
sublight May 1, 2012 at 11:50 am
A more interesting read is John Spiri’s Zeit Gist, “It’s just because . . . foreigners know best” http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/fl20120501zg.html I get the feeling Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University is about to start getting some phone calls…
In Spain, The Church Offers More Than Salvation by LAUREN FRAYER
April 30, 2012 Spain has Europe's highest unemployment rate, with nearly 1 in 4 people out of work. The country has dipped back into recession, and layoffs are on the rise. But there's one organization there that's still hiring: the Catholic Church.
スペイン 失業、宗教 From Minister To Atheist: A Story Of Losing Faith by BARBARA BRADLEY HAGERTY 無神論 Updated April 29, 2012, 10:31 p.m. ET Japan Leader in U.S. Visit to Pledge Security Efforts
By YUKA HAYASHI TOKYO—Japan's prime minister takes to the White House Monday a pledge to expand Tokyo's role in regional security, a significant shift for a country whose pacifist constitution has limited its military activities outside its borders for more than 60 years.
30 April 2012 Last updated at 03:18 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint 153 ShareFacebookTwitter Japan's PM Yoshihiko Noda visiting the US to boost ties 同盟は「アジア太平洋の礎」…日米首脳 人口激減 社会の支え手を増やそう 2012.5.1
深刻なのは、勤労世代が今後50年で半減することだ。経済や社会保障だけでなく、あらゆる分野で厳しい状況が生じる。  働く意思のある高齢者や女性が仕事に就けるよう、環境を整えるのが急務である。不安定な雇用に追いやられている若者の職業訓練も充実させたい。  社会保障制度は、支払い能力に応じて負担する仕組みに改めなければならない。それとともに、年金支給開始年齢の引き上げなど、国民が社会保障サービスを我慢することも求められよう。  一方で、経済成長に向けた取り組みも強化しなければならない。技術革新や規制緩和、外国からの投資や人材の呼び込みなど積極的な施策が求められる
Study: One in Three Americans Fails Naturalization Civics Test
By BRIAN GREENE April 30, 2012 RSS Feed Print As Americans prepare to pick the next president of the United States in November, a survey out of the Center for the Study of the American Dream at Xavier University finds that one out of three U.S. citizens fails the civics portion of the immigrant naturalization test. The survey of more than 1,000 voting-age Americans asked respondents 10 random questions from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services civics exam, which is administered as part of the immigration process, finding that 35 percent answered five or less questions correctly. More than 97 percent of immigrants applying for citizenship pass the test. [See a collection of political cartoons on immigration.] Native-born citizens fared best on questions related to history and geography and struggled most with questions about the function of government, specifically on questions about the Constitution and those that asked to identify current policy-makers. Other parts of the study show respondents were overwhelmingly confused about powers granted to the federal government and those granted to individual states. Here are some questions that gave respondents the most trouble: 85 percent could not define "the rule of law." 75 percent did not know function of the judicial branch. 71 percent were unable to identify the Constitution as the "supreme law of the land." 63 percent could not name one of their state's Senators. 62 percent did not know the name the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. 62 percent could not identify the Governor of their state. 57 percent could not define an "amendment." A concurrent survey found that almost 77 percent of Americans believe that all native-born citizens should be able to pass the civics portion of the naturalization test and 60 percent think that passing it should be requisite for receiving a high school diploma.
アメリカ人 教養  The end of the Minutemen: Tea party absorbs the border-watching movement By Liz Goodwin | The Lookout – Mon, Apr 16, 2012 自警団 国境 I was so desperate to help my dying baby I gave £100 bribe to a nurse: Mother begged staff to transfer daughter to intensive care before she died of heart failure One-year-old Hayley was 'overlooked and neglected' Doctors were 'arrogant and unprofessional' Parents were repeatedly told there was 'nothing to worry about' By ANDY DOLAN PUBLISHED: 21:40 GMT, 30 April 2012 医療サービス Comparative far right politics, US and Europe Economic crisis in Europe has fueled rightwing populism. But it lacks its American counterpart's free-market fundamentalism Share 74 Comments (257) Jason Farago guardian.co.uk, Thursday 26 April 2012 23 極右 右翼 Schoolboy accuses classmates of antisemitic assault Police in Northern Ireland investigate claims 14-year-old Matthew Lough was attacked after revealing relative was Jewish Share 46 Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 April 201 北アイルランド 反ユダヤ いじめ Australian police accused of racism over shooting of Aboriginal joyriders -
videoIn an incident that has dominated news headlines in Australia, Sydney police at the weekend shot the 14-year-old, Aboriginal driver of a car and his 17-year-old front-seat passenger. Police say the car, which held four more passengers in the back seat, had hit a 29-year-old woman. Graphic video taken on a mobile phone later emerged that appeared to show police punching one of the unarmed passengers as he was pinned to the ground. The youth was then dragged on to the pavement, heavily bleeding, and was handcuffed, face down. guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 24 April 2012
Police brutality 豪州 Posted on Monday, April 30, 2012 California family faces deportation that will divide it between Colombia, China
Wearing a somber face and a maroon raincoat, Simei Yang paced in the rain on a recent morning outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office on Capitol Mall. She wondered if this would be her last day in the United States and whether she, her husband and their two children would be deported to two different continents. She hugged her husband, Yu Yan Shan, before he went to meet his deportation officer at 8:30 a.m. Their oldest son, Chie Hong Yee, 19, was summoned inside. Yu and his wife left the People's Republic of China and its one-child policy more than 30 years ago and moved to Colombia, where they opened several restaurants and had two sons. They say they fled Colombia for the United States in 2002 because they were being victimized by violent gangs. But they overstayed their visas and are on the verge of deportation: Yu and his wife to their native China; their sons to Colombia, where they were born. The family is among hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants facing deportation who hope to stay in the United States based on a new federal policy that gives prosecutors more discretion over who is deported.
カルデロン のりこ 強制退去 国外退去 脱依存の復興を 山口スティーブさん 2011年6月25日付紙面から
がれきの続く大地と空とが、以前なら建物に阻まれて見えるはずのなかった地平線で交わっている。 6月初旬の週末、宮城県・牡鹿半島。先端の集落で、自ら企画したボランティアツアーの客と、地震や津波で壊れた民家や養鶏場の復旧作業に汗を流した。 倒壊したブロック塀を金属のハンマーで砕いていく。全身を使った、力強くそれでいて無駄のないフォームは、旅行会社の社長というイメージからはずいぶん遠い。 そう、4年前までは土木建設会社を率いていた。「全国の土建業界でたぶん、唯一の白人社長」。ちゃめっけを含んだブルーグリーンの瞳が、ぐるんと動く。 日本現代政治の論文を書くため米西海岸から東大に留学後、東京の大手商社に入社。絵に描いたようなエリートサラリーマンだった。 転機は、妻との出会い。山形県北の最上町にある地元屈指の土建会社の一人娘で、当然ながら結婚に猛反対された。義父が最後に渋々出してきた条件が、「日本国籍をとり、養子になって家業を継ぐ」だった。 松尾芭蕉ゆかりの地へと移り住んだ米国育ちの婿を待ちうけていたのは、公共事業を軸に政・官・業が癒着しあう地方経済の現実。バブル崩壊を受けた景気対策の大盤振る舞いで、建設業界は空前の好況ぶりだったが「こんな仕組みはいずれ限界がくる」と思わざるをえなかった。 果たして、小泉改革を機に業界は崩壊へと追いこまれる。社員に退職金が払えるギリギリのタイミングだった。2007年、半世紀続いた会社の看板を下ろした。 「13年間で、官製経済への依存がいかに地方をだめにするかを痛いほど味わった」。新たな地域再生ビジネスを、と目をつけたのが観光業だ。 自然や温泉、食材――幸い観光資源は豊富にある。大手が手がけるお仕着せの駆け足ツアーではない、旅行者の自己実現への欲求を具体的な形にする「滞在型」の旅を。会社清算後に残った資金で小さな旅行会社を買収、「トラベル東北」を起こした。
 朝日新聞が先月5日に掲載した民主党政権に関する記事に複数の事実誤認があったとして、財務省は1日、同社への抗議文をホームページ(HP)に掲載した。 (2012年5月1日18時10分 読売新聞)
朝日新聞(平成24年4月5日付け朝刊)の「民主党政権 失敗の本質1」と題する記事への抗議 平成24年4月5日付抗議文 省庁が誤報に関して、抗議するのはいいが、外国の報道機関による誤報、ミスリーディング記事に対してもしっかり正しい情報を発信すべきである。省庁の面子よりも、日本の国益を守るような抗議活動をしてもらいたいものだ。 。