
朝日新聞デジタル おくやみ・訃報 記事2012年4月25日20時55分 東郷健さん死去 「雑民党」率い同性愛差別撤廃を訴える
 「雑民党」を率い、同性愛者への差別撤廃などを訴えた東郷健(とうごう・けん)さんが、1日に亡くなっていたことがわかった。79歳だった。葬儀は近親者で行った。  東京都新宿区でバーを経営し、ゲイ雑誌の編集長も務めた。「ゲイのカリスマ」とも言われ、雑民党代表として参院選や東京都知事選に立候補。1983年には政見放送で差別用語を使い、NHKが削除したことについて裁判を起こし、論議を呼んだ。
伝説の東京都知事選の 立候補者東郷健の政見放送 社説:追加金融緩和 弊害の深刻さ見誤るな 毎日新聞 2012年04月26日
まず、次なるバブルの危険性だ。 もう一つの大きな弊害は、依存症がさまざまな問題解決の先送りを助長 追加緩和を唱える人の中には、「弊害の心配より、まずデフレ脱却だ」との主張もあろう。だが、過去10年余りの物価下落率は年平均0・2%程度と緩やかなものだ。さらに大事な点は、このところマイナスからプラスに転じてきたという「傾向」である。
Anders Behring Breivik says insanity report is lies
Breivik said his position was "entirely logical". There was "not the slightest possibility I will be judged insane".
If so he could face 21 years in jail, which can be extended if he is thought a continuing danger to society. He would face compulsory psychiatric care if found insane.
刑期が延びるのでは、刑法の自由保障が機能しているとはいえまい。 US taxpayers shelling out billions for faulty weapons Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 25 April, 2012 Apr 24, 2012 12:52pm Watchdog: Pentagon Buys Weapons Backwards ベトナム人留学生の母の医療費支援を呼び掛け 高額医療の苦しさ理解を 2012.3.1 16:46 [マネー&節約]  
大阪大学のベトナム人留学生、グエン・ティ・ランさん(37)の子供の世話のため来日後、くも膜下出血で倒れ闘病中の母親、ディン・ティフォン・ズンさん(72)を支援しようと、在留外国人の支援団体でつくる大阪府豊中市の「国際交流市民ネットとよなか」(薄波アキ代表)が募金活動を始めた。4日には同市内でチャリティーイベントを開催する。  国際チャリティーイベントは4日午前10時半から、豊中市玉井町のとよなか国際交流センターで。今回の医療費支援報告が行われるほか、バザーやベトナム料理などが販売され、収益は医療費支援に充てられる。入場無料。問い合わせは国際交流市民ネットとよなか(電話06・6840・1014)。
Man dies after being assaulted by cops; officers placed on paid leave Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 25 April, 2012 "Ten Thousand Man March" for Darrin Hanna Died while in custody of North Chicago police
Tim Sallinger WGN News 6:34 a.m. CDT, April 22, 2012 NORTH CHICAGO— The Reverend Jesse Jackson showed support for the family of a man who died while in North Chicago Police custody last Fall. He marched with relatives of Darrin Hanna during the "Ten Thousand Man March" Saturday. Marchers showed up at North Chicago City Hall, calling for the resignation of Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. North Chicago Police arrested Hanna last November after reports that he was beating his pregnant girlfriend. Officers who showed up at Hanna's home claim that he rushed toward them with clenched fists, forcing them to defend themselves by hitting him with batons and a taser. Hanna died a week later. At an emotional press conference Friday, Jackson showed reporters photos of a bruised and bloodied Hanna, taken just after his arrest. He compared the images to those of murdered black teenager Emmett Till. "The criminals who engaged in this activity are still policemen. They still have a badge, and a gun, and authority," Jackson said. "We will not let these forces be on the loose, uniforms or not." The seven officers involved in Hanna's arrest have been re-assigned to desk duty while local authorities investigate. The U.S. Department of Justice confirmed Friday that it is conducting a preliminary inquiry into the case, which will determine whether there is a need for a formal investigation. Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. said he welcomed the inquiry. "Hopefully, whatever conclusion they come to will bring some resolution and possibly calm the community." Recently released audio recordings from the arrest have Hanna pleading with officers, telling them "Put me down, please, I was down." Hanna's relatives have sued the city; their attorneys claim that the tape shows Hanna was cooperating with arresting officers. Also, an autopsy report found that Hanna had 11 taser marks on his back, while police claimed they only used it two or three times.
police brutality