

Comfort Woman Statue Erected Outside of Japanese Embassy in Seoul

14 December 2011 Last updated at 18:13 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Korea 'comfort women' put up statue at landmark rally

Many Koreans feel that Japan has not done enough to make amends to the "comfort women"
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S Korea WWII sex slave row continues
Dark past haunts South Korea and Japan
South Korean women kept as sex slaves by the Japanese army during World War II have held their 1,000th rally outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul.

A group of the women and their supporters unveiled a statue of a girl in traditional costume there.

Demonstrators have rallied since 1992 outside the embassy to demand an apology and compensation from Japan.

Japan has repeatedly apologised and has offered lump-sum compensation, but many Koreans say this is not enough.

Japan also says the matter was settled in bilateral agreements with South Korea in the 1960s.

Up to 200,000 women are thought to have worked as sex slaves for the Japanese army in military camps before and during the war.


BBCアジア版、韓国に慰安婦像立つ。bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi… /「日本は何度も謝罪をし、補償もしたが、韓国人の多くは納得していない」、この一行が実は新しい。これまでは日本は一度も謝罪してないという印象を与える論調だったので。
1時間前 webから

Among the countries that exploited women as sex slaves during the war, such as Germany during WWⅡ, Korea and the U.S. during Korean War and during the Vietnam war, Japan is the only country that has repeatedly apologised and has offered lump-sum compensation



慰安婦像② いま、国際的に謝罪はトレンド。50年前、100年前の虐待や虐殺への謝罪が増加中。この間もオランダがインドネシアに謝罪してたような(しらべるのがめんどうくさい) 被害国の経済政治的成長と関係しているんだろう。謝罪は恥ずかしくない。やったことを認められない方が恥ずかしい。
1時間前 webから











Tokyo Podcast 10: Hafu Film






Derek Jeter: Racism 'Taught Me a Lot'
Jeter is one of Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating People of 2011.
01:18 | 12/13/2011

Your father was black and your mother was white......Did you see or experience racism?

No question, you go to places and you get stares,......something didn't seem right.



Racial Identity Important After Adoption
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Staff infoZine
By Hope Rurik

Jane Jeong Trenka, adopted from South Korea as an infant in 1972, has been outspoken on the issues parents need to consider when they adopt since writing her first book, “The Language of Blood.”

Although she no longer talks about her experience, her memoir details her life growing up in rural Minnesota, where her adoptive father mocked her Asian boyfriends, where her parents wouldn’t listen to her talk about the struggle of being different in a white community and where she would later know that she and her sister were second choice to a Caucasian boy – a commodity in adoption.

She was so unaccustomed to seeing Asian faces that she was constantly surprised by her appearance when she saw her own reflection.

Trenka now lives in South Korea, as do about 500 other adoptees who made the decision to relocate. Some stay for a few years, but others, including Trenka, stay indefinitely.




Mainstream media hypocrisy? OWS vs. Moscow protests on TV
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Published: 15 December, 2011

Double standards in journalism were once embarrassing. They now tend to be increasingly mainstream. Demonstrators in the US have been presented in the media largely as a margin of American society. In Russia, a sea of flags carried by truly radical nationalist groups – ignored and gone without explanation.
“Here we have the news media playing up the Russian protests, and playing down American protests that are still underway,” said blogger and media critic Danny Schechter.

“Protesters against foreign countries, particularly countries that are political and economic rivals, to the United States – are always good. Protesters in our country who are against the American system, are usually bad. That’s the construct the media begins with,” said editorial columnist and author Ted Rall.


15 December 2011 Last updated at 00:12 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Far-right scents opportunity in euro crisis
By Anna Holligan
BBC News, The Hague

via mozu

'No longer my country'
Geert Tomlow has been friends with the PVV leader for years and was himself a member of the Freedom Party until he was kicked out after calling for a more democratic party structure. He explains why voters are turning to the party:

"The feeling is that this is not my country any more. I have a foreign coin, I see foreign people. That's the emotion and that's what Wilders is saying: 'Come to me, I'm daddy!'''


Sex on Toronto subway draws lewdness charges
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日曜の昼下がり、トロント地下鉄で起きたトンデモ事件。カップルが車内でセックスを始め地下鉄緊急停止。バカップルはプラットホームに場所を移して続きを…。>Sex on Toronto subway draws lewdness charges soc.li/UYFBBVB


1歳児を10階から投げ落としか 東京・江東、父逮捕へ



Professor: Media altering perception of Native Americans
10:00 PM, Dec. 13, 2011

Sanchez told about 270 attendees gathered at the Great Northern Hotel that much work needs to be done to combat the deeply ingrained stereotypes and misconceptions about Native American culture that pervade most non-Native societies.

One of the primary forces preserving and reinforcing misconceptions about Native American culture and identity is the mass media, Sanchez said.

"Mainstream Americans falsely believe that American Indians are completely assimilated into the dominant culture to the point that they are invisible, or they believe that American Indians are extinct," Sanchez said.

He conducted an extensive study of the way Native Americans and Native American issues were framed by the "big three" television networks — ABC, CBS and NBC — between 1990 and 1999. He said that during that timeframe the three networks produced 175,889 news reports. Of those, a combined total of 98 reports were about Native Americans or Native American issues.

Sanchez said the majority of those stories were framed by stereotypical 18th century imagery, such as Native Americans in buckskin clothing riding horses and wearing traditional headdresses.

"Why is that important? Because it makes people believe American Indians haven't progressed," Sanchez said.

Sanchez said the least common type of story were those representing 21st century Native Americans in a positive light.

"American Indian identity is very important in the 21st century. We are everywhere, and we do a myriad of things," Sanchez said. "There is no such thing as Indian Country, because there is no one place you can point to and say, 'That's how Indians really are.' We're all over."

アメリカンインディアン 先住民

DECEMBER 15, 2011 · 6:51 AM
Case Of Anti-White Racism On Trial In France

As protesters massed outside, the spokeswoman for a movement representing immigrants from France’s former colonies went on trial Wednesday for allegedly insulting white French in what may be the first anti-white racism case in France.

The verdict, expected Jan. 25, may turn on a hyphen.

The trial grew out of a legal complaint from a far-right group, the General Alliance Against Racism and Respect for French and Christian Identity, Agrif, against Houria Bouteldja for using a word she invented to refer to white French that she claims was misconstrued.

She was charged with “racial injury” and, if convicted, risks up to six months in prison and a maximum euro25,000 ($32,500) fine, though courts usually issue far lighter sentences.

Bouteldja, of the movement Indigenes of the Republic, called native white French “souchiens” in a TV interview. The word derives from “souche,” or stock, as native white French are commonly called, but could sound like a hyphenated word meaning “lower than a dog.”

[Source: Associated Press]

フランス 対”白人”差別