apart."・・・・But now, some 50 years later, the argument that Latinos are a class apart still holds true, but not in the way the Texas attorneys intended.

Race alone is not the issue, but citizenship itself. Indeed, rigid racial binaries in this country obfuscate a glaring reality that endures for Latinos today that goes beyond race. In the eyes of the nation, in national discourse, Latinos of all races and backgrounds lack a true claim to national citizenship.

But in the current paradigm of who can claim citizenship, we are both intrinsically linked to the world of immigration and foreignness.

This is the U.S.'s historic denial of its Latin American-ness and its failure to recognize that there is no inconsistency with being a Latin American (or Latino) and a U.S. citizen.


Struggling to Rise in Suburbs Where Failing Means Fitting In
Published: April 18, 2009

“If you’re Hispanic, people already expect you to steal, to fight, to be rude, to be ghetto,” Jesselyn said. “If everyone thinks wrong of you, eventually you’re going to start thinking wrong about yourself.”

移民は頑張っているひとも多いが、一部ラティーノの若者は、アメリカ社会に同化しない、というより、身近なギャング集団に同化してしまう、という問題を抱えている、という。ヒスパニックは盗みや、喧嘩、あるいは、無礼をするものと決めつけられているので、一部若者たちもその期待に添ってそのようになってしまうのだという。New Nativist-‘Patriot’ Coalition Formed
April 16, 2009

Nativist 移民排斥主義者たちが、愛国同盟を形成しはじめた、という。で、この人たちどんなことをしているか、というと、

the San Diego Minutemen take year-round pleasure in scaring immigrants. On Saturday mornings, when they travel to the sleepy suburban gas stations where immigrant day laborers go to find work, they create scenes that would play well in a show called "Nativists Gone Wild." They call immigrants "wetbacks" and "Julios." They pull out Mace and threaten passing motorists who disagree with them. Calling those who hire day laborers "slavemasters," they've been known to slap flashing amber police lights on their SUVs and chase the would-be employers down. When they're not busy physically intimidating migrants, they take to the airwaves and the Internet to accuse them, without a shred of evidence, of running child prostitution rings and practicing "voodoo Santeria rituals."

The group, in short, does not merely target immigration policies it doesn't agree with; it harasses and vilifies individual men and women.

But it's not only immigrants that the San Diego Minutemen (SDMM) have trouble with. Late this winter, police began scrutinizing members and supporters of SDMM for possible involvement in a cruel attack on what little property is owned by the residents of a local migrant camp. Another Minuteman was recently charged in connection with an assault on a group of immigrants and falsifying a police report.


Hate group
A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates inacceptance, aggresive behavior or physical or verbal attacks towards members of a racial group, religion, gender, sexual orientation.




 AによるBに対する嘘や誇張による攻撃 →BによるAに対する嘘や誇張による攻撃→・・・・


Islamic Demonstration Against NYC Gay Parade (youtube)
18 April 2009 03:06 UK
Iraqi gay men face 'lives of hell'By Jim Muir
BBC News, Baghdad

The Enemy Within NYC: Islamic Thinkers Society (youtube)

20 April 2009 00:54 UK
Islam a political target in Norway

By Thomas Buch-Andersen
BBC News, Oslo

The leader of the country's main opposition party has warned that it is facing "sneak-Islamisation", while some prominent Muslims say they face growing "persecution".
The heated debate is a sign that Norway, renowned as one of the most peaceful and tolerant nations in the world, is facing the same issues with its Muslim minority now familiar in other parts of Europe.

"We are portrayed as uncivilised people living double lives - orderly and behaved when in public, but at home fundamentalists suppressing and physically abusing women."

On top of changes to police uniform, the list mentions inmates wanting Halal food served in prisons, and parents of teenage girls demanding schools separate their daughters from boys during sports lessons.




20 April 2009 18:49 UK

Family 'forced out' after attacks

Chris McCaughan said a "republican element" in Rasharkin was targeting his family because they are Protestants.
Mr McCaughan said the trouble had been going on for 10 years. The most recent attack was at the weekend when car tyres were slashed and a window broken.
"You can only take so much of this. I just find it very hard to cope with. My wife is devastated," he said.
"My wife this last few months has been absolutely tortured. Her car's been pelted with eggs, she's been given a lot of verbal abuse, and this is with her mother who is 84 and partially blind.

Apr 20, 2009 12:16 | Updated Apr 21, 2009 3:39
Anti-Semitic hate crimes rise sharply




April 13, 2009

Trend: Fired Thieves Sue for Negative References
The National Law Journal reports that, in the down economy, workplace defamation lawsuits are on the rise. "A bad reference, statements made in employee performance reviews, internal documents, termination meetings and conversations among managers and supervisors" are all potential grounds for defamation claims.

One former Staples manager, fired for violating the company's travel and expense policy, sued after the company circulated an email message explaining (truthfully) why he had been let go. Reversing summary judgment for the employer, the First Circuit ruled the suit could proceed.


BC security company calls workplace safety claims 'defamatory'
By Sean Casey December 17, 2008 06:00 pm

BC's largest security company has filed a defamation lawsuit against a union representing locked out security guards. Commissionaires BC said workplace safety claims made by the union were "defamatory and not supported by fact.



Consider the typical disgruntled employee’s complaints: poor working conditions, bad management, long hours, low pay, limited opportunities for advancement, and so forth


Couple, Their 3 Kids Found Dead in Maryland Home
By ALEX DOMINGUEZ Associated Press Writer
MIDDLETOWN, Md. April 19, 2009 (AP
A Maryland man who killed his wife and three children before fatally shooting himself left behind five notes, including an apology to family members and hints that he suffered from psychiatric problems, authorities said.

The local sheriff said there were also signs that the family had financial problems.

"I'm still sick to my stomach. Just to see it end so quickly is so devastating and makes you realize you never know what's going on in people's lives.


Moldova police face brutality allegations

The BBC has seen evidence of widespread police brutality in Moldova,

Eighteen year wait for parking permit

Friday 17 April 2009

People moving to the western edge of Amsterdam's Vondel park have to wait an average 18 years for a parking permit, the Parool reported on Friday.

In other parts of the borough of Oud-West the waiting time ranges from 18 months to seven years.

The council admits the wait is too long and plans to take steps, the paper says.
