


Donald Keene



It was terrible of some foreigners to fleet Japan, I thought: I thought it wrong to leave Japan in times of the troubles, after making money and building up the relationships with the local peopleーーThe opposite should be true.
The more I heard about the the devastation Tsunami brought about, the more I felt like going to Japan to live.







毎日新聞 2012年3月16日 2時34分

東電OL殺害事件 東京高検、有罪主張の意見書提出
2012.3.16 18:31





東電社員殺害、追加鑑定「無罪の証拠ない」 東京高検




再審請求受刑者とDNA一致 東電OL殺害事件




Jeremy Scahill: Obama after whistleblowers worldwide
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Published: 15 March, 2012

Lebanon cannot be 'civilised' while domestic workers are abused
Lebanon may have a liberal reputation, but its domestic workers suffer some of the worst discrimination in the Middle East

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Comments (21)

Nesrine Malik
guardian.co.uk, Friday 16 March 2012

No country in the Arab world is free from racial discrimination. But there is a perception, encouraged by the eagerness with which people in other countries, particularly Gulf ones, devour Beirut's cultural exports and standards of beauty, that the Lebanese are somehow superior to other Arabs in that they are more liberal, more occidental in inclination and above all else, much lighter-skinned and therefore more "attractive".


Diversity Training Doesn't Work
9:51 AM Monday March 12, 2012

A study of 829 companies over 31 years showed that diversity training had "no positive effects in the average workplace." Millions of dollars a year were spent on the training resulting in, well, nothing. Attitudes — and the diversity of the organizations — remained the same.

It gets worse. The researchers — Frank Dobbin of Harvard, Alexandra Kalev of Berkeley, and Erin Kelly of the University of Minnesota — concluded that "In firms where training is mandatory or emphasizes the threat of lawsuits, training actually has negative effects on management diversity."

Which shouldn't come as a surprise, actually. Anybody who has ever been scolded is familiar with the tendency to rebel against the scolding.

But it's deeper than that. When people divide into categories to illustrate the idea of diversity, it reinforces the idea of the categories.

Which, if you think about it, is the essential problem of prejudice in the first place. People aren't prejudiced against real people; they're prejudiced against categories. "Sure, John is gay," they'll say, "but he's not like other gays." Their problem isn't with John, but with gay people in general.

Categories are dehumanizing. They simplify the complexity of a human being. So focusing people on the categories increases their prejudice.

The solution? Instead of seeing people as categories, we need to see people as people. Stop training people to be more accepting of diversity. It's too conceptual, and it doesn't work.

Move beyond similarity and diversity to individuality. Help them see John, not as a gay white man, but as John. Yes, John may be gay and white and a man. But he's so much more than that.

Don't reinforce his labels, which only serve to stereotype him. Reveal his singularity. Don't ask: What are the dreams of a gay white man. Ask: What are John's dreams? What does he hate? What are his passions?

多様性訓練の失敗  個人ベースで


The Gujarat massacre: New India's blood rite
Ten years on, we need to consider the links between the anti-Muslim pogrom of 2002 and economic globalisation

インド 反イスラム

Cyprus racism in the spotlight
The trial of Doros Polycarpou, Cyprus's key anti-racism activist, implies the far-right has the support of the authorities

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Comments (62)

James Mackay
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 13 March 2012 11.37 GMT

Article history
On 13 March, a Larnaca court in Cyprus will hear closing arguments in the trial of anti-racism activist Doros Polycarpou on charges of rioting. The court case raises several wider questions about the Cypriot authorities' attitude to a growing number of far-right groups. It also troublingly implies that the country's authorities may be using the judicial process to shut down protest.

Cyprus has, in only two decades, become one of the most diverse populations in the EU, thanks mainly to a change in labour laws in the early 1990s. Foreign-born workers make up around 20% of the total workforce. Third-country nationals – people from outside the EU – are overwhelmingly employed as domestic and care workers and unskilled agricultural labour. These sectors have much lower minimum wages than other forms of employment – domestic workers are paid on average €326 (£274) a month, for example – and workers enjoy little in the way of legal protection of their rights against exploitation.

Predictably Cypriot nationals mostly avoid these jobs, now overwhelmingly carried out by guest workers on temporary visas. The result ha,s created an identifiable underclass, one that is often the target of racial abuse or even physical attacks, as well as pervasive prejudice from employers, landlords and government employees. In these recessionary times, these groups have also been targeted by populist politicians and by new far-right groups such as the National Popular Front (ELAM) – whose imagery needs no very deep analysis.

EU 差別 右傾化 EU外人


4号機原子炉を初調査 水中カメラで内部撮影






印刷 14

買って登記せぬ土地「10年占有で抵当権消滅」 最高裁





2012.3.11 12:00

尾野真千子 CM キリン 濃い味<糖質0> 愛情ごまごまバーグ篇
