

国会議員歳費はちゃっかり満額!? 公務員に責任転嫁するな  2011.11.1 11  
東日本大震災を受け、減額していた国会議員の歳費(給与)が10月から再び満額支給されていることをご存じだろうか。毎月50万円を半年間減額してきた国会議員歳費減額特例法の期限が切れたためだが、復興増税などで国民に負担増を求めながら、自分たちの歳費はちゃっかり元に戻し、だんまりを決め込むとはあきれるほかない。  一方、政府は今年度の人事院勧告(人勧)の実施を見送った。平成25年度末まで国家公務員給与を平均7・8%引き下げる臨時特例法案成立を優先させ、東日本大震災の復興財源を確保するというが、国家公務員に批判の矛先を転じようという魂胆が透けてみえる。
 自民党本部がある東京都千代田区永田町1の国有地の一部が、自民党に無償貸与されていたことがわかった。  自民党は「(所有者の)衆議院との取り決めに従って使用している」としているが、識者は「国による特定の党に対する便宜供与と疑われても仕方がない」と指摘している。  不動産登記によると、自民党本部の土地所有者は、財務省(約3306平方メートル)と衆議院(約1320平方メートル)に分かれているが、境界線に塀やフェンスはなく、一体的に党本部の敷地として使われている。衆議院所有の土地の部分は駐車スペースになっており、同党の街頭宣伝車が止められていたこともあった。  自民党などによると、敷地の約7割にあたる財務省所有の土地については、自民党と財務省との間で貸し付け契約が結ばれ、現在の賃料は年間8970万円になっている。一方、衆議院所有の土地について、自民党は「『議員専用駐車場』という看板を設置している」として、衆院議員のみが使用しているとの趣旨の説明をしているが、駐車場に入るためには自民党本部の正門を通る必要があり、事実上、同党以外の議員は利用できない状態となっている。財務省の賃貸契約を基に計算すると、衆議院所有の土地の賃料は年間約3500万円となる。 (2011年11月1日03時01分 読売新聞)
宮古の震災がれきを搬出 東京が受け入れ 広域処理1号 2011.11.2 09:01  
東日本大震災で発生した岩手県宮古市のがれきを東京都に搬出する作業が2日、始まった。この日は市内の仮置き場にあるがれき約30トンを分類してコンテナに積み込み、トラックで搬送。盛岡市内からJR貨物で鉄道輸送され、3日に都内に到着する。  岩手、宮城のがれきを東北地方以外で受け入れるのは初めて。放射性物質への不安から、ほかに広域処理を正式に引き受ける自治体は出ていない。がれき処理が進まなければ、復旧・復興が滞る恐れがあり、東京都の取り組みが広域処理のテストケースとなる。  東京都は住民の不安を取り除くため、コンテナに積み込む前後や破砕作業前に放射線量を測定し、結果を公表。江東区と大田区の中間処理施設で破砕する。可燃物は江東区の焼却施設で焼き、焼却灰と不燃物を都の処分場に埋め立てる。
 野田首相が福島第一原発事故で停滞していた原発輸出の「解禁」に大きくかじを切った。  来日したベトナムのズン首相との間で、日本政府が原発2基の建設に協力することを約束した共同声明に署名したのだ。  実現すれば、日本初の原発輸出となる。  私たちは、史上最大級の事故を起こし、原発への依存度を減らすべき日本政府が、原発売り込みの先頭に立つのは、筋が通らないと主張してきた。
社説:対越原発輸出 安全確保が大前提だ
原発の「安全神話」崩壊を目の当たりにした日本が、原発を輸出するには、それだけの覚悟と責任が伴うはずだ。  政府の事故調査・検証委員会や国会に設ける事故調査委員会の検証をにらみながら、安全性の向上を図るのは当然のことだ。  原発輸出の交渉先はベトナムにとどまらない。なし崩し的な輸出を許さないためにも、政府と国会は議論を深めるべきだ。 日越首脳会談 安全な原発輸出で信頼向上を(11月1日付・読売社説) 日本とベトナムの幅広い協力関係を、着実に前進させていきたい。  野田首相と来日中のズン首相が会談し、日本の原子力発電所輸出の方針を堅持し、ベトナムの発電事業で協力することを確認した。  両国の共同声明は「ベトナムは日本の原子力技術供与を強く求めた。日本は世界最高水準の安全な技術を提供する」と明記した。  実り多い会談と言えよう。
原発防災区域 教訓を事故への備えに生かせ(11月2日付・読売社説)  
原子力発電所の事故に備え、住民の避難や屋内退避の準備を重点的に進めておく地域が、大幅に広がることになった。  原発防災指針の改定を検討中の内閣府の原子力安全委員会が、原発周辺の防災区域を、今の周辺8~10キロ・メートルから30キロ・メートルに拡大することを決めた。  東京電力福島第一原発事故では避難を巡り、菅前政権の対応が混乱した。その教訓を踏まえ、あらかじめ広域で備えを強化することにした。妥当な判断だろう。
南スーダンPKO 陸自派遣の不備是正急げ 2011.11.2
残念なのは、国際基準を無視した派遣になっていることだ。任務遂行への妨害行為を排除するために武器を使うという、国際的に当然、認められている行動が許されないのだ。  しかも、現行のPKO協力法は、自衛隊員の武器使用を▽正当防衛や緊急避難時▽自己の管理下に入った者を守る目的のみ-と厳しく限定しており、邦人救出や他国部隊の救援にも武器を使用できない。
南スーダン支援 意義深い陸自PKOの国造り(11月2日付・読売社説)
社説:南スーダンPKO 役割も期待も大きい
これらさまざまな障害を勘案して、今回の派遣でも、武器使用基準を緩和せよという議論が一部にある。だが野田首相は、要員防護のための「最小限の使用」という従来方針を踏襲することを表明している。この判断も妥当だろう。  武器使用問題は、日本の国際協力のあり方を根本から変えるほど重要なテーマだ。今回の派遣とは切り離して、時間をかけて議論するのが筋だ。
転落死の中2「複数の生徒からいじめ」 大津市教委
 大津市で10月、市立中学2年の男子生徒(当時13)が自宅マンションから転落死する事案があり、大津市教育委員会は2日、この生徒が「複数の生徒からいじめを受けていた」とする調査結果を発表した。死亡との因果関係については「判断できない」としている。  生徒は10月11日朝、大津市内の14階建てマンションの敷地内で倒れているのが見つかり、死亡が確認された。大津署によると、最上階の通路の手すりに乗り越えたような跡があり、同署は生徒が飛び降り自殺したとみている。  学校側が全校生徒859人を対象にアンケートした結果、この生徒が複数の同級生から9月以降、教室やトイレなどで繰り返し殴られたり、成績表を破られたりしていたことがわかった。沢村憲次教育長は「子どもの変化を見逃さないよう、教員の観察力、指導力の向上を図る」とのコメントを出した。
NOVEMBER 1, 2011 · 2:49 PM Georgia Nurses Sue Service Company Over Racial Discrimination
Four women in Georgia are suing a nursing-service company for alleged civil rights violations by not allowing black nurses to care for white patients. The women are suing Accord Services, a Marietta company that hires nurses and nurse aides to work in private homes.
職場差別 雇用差別 NOVEMBER 1, 2011 · 2:46 PM UK Soccer Players Racially Abused On Twitter
Police are making inquiries into racist abuse directed at the Newcastle United striker Sammy Ameobi on Twitter. A tweet posted by a user called @JonnnnyPhipps on Sunday said: “@Sammy_Ameobi your hand is nearly the same colour. #nigger”.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011 · 2:42 PM Update: Chattanooga Men Behind Racial Attack On Black Neighborhood Face Federal Charges
Federal authorities have brought charges against three white males who police said set off fireworks at a predominantly black housing development. The information charging civil rights intimidation was against Kyle Montgomery, 21, of 3403 7th Ave.; Colton Partin, 21, 3300 Camp Road, Apison, and James D. Smiley, 27, of 7th Avenue. It involved an incident at East Lake Courts on July 9. It says the incident happened between 3:30 and 4 a.m. after they drove together to the Chattanooga Housing Authority complex. The information says Partin drove the vehicle toward and past East Lake Courts four times while the other two “released explosive devices, including high-velocity, mortar-style pyrotechnic explosives and other fireworks directly toward” five people gathered in front of their residence.
ヘイトクライム NOVEMBER 1, 2011 · 7:22 AM British Rules On Race That Prevent Thousands Of Middle-Class Parents From Adopting Will Stay
Race rules that have been used to prevent tens of thousands of British middle-class parents adopting are to stay, it emerged yesterday. An official appeal to parents to come forward to adopt children from state care declared that ‘children do best in a family that reflects their ethnic identity as closely as possible’. And Children’s Minister Tim Loughton said that making an ethnic match between an adopted child and its new parents was ‘desirable’.
養子 里親差別
NOVEMBER 1, 2011 · 7:21 AM Memphis Police Say Downtown Stabbing A Hate Crime
A weekend attack on Beale Street is being called a hate crime. According to court records, a Memphis man, John Ingram, told police he was on Beale Street around 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning when the attack happened, while he was playing music by beating on a bucket. Ingram claims Tiffany Tate approached him, and there was a brief conversation. During that conversation, Ingram said, Tate used the word “nigger,” stabbed him, and ran away.
ヘイトクライム OVEMBER 1, 2011 · 7:20 AM Alabama Car Dealer Slandered As ‘Taliban Toyota’ Awarded $7.5 Million
A jury awarded $7.5 million in damages to the Iranian-born owner of Eastern Shore Toyota this evening after his competitor called his business “Taliban Toyota” and accused him of being a terrorist. Shawn Esfahani, owner of the mega-dealership on Interstate 10, sued Bob Tyler Toyota in Pensacola and its sales manager for slander. Esfahani said that Bob Tyler employees spread false rumors to car shoppers that he was an Iraqi terrorist and supported insurgents in Iraq.
営業妨害 名誉毀損 アラブ系差別 Seeing black and right carolinemuscat | October 31, 2011
Malta features as one of the ‘top ten’ Member States experiencing the highest levels of racial discrimination, according to the EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS) published last year. The same report shows racist violence is quite common in Malta and a serious threat to Africans in the country, where the majority have experienced verbal or physical harassment ranging from avoidance or sniggering, to serious mutilation and even death. Omar is one of the few who dared file a report based on his medical certificate with the police and the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). ・・・・・y It is a massive challenge. In the present scenario, where racism is increasing, where the authorities are not sufficiently empowered to address it, where legal remedies are ineffective, and where political rhetoric is not backed by adequate funds, NAPARX seems destined to fail. That may not be such a big deal in political terms since action against racial discrimination and violence does not enjoy public support. There is widespread belief that if the ‘blacks’ do not like it, they should leave. . It is a contagious attitude that is increasingly manifesting itself in violence and abuse against individuals for no other reason that the colour of their skin. This is happening in a country that boasts of the hospitality, friendliness and generosity of its people.
マルタ 人種差別 OCT 30 Systemic Racism and Collective Forgetting: Let Us Recover Those Like Walker, Garnet, and Delaney By Joe 歴史問題 忘却 Belgian court's adviser says Tintin book not racist By Ben Deighton BRUSSELS | Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:19pm IST (Reuters) - A Belgian judicial adviser has recommended the country's courts reject a legal bid to have a book featuring fictional boy hero Tintin banned for racism, court documents showed. タンタンの冒険旅行 ちび黒サンボ・・・・・ Posted on Tue, Nov. 01, 2011 Wichita report: Tasers used more on blacks 34 Comments BY DION LEFLER
The Wichita Eagle Black people are five to six times as likely as white people to have Tasers used on them by Wichita police, according to city statistics released Monday. And more black people than white people were stunned with Tasers in the first seven months of 2010, the most recent statistics immediately available. Police Chief Norman Williams said he thinks the numbers don't necessarily show that officers are more likely to use a Taser on black suspects than white suspects.
Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones Civil liberties group raises concerns over Met police purchase of technology to track public handsets over a targeted area Ryan Gallagher and Rajeev Syal guardian.co.uk, Sunday 30 October 2011 警官 監視社会 Federally Funded Street Lights Watching Your Every Move 2011 City lights spy on Farmington Hills, Michigan Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 01 November, 2011 監視社会・・・・・ Greeks turn anger on immigrants Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 02 November, 2011,
Greeks are to vote for the EU bailout deal as soon as possible. And as the country's economy teeters on the brink of collapse, the austerity-hit public is struggling with poverty and unemployment. On the streets of Greece protests have become a common occurrence. Now, their frustration is also turning to immigrants, who they blame for making the situation even worse. An Afghan refugee tells RT that it is particularly dangerous to be a refugee in Greece now, especially in Athens. Over the last few years, illegal immigration into Europe and Greece in particular has skyrocketed, whilst the Greek economy has plummeted. “The crisis has led to unemployment, to poverty, increasing to a lot of people not being able to make ends meet,” Professor of Economics Tsakalotos Efklidis explains.
ギリシャ 反移民・・・・・ DC's homeless to be left in the cold this winter Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 01 November, 2011
Residents of the Washington DC metropolitan area make on average the largest annual income of any region in America. The nation’s capital also boasts a homeless population that is unmatched by many locales from coast-to-coast. As wintery weather begins to leave a frost on the banks of the Potomac, the thousands of impoverished citizens in the District of Columbia are trying to find a roof to stay warm in while snow begins to bluster. For many, however, they will be out of luck this season. Earlier this month, David A Berns of DC’s Committee on Human Services told those in attendance at a roundtable hearing that the recession had ravaged economic conditions for DC residents. Although the District boasts the highest average annual income in the country, the official tally of homeless persons on the streets of the city is at 6,546. With more and more people unable to make ends meet, they are leaving their homes and hitting the sidewalks and parks of Pennsylvania Avenue and the shelters that pepper the city’s turf. Those same dire economic circumstances has caused a cut in funding as well, and as more Washingtonians are forced onto the streets and rely on the aid of others, that helping hand is shriveling up as the city goes broke itself.
貧困・ホームレス・・・・・ Baltimore shelters keep homeless women on the streets Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 01 November, 2011
n Baltimore, Maryland, residents lovingly refer to their stomping ground as Charm City. If you ask the women of the historic Chesapeake Bay community, however, they might say it’s nothing but the contrary. After Baltimore took 100 beds out of the city’s homeless shelters, they’ve responded by opening up a new $8 million facility for the city’s impoverished — but women aren’t allowed in to this exclusive club. Homeless women in Charm City are saying it’s not so charming that men are being offered sleeping space while they are being forced to catch their zs beneath the trees and on the benches of Baltimore’s inner city.
貧困 ホームレス 女性差別 LAST UPDATED: NOVEMBER 7, 2011 11:58 AM 'Indian head' logo raises controversy in Saskatoon Group urges local high school to change name from 'Redmen' and abandon 'Indian head' logo Leah Davidson — The Sheaf (University of Saskatchewan)
The current "Redmen" logo for Bedford Road Collegiate's sports teams, in Saskatoon, Sask. Email SASKATOON (CUP) — The fight over a Saskatoon high school logo refuses to die down.
アメリカンインディアンロゴ Victim bashed after racial slurs Last updated 13:00 08/11/2011
A man who ambushed a Nelson pub patron, attacking him with a cricket bat, had earlier made racist remarks about other patrons that the victim did not like. Nathan John Ellen, 34, admitted charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, injuring with intent to injure and breaching his bail conditions when he appeared in the Nelson District Court yesterday. Ellen appeared in the dock with a visibly swollen left black eye. His lawyer, Mark Dollimore, said the wound was not self-inflicted and Ellen was assaulted while in police custody in Nelson. Ellen was arrested after a brutal attack on the patron early on October 29. He also admitted assaulting the Rising Sun tavern's owner, Marty Coram, who went to the victim's aid. According to the summary of facts, Ellen went to the Rising Sun about 7.15pm. The pub is frequented by regulars who know each other and Ellen had not been seen at the tavern before that Friday night. Ellen was with an associate who left a short time later, but Ellen stayed and drank beer. At 10pm the victim, a regular who is well known to staff and other patrons, arrived. Police said Ellen approached the victim about 10.30pm and made several racist comments in relation to other patrons. The victim took exception to those comments. llen asked him if he was a "nigger lover" and the two of them took the matter outside where blows were exchanged.
ヘイトクライム Czech primary school textbook under fire over ‘racial stereotyping’ of Roma Government council for Roma minority demands withdrawal of children’s schoolbook due to stereotypes of ‘dirty, thieving Gypsies’ SOCIETYBrian Kenety | 08.11.2011
The Czech Human Rights Commissioner is calling on Education Minister Josef Dobeš to withdraw the current edition of the second-year primary school children textbook Čítanka due to the inclusion of a story in which a mother explains to her daughter all about “dirty thieving Gypsies,” Mláda fronta Dnes reported Tuesday. The award-winning author, however, clearly aimed to spread a message of tolerance.
チェコ 差別教育