

OCTOBER 27, 2011 · 7:07 AM
92% Stopped, Frisked In Bronx Are Black Or Hispanic

This outfit, Willie Hazzard says, makes him a target for cops to stop and frisk him – something which he says has happened 17 times since he moved to Soundview two years ago.

None of the encounters resulted in arrest, he said.

The NYPD stop-and-frisk policy has recently come under fire again after a Staten Island cop was charged with falsely arresting a black man following a stop and then bragging on tape, “I fried another n—–.”

The case prompted protests at stationhouses and calls for a federal investigation into the police tactic, which was used 362,150 times in the city in the first six months of this year – predominantly on black and Hispanic males.

There were 22,365 people stopped, questioned and frisked in the Bronx between April 1 and June 30 – the latest figures available – according to a quarterly report released by the NYPD, with 2,876 of the Bronx stops resulting in arrests or summonses.

Ninety-one percent of the people stopped in the Bronx were male, and 92% of those stopped were black or Hispanic.

The NYPD maintains that the controversial policy is a crime deterrent.

The Daily News conducted a random survey of 20 men of color, ranging in age from 14 to 35, in three Bronx neighborhoods – Soundview, Fordham, and The Hub. Nine said they had been stopped and frisked by police at least once.

A resounding complaint was that cops patrolling apartment buildings ask to see entrants’ keys or IDs to make sure they are residents.

“I was putting the key into the front door of my building and they stopped me, asked who I am and I had to show them my ID,” Rob Gomez, 21, said of a recent stop he was involved in as he entered his building on E. 143rd St.

Landlords of private residential buildings can ask officers to conduct drug sweeps in buildings through the Operation Clean Halls program.

“People have a right to live in safe buildings and neighborhoods, but this is not police protection – this is police intrusion,” said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.

“It’s pure harassment to put people into the system [putting their names on file via stop-and-frisk forms] who haven’t done anything wrong.”

The NYPD says the practice is backed by a state criminal procedure law – allowing an officer to stop a person reasonably believed to have committed or about to commit a crime.

Dressed in baggy jeans, a T-shirt and baseball cap, a 17-year-old Fordham teen said he has been stopped “at least 10 times” around his neighborhood.

“They ask you, ‘What you doin’?’ and they say I look suspect,” said the teen, whose name is being withheld by The News.

“I just got stopped last month just for walking to my building – they checked my pockets and everything. It’s illegal – they shouldn’t be doing it.”

Yet according to court records, he pleaded guilty last month to criminal possession of a weapon – a switchblade that cops found on him.

Just six blocks away from where Hazzard walked, cops fired 41 shots at an unarmed Amadou Diallo in 1999, killing him as he reached for his wallet. The case spurred allegations that stop-and-frisks are racially motivated.

That incident comes to Hazzard’s mind when cops halt him.

“Now, I just assume the position and drop my wallet on the ground because I don’t want to get hit 41 times,” he said.


OCTOBER 27, 2011 · 7:06 AM
Wisconsin Landlord Sued For Refusing To Rent To Black Couple

The U.S. Department of Justice is suing a La Crosse apartment complex and its manager, alleging racial discrimination.

The lawsuit alleges that the manager of Geneva Terrace Apartments told prospective African-American renters that apartments were not available while telling prospective white renters that apartments were available.

The complaint alleges that in 2009 and 2010, manager Nicolai Quinn told an African-American couple interested in renting an apartment in Geneva Terrace that no apartments were available — even though the complex had posted a sign advertising vacancies.

The couple asked a white friend to contact the complex, and Quinn allegedly told the white friend he had apartments available.

Ron Stadler, a Milwaukee attorney for Geneva Terrace and Quinn, denies the allegations and says the defendants welcome the opportunity to clear their names.

OCTOBER 27, 2011 · 7:05 AM
Over 40% Of Participants In Finnish Newspaper Poll Say They Have Been Targets Of Racism

Members of ethnic minorities in Finland have many stories of racism to tell. As part of its street poll, Helsingin Sanomat spoke to 100 people who gave praise to their host country but also revealed the flip side.

‘I was in Imatra at a cash machine when someone came up to me and asked why I was here before punching me in the face.’

Nepalese student Chhabin Pokhrel, 25, had lived in Finland for three weeks when he got a taste of his host country’s dark side. Four years later he’s ready to say that the Finns are quite a racist nation.

A good 400 kilometres to the west, Amrin Babay, a 29-year-old cleaner living in Turku, and his whole family became a target for their racist tormentor.

‘I encountered racism for the first time in my life in Finland, even though I have lived in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan,’ says Babay.

Of those people Helsingin Sanomat spoke to, 43 said that they’d been the target of racist behaviour.

Fifty-seven said that they hadn’t personally encountered racism.

Thirty-four said they completely agreed or partially agreed with the statement ‘Finns are racists’. Of those people who were interviewed, 60 completely or partially disagreed.”


Racist language still used by our generation

By Spencer Lindsay
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 4:18 p.m.
Updated Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:35:29 p.m.
While I was eating breakfast at my dining commons last week, I heard something that offended me — I noticed people at the table in front of me were trying to sound funny by impersonating a “black” manner of speaking. No one at the table was anywhere close to black. As I listened to more and more of their conversation, I grew more and more outraged. They began to say things like “You shouldn’t take that shit from no bitch, backhand her ass” and “you don’t want to mess with me, ‘cause I will fuck you up.” I am not a man that is easily offended, but this offended me deeply.

Pundits have predicted that our generation will be less racially divided than generations past, but when I hear some things my peers say, I am not so certain. Some white people will spew this kind of offensive crap while impersonating black people, yet will often use the line “you’re playing the race card” in political debates. Some will use the N-word, but shrug off any debate over the implications of the word as “reverse racism.” Some even base their political and social opinions on gross stereotypes of entire races, classes or sects of people.


Overcoming racism in Seattle rentals
The first step toward treating a disease is to have an accurate diagnosis. That goes for most problems or challenges. If you can't diagnose a problem, or worse, you don't recognize it exists, it will persist. So here we are in 2011 and landlords in Seattle are still discriminating against prospective tenants who are black.

Jerry Large
Seattle Times staff columnist

The first step toward treating a disease is to have an accurate diagnosis.

That goes for most problems or challenges. If you can't diagnose a problem, or worse, you don't recognize it exists, it will persist.

So here we are in 2011 and landlords in Seattle are still discriminating against prospective tenants who are black.

What we are seeing is not the hate-filled racism so common when I was young, but unequal treatment that springs from flawed thinking.

In case you missed it, The Times reported Saturday on a test of bias in rental housing in Seattle.

The study was done for the city's Office of Civil Rights and found indications of bias against black people and in favor of white people in 69 percent of the rentals tested.

There's a professor at Central Washington University, whose work I've mentioned before, Key Sun.

He's written that one reason for the persistence of these biases is that we treat bias as a moral failing, when often it is instead a "manifestation of cognitive distortions."

Our heads are full of images and information from media and other sources that paint black people in particular in negative ways, with not much on the positive side to balance the ledger.

He cites research that 15 percent of U.S. drug users are black, but 50 percent of network news stories on drugs focus on black people.

And he writes that people make another error. They mess up the math, assuming negative statistics that apply to some black people apply to every black person.

More than 80 percent of serial killers are white males, but no one would assume 80 percent of white males are serial killers.

What seems to be hard for people is to assess each person who shows up to apply for a job or an apartment as an individual.

Awareness is the first step toward being able to do that, which is why the city did the rent study.

There are people who don't want equality, but Bronstein believes most of us do, "and the only way we can get there is to acknowledge where we are," he said, not to feel guilty, but to make a change.


Issue: 2275 dated: 29 October 2011 News online only
posted: 5.45pm Tue 25 Oct 2011

Turkey: Earthquake highlights oppression of Kurdish minority

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by Ron Margulies in Istanbul

This week an earthquake has killed hundreds in south-eastern Turkey, in and around the Kurdish town of Van.

This is a very poor part of the country. The town’s population has swollen in the past 20 years from a few hundred thousand to well over a million, as a result of the war between the Kurdish national movement and the Turkish army. Peasants from the surrounding countryside have flooded in to escape the war and to search for work.

The creaking infrastructure cannot cope, and there are no jobs.

When I visited two years ago there were ramshackle, poorly-built buildings everywhere—even in the town centre. One newspaper has reported that none of the 10 sellers of ready-mix concrete in the town hold the necessary official quality certificates.

It is these buildings, inhabited by the poorest, which collapsed when the earthquake hit. They include a student hall of residence. So far, the official death toll is 366 and this is expected to rise.

The earthquake hit in the middle of extensive military operations by the Turkish army against the Kurdish PKK.

The fighting has been intense for the past two months, with dozens dead on both sides. It was revealed at the beginning of the summer that the Turkish state and PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan had been holding talks and negotiations for the previous five years. Clearly these have now broken down.

In recent weeks the PKK has been reminding the state that there is no military solution, that the PKK cannot be defeated by arms. Last week, 25 Turkish troops were killed in one day. The army’s response, as always, has been to wage further war, blindly and needlessly causing further bloodshed.

政府の対応に遅れ クルド系との溝浮き彫り 死者は500人超


ssue: 2275 dated: 29 October 2011 News
posted: 5.45pm Tue 25 Oct 2011

A history of racism against travelling people

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Bailiffs were sent to evict Travellers from Dale Farm

Residents look on as scores of riot police and bailiffs begin dismantling their site

Travellers have faced racism for centuries. As early as the 16th century, laws were passed in England expelling so called “Egyptians” or Gypsies.

Roma Gypsies were expelled from many other European countries too.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, several European governments tried to force Travellers to “assimilate”. In some cases, they took Traveller children away and placed them in non-Traveller families.

Adolf Hitler’s Nazis murdered up to half a million Gypsies in the Holocaust during the Second World War.

This anti-Traveller racism remains strong to this day. Travellers are more likely to die earlier, to live in poverty, and to have worse health and education than settled people.


Basildon council leader Tony Ball justified his vendetta against the Dale Farm Travellers by referring to “the law”. But the law systematically discriminates against Travellers.

So, Travellers at Dale Farm had applied time and time again for planning permission, only to be continually refused. More than 90 percent of Traveller applications are refused in the first instance.

And for all their talk of “obeying the law”, last week’s eviction was a graphic reminder of how police and councils can simply disregard the law when it suits them.

A judicial ruling had specified that certain plots, along with gates, fences and walls, could remain. But police smashed in a fence when they entered the site. One Traveller said police had kicked her fence in too.

The ruling also said that the council had to provide electricity to the legal plots during an eviction. For at least some of the time, it failed to do so.

Mary, one of the Travellers, told Socialist Worker of her shock at the level of racism she faced. “I saw lots of other councils on the news digging trenches to stop us coming onto their land,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it. We’re not a different species—we’re human beings.”

Tories make life harder

“You’re Travellers—so why don’t you travel?” The mainstream media has slung this question at the Dale Farm Travellers time after time during their eviction. It wilfully ignores the real obstacles that Travellers face.

A series of laws has made travelling much harder. There are far fewer legal sites that they can move to.

And living “on the road” no longer an option—even if Travellers did want to do this—because the police would simply move them on.

The Tory’s 1994 Criminal Justice Act removed the responsibility of councils to provide sites for Travellers.

The government encouraged Travellers to buy their own land—which is precisely what Dale Farm Travellers did. Now they are getting blamed for it.

Labour’s 2004 Housing Act obliged councils to provide Traveller sites. But many failed to do so. Money set aside for providing legal sites was spent elsewhere.

The Tories have set about making life even harder for Travellers. They have scrapped a programme of grants for sites and revoked the rules requiring councils to provide for Travellers.

Dale Farm residents weren’t against moving. They tried to move to nearby land, but these offers were rejected by the council.

The Travellers want to go somewhere where they can live together, not be isolated in scattered houses.

They aren’t against travelling. The problem is there’s nowhere to travel to


Recently, I became acquainted with a young woman from Japan. She married an American, and was living in Japan, but about a year ago, due to her husband's job, she moved to the United States. She described her impression of the United States as follows: "When I lived in Japan, our American friends were very friendly, initiating conversation by asking 'How are you?' and inviting people to parties. So I thought America was a place where I could have human relationships that were cheerful and fun. But the reality is different. True, everyone greets everyone, and I get invited to parties, but not to become any closer than that. I'm lonely here because I don't have someone who is willing to listen to my private matters."

It seems to me that Japanese people tend to make groups, seeking solidarity with others within the group. Eventually, the concept of "us" (insider=uchi) and "them" (outsider=soto) emerges. Even if a Japanese person isn't so conscious of this, they tend to use this uchi/soto distinction quite a bit.

From birth, a Japanese will belong to many groups, starting with family, then their school class, various clubs, and eventually their workplace. Each Japanese person, individually, has many overlapping group circles, and within those groups, they cooperate to achieve goals, enjoy each other's company, sharing in the joys of success and suffering the pain of despair. Whatever their problem, whether it is relationship-related, or a spiritual/moral dilemma, it is easy to find someone to listen to you because these are people who share the same thought process nurtured by a common background. Sometimes, just being listened to is all it takes to feel better.

In contrast, groups that Americans form tend to be transient: When the activity is over, the group disperses, returning to being individuals. Unlike the Japanese, these groups usually do not become social cliques in themselves, and members tend not to get involved in the lives of others, and tend not to share their personal issues. For such support, people go to specialized family counselors, marriage counselors, or a support group, the numerous examples of which cover every conceivable subject, including alcoholism and domestic abuse.

If a Japanese person tries to interact with Americans in the uchi (insider) sense, they perceive the noncommittal attitude they receive from Americans as a rejection, and feel lonely. In addition, Japanese people are frequently not used to solving problems independently. In contrasting the two cultures there are different lines drawn between privacy and friendship.

In a previous column I stated that, historically, Japanese values were centered on pride, honor and discipline, and were based on morals that put "trust" first and foremost, leading to mutual respect over time, and becoming a building-block for survival in a group-oriented society.

However, as Japanese society became more prosperous, instead of seeking the traditional tenets of "pride, honor and discipline," people began to desire fame and fortune. In today's Japan, as a result of this shift, ethics have begun to change, but the culture that puts group activity at its core has remained, with complicated implications, especially in the workplace.

It is fine to value "saving face" as long as actions remain within the realm of white lies. But if one's subordinates or even supervisor are doing something unlawful, the group dynamic becomes quite complicated. It is hard for the Japanese to speak up as it may lead to loss of face for the whole organization.

To break the trust of the group, and cause shame for the supervisor, as it leads to the loss of security for the self, is hard for a Japanese to do. As a consequence, Japanese people can be very reluctant to become "whistle-blowers."

In addition, bringing out problems of uchi to soto is taboo, so even if the whistle-blower's actions are justifiable, he or she will be persecuted within the organization. Therefore, evildoings within an organization remain secret for a long time, which might be a reason why corporate scandals in Japan remain underground until they become so large that the corruption of the "uchi" spills over to "soto." Corrective action within Japanese organizations, therefore, can be very difficult.

Amid the forces of globalization, contemporary Japan is experiencing the collision of values embedded in the more traditional "group society" and the Western "individualistic society." Today, Japan seems unable to decide between the two, and as a result, is experiencing the worst of both. For example, both the education ministry and the public school curriculum assert that they respect individualism, but in reality, it is a system that still values "wa."

Even if students want to assert their individuality, they cannot--if students assert themselves, they break the unwritten rules of maintaining "wa," and if they value "wa," they become dissatisfied with the contradictions that society enforces. While people are inundated with information that touts individualism through the mass media and on the Internet, the people who are in the position of power in this society have not changed from the traditional "group society" framework.

As a consequence, the younger generation of Japanese seem to be unsure on two fronts: unsure whether they can live without the security, in both psychological and real terms, that comes with valuing the tenets of "wa" or "group society," and at the same time, unsure whether or not they can embrace individualism. Perhaps this is why some of them end up becoming NEETs--people who are not in education, employment or training.

Despite 60 years of democracy following the conclusion of the World War II, the Japanese are still unable to digest the concept of individualism and freedom. In addition, the Japanese have given up trying to convey the historical values system that stresses pride, honor and discipline to the next generation. Today's Japanese, having lost their emotional compass, have become unable to distinguish the difference between good and evil, which is why I think we have seen a rise in corporate scandals and crimes in recent years.

Manes resides in Philadelphia and teaches Japanese at Bucks and Montgomery county community colleges. She is the author of "Culture Shock of Mind."



US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality
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Published: 26 October, 2011

Google has been asked by a US law enforcement agency to remove several videos exposing police brutality from the video sharing service YouTube, the company has revealed in its latest update to an online transparency report.
Another request filed by a different agency required Google to remove videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials. The two requests were among 92 submissions for content removal by various authorities in the US filed between January and June 2011. Both were rejected by Google along with 27 per cent of the submissions.


US uranium to blame for deformed babies in Fallujah?
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Published: 25 October, 2011

A London court is set to hear a case involving the alleged use of uranium-enhanced weapons by US-led forces in the deadly 2004 battle for Fallujah. Some say it is the cause of horrific birth defects and congenital diseases in the Iraqi city.


Former Goldman Sachs exec surrenders to FBI
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Published: 26 October, 2011,

nly half-a-minute after a 2008 Goldman Sachs board meeting, Rajat Gupta got out his phone and dialed Raj Rajaratnam. The next morning, his pal sold his stake in the company, saving millions of dollars before they suffered their first quarterly loss.
Three years later, Gupta surrendered to federal authorities this week as he faces charges relating to the insider trading cases that caused his wealthy associate to avoid a financial disaster at the dawn of the Great Recession. The correspondence between the two, attest prosecutors, allowed the men and their associations to benefit immensely off the stock market, making tens of millions of dollars through illegal talks. Rajaratnam was already sentenced earlier this month for his involvement in improper trades, which has earned him 11 years in prison.
Gupta, who had a guest spot at President Barack Obama’s first state dinner, was first lobbied with civil fraud charges courtesy of the Securities and Exchange Commissioner back in March. Charges were later dropped however, pending further investigation. In the meantime, Gupta resigned from several high-profile corporate boards, including Procter & Gamble. With five counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit coming from a grand jury this morning, Gupta’s legal woes are back, however, and worse than ever.
Should Gupta, 62, be convicted of the five counts of security fraud, he stands to receive a maximum of 100 years in prison.
Authorities allege that Gupta stood to gain from the loss that should have been for Rajaratnam. Together the pair was involved in a series of businesses partnerships together, including one private equity fund that was co-founded by the men. Prosecutors say that had Rajartnam not followed Gupta’s advice, his groups stood to lose upwards of $23 million.
"Rajat Gupta was entrusted by some of the premier institutions of American business to sit inside their boardrooms, among their executives and directors, and receive their confidential information so that he could give advice and counsel for the benefit of their shareholders,” Manhattan US attorney Preet Bharara says in a statement. “As alleged, he broke that trust and instead became the illegal eyes and ears in the boardroom for his friend and business associate, Raj Rajaratnam, who reaped enormous profits from Mr. Gupta's breach of duty."

Rajat Gupta Arrest: Five More Cases of Insider Trading
By Roland Li | October 26, 2011 4:52 PM EDT
Rajat Gupta's arrest is the latest in the unscrupulous world of insider trading. Here are five more recent cases:

In perhaps the most infamous case, the media magnate Martha Stewart was indicted on nine counts related to insider trading. In a highly publicized trial, she was not convicted of insider trading, but still was found guilty of securities fraud and obstruction of justice, which lead to her resignation from the company that bears her name. She had sold 3,928 shares of ImClone Systems stock in 2001, thus avoiding a $45,673 loss, thanks to a tip from Peter Bacanovic of Merrill Lynch. Stewart served five months in prison and was monitored afterwards, also paying a fine of $30,000. She made a comeback in 2005 and returned to head "Martha Stewart Living."
Christopher Balkenhol, May 2007

Balkenhol, a former vice president at Oracle Corp., agreed on a $198,000 cash settlement after allegations of insider trading. Balkenhol's wife, Carolyn, also worked at Oracle as a secretary to CEO Larry Ellison, where she scheduled meetings with other companies. Christopher would buy $448,000 of shares in one target company, Siebel Systems Inc., and made $82,000 in profits after Oracle targeted it. In another case, he bought $85,000 in shares of Retek Inc. and made a $15,000 profit. As part of an agreement with the SEC, the Balkenhols did not have to admit wrongdoing and avoided a trip to court.

Hafiz Naseem, May 2007

Naseem worked at the energy desk of the Swiss firm, Credit Suisse, where he leaked deals that included a $32 billion bid for Texas company TXU Corp. The trades made over $7.5 million, according to authorities. Naseem, a Pakistani native, called bankers in the area about deals involving Hydril Co., Trammell Crow Co., John H. Harland Co., Energy Partners Ltd., Veritas DGC Inc., Jacuzzi Brands Inc., Caremark Rx Inc. and NorthWestern Corp. Ultimately, he received a 10 year jail sentence in May 2008, just a few months before the economic crisis.

Matthew Devlin, December 2008

Devlin, a former broker at now defunct firm Lehman Brothers, gained insight into mergers through his wife, who worked at a big publicity firm. The firm earned $4.8 million in profits for a group, and Devlin received gifts that included a Cartier watch, widescreen television and a stint at a Porsche Driving School. His wife, Nina, was not charged, but others involved -- including a former Playboy model -- were also charged. In September 2009, Frederick Bowers, another Lehman broker involved, was sentenced to 2,000 hours of commuity service, a $15,000 fine and made to forfeit $12,000.

Igor Poteroba, March 2010

Poteroba, a UBS AG investment banker, confessed to insider trading after being arrested for leaking merger tips to friends, using code words like "frequent flyer miles" and references to Macy's. In total, he was involved with six firms, Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc., Molecular Devices Corp., PharmaNet Development Group Inc., Via Cell Inc., Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Indevus Pharmaceuticals Inc., and made almost $1 million, and had bail set at $5 million. Poteroba bought a $1.4 million home in Connecticut. This March, Poteroba was sentenced to 22 months in prison and fined $25,000, on top of forfeiting $465,000, which he made while trading. He is likely to be deported to his native Russia.


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Corruption Perceptions Index

Japan 17

UK  20

US  22

France 25

Spain 30

Immunity and impunity in elite America
The top one per cent of US society is enjoying a two-tiered system of justice and politics.
Glenn Greenwald Last Modified: 27


OCTOBER 28, 2011 · 8:00 AM
Update: No Charges To Be Filed Against Organizers Of Swedish ‘Slave Auction’

Two student unions at Lund University in southern Sweden reportedly held a party over the weekend which featured the sale of “slaves” complete with blackened faces and ropes around their necks.

The National Afro-Swedish Association reported the Halland and Helsingkrona unions to the police after exposing the unions’ so-called “jungle” parties.

The “slave auction” took place on Saturday at a party organised at Halland student union. Three people with blackened faces and ropes around their necks were lead into the union by a “slave trader”.

The “slaves” were then sold during the course of the evening and the party moved on to Helsingkrona union.

Jallow said that he doubts the incident is based on a lack of knowledge about the slave trade and Sweden’s role in the sale of human beings from Africa.

“This is not a bunch of skinheads. This is the elite. Lund’s students – some of the best educated in Sweden,” he said.

Jallow argued that the parties are symptomatic of the challenges faced by African immigrants in southern Sweden.

“This racism is becoming all too common. Of course it is irritating. They (the unions) claim it was a joke but this is based on the attitudes that people from Africa or have dark skin are of lower value.”

仮装パーティー 奴隷

The Racial Gap in Marriage: How the Institution Is Tied to Inequality

OCT 27 2011, 10:04 AM ET 80
Those who are best positioned economically to live without a partner or to have a child without being married are the least likely to do so

In her engagingly written Atlantic cover story, Kate Bolick examines the rise of single women as a result of the decline of men. From her own experience she glimpses in men's unfortunate economic struggles a hopeful opportunity for women: to reassess the primacy of marriage, in their own lives and as a cultural ideal, and to embrace their freedom to thrive as single women, without any need or desire for a husband.

However onerous the restrictions of marriage, its primary social effect now is to exacerbate the already wide socioeconomic disparities that understandably trouble so many Americans.

During the past few decades, marriage has become more associated with socioeconomic status than perhaps at any other time in American history. Marriage has declined substantially among poor people of all races, who are both less likely to marry and more likely to divorce than their counterparts from earlier eras. Meanwhile, the affluent and highly educated are more likely to marry (even if a bit later in life than in earlier eras) and less likely to divorce than their less advantaged counterparts. While college-educated parents tend to delay childbearing until after marriage, less educated women often have children without the benefit of marriage. Indeed, University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus has found that among white women who have their first child in their early 20s -- which college educated white women tend not to do -- fully 60 percent of those mothers are unmarried when their child is born.

The irony here is that those who are best positioned economically to live without a partner or to have a child without being married are the least likely to choose to do so. Among men, the more a man earns, the more likely he is to be married. Among women, what used to be known as the marriage penalty -- a reference to the fact that greater education was associated with lower marriage rates -- has steadily eroded. Now, college-educated women are more likely than their less educated peers to marry and stay married. Economically secure, college-educated men and women may not need marriage, but most of them want it.

結婚 経済格差 所得格差

Adolf Hitler's parents deny they're racist
From: news.com.au October 28, 2011

HEATH and Deborah Campbell have three children - two of whom are named Adolf Hitler, 5, and Aryan Nation, 3.

They insist they aren't racist - they just like the names.

Heath and Deborah Campbell have covered their house in swastikas and have swastika tattoos.

But still, they insist they aren't racist - they just like swastikas.

What Heath and Deborah Campbell aren't anymore are parents after a court found there was sufficient evidence of neglect and abuse to take the children into care.

The couple, from New Jersey, in the US, were reported to authorities after they asked a bakery to make a cake with Adolf's name on it.

They claim the court has taken away their children because of their names.

"The judge and Division of Youth and Family Services told us that there was no evidence of abuse and that it was the names. They were taken over the children's names," Mr Campbell said.


NYPD keeps secret files on Muslims who change their names to sound more American: report

Wednesday, October 26th 2011,

NEW YORK -- Muslims who change their names to sound more traditionally American, as immigrants have done for generations, or who adopt Arabic names as a sign of their faith are often investigated and catalogued in secret New York Police Department intelligence files, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The NYPD monitors everyone in the city who changes his or her name, according to internal police documents and interviews. For those whose names sound Arabic or might be from Muslim countries, police run comprehensive background checks that include reviewing travel records, criminal histories, business licenses and immigration documents. All this is recorded in police databases for supervisors, who review the names and select a handful of people for police to visit.

The program was conceived as a tripwire for police in the difficult hunt for homegrown terrorists, where there are no widely agreed upon warning signs. Like other NYPD intelligence programs created in the past decade, this one involved monitoring behavior protected by the First Amendment.


OCTOBER 28, 2011 · 8:29 AM

Lawsuit Alleges Chicago Police Slower To Respond In Hispanic & Black Areas

The American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois recently filed a lawsuit against the city of Chicago in Cook County Circuit Court alleging that response times to emergency calls in high-crime areas of the city with larger black and Hispanic populations are slower than in white-majority areas, thus violating the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003.

The lawsuit, filed Oct. 27, is being brought under the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003 which makes it unlawful for government to provide services in a manner that has a disparate negative effect on any racial group.

Suing on behalf of themselves and the Central Austin Neighborhood Association, a Chicago community group, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) alleges that the city’s minority neighborhoods have a disproportionately low number of officers than white districts.

Harvey Grossman, legal director for the ACLU of Illinois, said the longtime pattern of ignoring 911 calls from minority communities has gone on too long and needs to end immediately.

It is widely known that 911 calls are more likely to go without response in minority neighborhoods when compared to white neighborhoods,” explained Grossman. “For too long, the city has hoarded the information that would have revealed the full scope of this problem. Now that we are seeing data, it is time to take definitive steps to correct the problem.”
