
人口問題の鍵 他

Myanmar 'building nuclear sites'
Leaked US diplomatic cables say suspicious construction took place in remote jungles, aided by North Korean workers.
Last Modified: 10

Myanmar may be building missile and nuclear sites in remote locations with support from North Korea, according to secret US diplomatic cables released by the whistleblowing website Wikileaks.

 ウィキリーク ミャンマーが北朝鮮の援助をうけてミサイルや核施設を建造中かも、と。

DIPLOMACY | 09.12.2010
WikiLeaks: US pressured Germany after CIA abduction mistake

US said arrest warrants would harm the bilateral relationship
Leaked documents showed that Washington put intense pressure on Berlin not to arrest CIA agents involved in the 2003 abduction of a German citizen mistakenly believed to be a terrorist.


10 December 2010 Last updated at 17:06 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Terrorist activity 'played down' - Police Federation

The level of terrorist activity in Northern Ireland is being played down by the police and government to make NI appear more normal than it actually is, the Police Federation has claimed.


10 December 2010 Last updated at 17:00 GMT Share
'Liu Xiaobo must be freed' - Nobel prize committee


Police and students in violent clashes over fees protest

イギリス 学生と機動隊との衝突の様子。

Germany to suspend compulsory military service


WOMEN | 03.12.2010
German boardrooms remain a man's domain - for now

Women are underrepresented in German top management
The Green party has received a mixed response from all sides for its aim of setting a legal quota for top management posts. There's hardly any consensus on the issue - whether in the world of politics or of business.

Germany's Green party wants 40 percent of positions on executive and supervisory boards to be filled by women. But politicians and businesspeople alike are far from consensus when it comes to introducing a legal quota.

"Germany is a late starter," said Green party leader Renate Kuenast during a parliamentary debate on the subject on Friday. "Employers haven't moved into the 21st century yet. If women are better educated than men, why do we keep employing the worse candidates?"

Women only make up 10 percent of advisory boards in Germany. In Norway, where such a quota was introduced in 2006, one-third of supervisory board members are women.

In terms of management boards, Germany fares even worse - only 2 percent include women.・・・・・
German society has been slow to break away from stereotypical gender roles. Until 1977 women had to have their husbands' permission to go to work.・・・・・
"I would never want to be reduced to a quota," she said. "I would want to get a job because of my qualifications, not because of my sex.






(2010年12月10日11時56分 読売新聞)


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