
Ichigen koji (97)

Posted by ampontan on Tuesday, April 3, 2012

- A person who has something to say about everything

I never cease to be amazed at how foreign newspapers, especially American or British ones, fail to report the truth about Italian politics. Since I moved here in 1998, I cannot recall a single article that was not a grotesque distortion of the political reality. If they get Italy so wrong, what about the rest of the world?

- Nicholas Farrell

I could well have written that second sentence about Japan, changing only the date to 1984. As for the first sentence, I ceased to be amazed long ago. As for the third sentence: He has to ask?

Luisa said

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 9:41 pm
Being Italian, I can only agree … Reading about Italian politics (and not only politics but also everything else) on foreign newspapers is like reading science fiction. There is no connection at all with reality. And I came to the same conclusion: if they are saying these things about my country, how can I ever believe anything they say about any other country in the world?

第3部 サッチャーのいない国(3) 続く自分探し 出世に迷い
2012.4.4 07:04


日テレ・葉山アナが結婚 番組で発表、お相手は一般男性


葉山 エレーヌ(はやま エレーヌ(Hélène Hayama)、本名:葉山エレーヌみゆき(Miyuki Hélène Hayama)、1982年7月29日 - )は、日本テレビ放送網のアナウンサー。父親は日本人、母親はフランス人。


April 2, 2012 1:34 PM
Father, stepmother held in suspected starving death of missing Texas boy

(CBS/AP) DALLAS - The father and stepmother of a missing 11-year-old Texas boy are in custody after police say the child may have starved to death as much as a year ago.

‘US minorities face centuries-old form of militarized racism

A prominent political analyst says the US implements a centuries old practice of colonialism, racism and militarism when dealing with minority groups.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Mason, political analyst, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Another police shooting, another African-American killed, is too soon to call it another case of racial profiling?

Mason: No. There’s a context here. The context is very deep in the United States. We’re a European colonial offshoot. A lot of Americans have been shooting people of color inside and outside of the United States for hundreds of years.

The facts are still unfolding regarding the specifics of this tragic incident in southern California but it tastes of neo-colonialism.

African-Americans, as you know, were dragged here, kidnapped and brought to the United States in chains. Finally, they won their freedom.

They’ve been killed, shot, lynched and chained for hundreds of years. They can’t chain them anymore and they can’t lynch them but they’re still shooting them.

Press TV: Mr. Mason, tell us what you think about the demonstrations taking place all over America, spearheaded by the African-American community, that want justice for Trayvon Martin. Will it be enough to pressure authorities, either local or federal, to make a case against George Zimmerman?

Mason: I’d like to think back about what Martin Luther King, Jr., was working on, his efforts during the last years of his life, 1967-1968. I still recall the day when he was assassinated. It was a moment that shook all of us here in the United States.

During his last year, he was making the connection between racism inside the United States and militarism - the Vietnam War. Blacks were oppressed - horribly oppressed, viciously oppressed - in the United States while the US government was out killing millions of people in Southeast Asia. An estimated three million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians were just massacred by the United States.

He was putting these two things together and that’s exactly what we have now. We’ve got the United States basically just attacking people of color all throughout the Middle East through its client state, Israel. In Iraq, it killed over a million people. Still killing people in Afghanistan, and assassinating people in Pakistan and Yemen.

We come back here and we ask questions like what’s happening in southern California and Florida? Well, all of these put together is a cultural context.

Racism comments on online media getting out of control

April 1st, 2012 | Author: Contributions
I personally feel that the racism issue in Singapore is getting out of control. First, there was an issue on how the PRC complained about how curry was “smelly”. Next there was a statement made by MP Seng Han Thong that Indians and Malays can’t speak proper English. After that, Shimun Lai referred to Indians as “dogs” and now, there is a full length blog post trashing Indians by a Singaporean (Mr Stanley “Hart”) on his blog saying that Indians are “smelly”, “loud” and “rude”.


2012.4.4 00:53


age last updated at 16:24 GMT, Monday, 19 March 2012
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Violent web words from Japan's polite society

I interviewed some of these experts and sensed their cautiousness. Each word was chosen very carefully.
"If we say that the radiation level has fallen, or if doctors say that radiation has had little impact on people's health so far, people label you as pro-nuclear," said one professor.
I know something about this. I have been the victim of aggressive Japanese internet forums.
When I wrote a controversial article last year, an anonymous discussion quickly sprang to life - focusing more on what I looked like, rather than what I'd written.


Austerity vs solidarity: Democratic legitimacy and Europe's future
By Andrea Mammone | Aljazeera

After Greece, there are signs of rising protests across EU societies. There is an outcry, including from some important economists, about the potential damaging effects of austerity plans - how do they generate growth? What about their implications on people's lives?

With the growing crisis of the eurozone, it is natural that its strongest political and economic actors are worried by the ineffectiveness of some national elites - especially in Greece and Italy. (And all types of technocracies, in this sense, do represent a tremendous failure for the local political classes.) The problem is now that a growing number of other socio-political and intellectual voices are questioning the deep value of such interferences, and anger towards Germany may become a new mantra.

If a political unity of Europe has never been achieved and the same Germany is not immune from political scandals, the question is about the nature of this "authority" and its legitimacy. Greece is leaning towards poverty, and hungry citizens have started burning German flags.
Protests and "euro-doubts" are rising among Spaniards. In Italy, after the revelations about German chancellor Angela Merkel's manoeuvre to help dismiss Berlusconi, some of the media and rightist parties immediately called for a parliamentary board of inquiry to investigate the issue, and lamented how "we are not a German colony". This propaganda is still ongoing (against Mario Monti, Germany, and the EU).

The reality is that, if politicians really want a European unity - of lands and citizens - it is only a supranational power and particularly a more democratic and powerful EU parliament and "government" that have to tackle the critical issues of member states. This embodies a realistic confederation, and the erosion of some important national political powers.
Angela Merkel is instead playing a very risky game. She cannot sack prime ministers abroad, impose policies and, at the same time, lead her country and back candidates (such as Nicolas Sarkozy) in foreign electoral campaigns. Where is, once more, the separation of powers? Economic austerity and success at home is not the only prerequisite to legitimate external influence.
All of this is clearly undermining the same external image of a great and fundamental political actor such as the German nation, but it is also slowing the real process of integration of the EU - at least as the "fathers of Europe" had imagined it.
The rebirth of ethnic-based nationalisms, the rise of right-wing extremist feeling and Europhobia are a likely new threat and will be forged with mounting social and workers' protests. Yet, the Euro-dream was specifically to bypass these nationalistic divisions and create an all-inclusive porous European citizenship. This led to a reconsideration of concepts such as space, borders and belonging - and is, with some difficulties, aiming to create a European public sphere.

The "market" economy was only one (though very important) of the pillars that had to contribute to build all this, but it was not the unique one. "Solidarity" was the other (at least implicit) pilaster. It is known that Germany was in fact helped after the Second World War without imposing severe austerity plans.
Some of the measures now imposed upon Greece and perhaps tomorrow upon Italy, Spain, Portugal or some central or eastern European nations, may be to some extent necessary - but some political-economic flexibility and democratic legitimacy are essential, too.


Arkansas Supreme Court overturns state teacher-student sex law
10:57 PM, Mar 29, 2012

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.(KTHV) -- Arkansas Supreme Court reverses a teacher's conviction of sexual assault.

David Paschal taught history and psychology at Elkins High School in 2010 when he began a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student. Court documents state after the two broke-up, the student notified authorities and Paschal was charged with four counts of sexual assault. A jury sentenced him to 30 years in prison.

However, because the student was legally an adult and the relationship was consensual, the Arkansas Supreme Court says Paschal is not a criminal.

"When we brought the issue up on the appeal it was specifically as this law applied to these facts, adult teacher, adult student, private consensual relationship," said Casey D. Campbell, Paschal's attorney.

The Arkansas Supreme Court said in their opinion quote,

"Regardless of how we feel about Paschal's conduct, which could correctly be referred to as reprehensible, we cannot abandon our duty to uphold the rule of law when a case presents distasteful facts."

"It's still wrong. It's not right," says Dr. Richard Abernathy, Executive Director of the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators. A father of a high school student himself, he says he is troubled by the ruling.

"On one side, the Supreme Court said you know if it's consensual it may be okay, we still have the professional side of it on the ethics standards that says it's not," says Dr. Abernathy.

Which begs the question, are teacher-student sexual relationships legal if the student is 18? Arkansas Law says that student must be 21 but Thursday's decision may set a precedent for other cases with similar facts.

Campbell says though it may be permissible in some cases through the court's eyes, it doesn't have to be for Arkansas School Districts.

"This ruling, in my opinion, does not apply to teacher contracts between school districts and teachers, they can still prohibit this, fire a teacher if this happens, even if it`s consensual," says Campbell.


Goldman fund to exit company owning sex advert site
By Ilaina Jonas and Chris Francescani
NEW YORK | Mon Apr 2, 2012 7:53am IST

(Reuters) - A private equity fund run by Goldman Sachs Group Inc, under fire over its business ethics, has agreed to sell back its stake in a media company that critics say facilitates sex trafficking.

GS Capital Partners III on Friday signed a deal to sell its 16 percent stake in Village Voice Media, which owns the website Backpage.com, back to management, a Goldman spokeswoman said Sunday.

The divestiture is the latest development in a growing controversy over online adult advertising that has pitted celebrities, law enforcement officials, members of Congress and a New York Times columnist against Village Voice Media, a private media company that has the largest share of revenue in the United States from online advertising of adult services.

The fund began negotiations with Village Voice Media in March, after deciding in 2010 that it had grown "uncomfortable with the direction of the company," and Goldman's inability to influence its operations, said Andrea Raphael, a Goldman Sachs spokeswoman.

Raphael said the fund invested $30 million in the Village Voice in 2000. The investment was converted into a 16 percent minority stake when the Village Voice merged with New Times Inc in 2006. She declined to disclose the sale price, but said the fund lost the "vast majority" of its investment.

Elizabeth McDougall, general counsel for Village Voice Media, said on Sunday that the media company has no plans to shut down its adult advertising section of Backpage.com.

Some critics claim that Backpage.com facilitates the trafficking of underage prostitutes and sex slaves, although others question that.



First pictures of victims of Christian school massacre as police reveal Korean shooter was teased for his bad English
Gunman named as One L. Goh, 43, a former nursing student at the school
Shot and killed six women and one man
One victim- Grace Eunhae Kim, 23- has been pictured
Police believe he had a grudge after being expelled several months ago
Students told: 'Get in line and I'm going to kill you all' before 'crazed gunman' opened fire in the classroom
He had thousands of dollars of debt and had two deaths in the family
PUBLISHED: 19:44 GMT, 2 April 2012

Police said the Korean-American suspect fired indiscriminately in a morning acupuncture class at Oikos University, a small private college in Oakland, California, which provides fellow Koreans with Christian-based training in theology, music, nursing and Asian medicine.

Globalite Magazine 魚拓



わたし、原発の抗議活動などについて、追跡していないので、確証はできませんけど、この写真、というか、(right-wing protesters harass journalists and anti-nuclear protesters near TEPCO offices in Tokyo on March 11, 2012)


【要塞勝俣屋敷】 右翼青年 「引導を渡しに来た」





2012/3/11 1/2反原発・反天皇集会の中継途中に右翼の車がズラリ

【在特会】反天連の暴挙! 東日本大震災慰霊式典反対活動に抗議1




「豊かな」フランスでも「ワーキングプア」問題 米紙報道

APRIL 03, 2012 09:13



Ranks of Working Poor Grow in Europe
Published: April 1, 2012

PARIS — When Melissa Dos Santos leaves her job at the end of each day, she goes home to an unlikely place: a tiny trailer in a campground 30 miles north of Paris, where scores of people who can barely make ends meet are living on a sprawling lot originally designed as a bucolic retreat for vacationers.

While direct comparisons are difficult because of different standards, the Labor Department estimated that 7 percent of single adult workers in the United States earned less than the poverty threshold in 2009 of $10,830 in 2009, up from 5.1 percent in 2006.

France fares better than most European countries, at 6.6 percent, but perhaps nowhere is the phenomenon more startling. While the country seems to exude prosperity, the number of working poor is up from 6.1 percent in 2006, and experts predict it will grow.

In France, half the nation’s workers earn less than $25,000.

The median monthly paycheck is $2,199, 26 percent above the average for the entire European Union. But the high cost of living and the difficulty many people face securing affordable housing (home prices have surged 110 percent in the last decade, and most rentals require large advance deposits), leaves a growing number out in the cold.

Today, up to 120,000 people are living in French campgrounds, according to Observatoire des Inégalités, a social watchdog group. While it is not a new phenomenon, officials say it is accelerating.

And even some people with middle-class jobs are living on the edge.

Revealed: The paedophile map of Britain where a child sex attack takes place every 20 MINUTES
About 23,000 children were reported victims in England and Wales during 2010/11 but fewer than 10 per cent of cases ended in a conviction
Six times as many reported offences were committed against girls compared to boys
NSPCC said a major effort was needed to protect children and boost conviction rates
PUBLISHED: 00:36 GMT, 4 April 2012 | UPDATED: 15:32 GMT, 4 April 2012


'I want people to know why battered wives keep quiet': Woman reveals shock at finding out on Facebook that abusive partner was released from jail after eight days
PUBLISHED: 11:18 GMT, 4 April 2012 | UPDATED: 11:40 GMT, 4 April 2012

女性犯罪 女性問題 家庭内暴力 DV

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2124993/Battered-wife-Persephone-Spode-Facebook-abusive-partner-released-jail.html#ixzz1r66lzwwc

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2124805/The-paedophile-map-Britain-child-sex-attack-takes-place-20-MINUTES.html#ixzz1r65u7Coc
