Let’s be frank: outsiders have little or no ability to delve into Japan’s true government finances. Indeed many commentators who have been particularly outspoken in promoting the story of the Japanese government’s supposed bankruptcy cannot even read the Japanese language.23 April 2012 Last updated at 16:20 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Dutch government falls in budget crisis
His cabinet was plunged into crisis when Geert Wilders' Freedom Party (PVV) quit talks aimed at slicing 16bn euros (£13.1bn) from the budget.
Mr Wilders refused to accept austerity demands to bring the budget deficit in line with EU rules.
23 April 2012
Sarkozy seeks key far-right votes
第29回 中国人から見た「ここが変だよ日本企業」
交流回路で消費される精力4/23/2012 @ 4:49PM |3,097 views If Japan Is Broke, How Is It Bailing Out Europe?
仙谷氏の名誉毀損、新潮社に賠償と謝罪広告掲載命じる 東京高裁判決 2012.4.24 17:43週刊新潮の記事で名誉を傷つけられたとして、民主党の仙谷由人政調会長代行が発行元の新潮社に1150万円の損害賠償などを求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が24日、東京高裁であった。芝田俊文裁判長は「名誉毀損(きそん)の違法性が高い」として、100万円の支払いを命じた1審東京地裁判決を変更、賠償額を330万円に増額し、同誌への謝罪広告の掲載も命じた。 問題となったのは平成22年10月28日号の記事。仙谷氏が逮捕歴のある金融業者と暴力団関係者のトラブルに絡み、弁護士として公的文書の偽造に関与したなどとする内容を掲載した。 芝田裁判長は「記事は真実と認められず、主要部分に関し裏付け取材をほとんど行っていなかったと推認される」と指摘。記事掲載当時、仙谷氏が官房長官だった点に言及し「国権の最重要ポストという立場を考えると、社会的評価を著しく低下させる内容だった」と増額の理由を述べた。 週刊新潮編集部は「到底納得できない。ただちに上告する」とコメントしている。 偏向報道 Welcome to the Jungle: States demand secrecy over meat filth and cruelty practices Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 24 April, 2012, 21:41
If you're concerned with how some factory farms might be handling their livestock, two US states have made it illegal to conduct undercover investigations — and now animal rights activists and whistleblowers alike have a bone to pick with lawmakers. Only four months into 2012, Utah and Idaho have passed legislation that outlaws going undercover to investigate conditions and conduct inside the confines of factory farms — and now authorities in Missouri are coming close to approving a similar “Ag-gag” act. If passed before the end of April, the Show Me State will become the third state in only two months to tell investigative journalists and whistleblowers alike to forego following leads concerning agricultural operations or else face the consequences. Last month Iowa approved House File 589, a legislation advertised as outlawing “agricultural production facility fraud.” Once Governor Terry E. Branstad signed the act into law in early March, police and prosecutors in Iowa were allowed the power to bring criminal charges against anyone who enters farming facilities by means of deception. The act was touted as a way of keeping agriculturists within the state from having outsiders infiltrate harm to their businesses, however, opponents of the law say that farmers were upset over how video footage and other information captured from their facilities were introducing information to the public that would cut profits by way of revealing the real conditions that livestock are subjected to. Mercy for Animals, an advocacy group, is opposed to House File 589 on grounds that it makes anyone who "expose cruelty to animals, corporate corruption, dangerous working conditions, environmental violation, or food safety concerns at factory farms” a criminal in the eyes of the state. The American Veterinary Medical Association explains in their own report that in the last three years, Mercy for Animals has released footage that shows abuse within Iowa farming facilities, which means that the state can now prosecute journalists that obtain that footage by surreptitious means with the alleged intent of harming business.Missouri bill criminalizes undercover videos at farms by Associated Press KMOV.com Posted on April 17, 2012 at 3:05 PM
JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri -- The Missouri House endorsed legislation Tuesday that would make it a crime for undercover activists to produce videos portraying poor conditions at livestock farms or other agricultural facilities. The legislation given first-round approval would create the crime of “agriculture production facility interference.” It would apply to anyone who makes or distributes photos, videos or audio recordings of the activities at an agricultural facility without the consent of the owner. The bill also would make it a crime for people to gain employment or access at agricultural facilities under false pretenses. Supporters of the legislation pointed to Iowa, which last month became the first state to make it a crime for people to lie in order to gain access to a livestock operation to record alleged animal abuse. The Iowa law came after the Los Angeles-based group Mercy for Animals had released undercover videos depicting conditions for chickens and hogs in Iowa. “Unfortunately, we live in a society where these activists are becoming more and more of a problem to agriculture,” said state Rep. Casey Guernsey, R-Bethany, the sponsor of the Missouri legislation. “We cannot afford to allow these groups to target our industry of agriculture in Missouri like they have in Iowa.” The House endorsed the legislation by a 124-29 vote, with some Democrats joining majority party Republicans. A second House vote is needed to advance the bill to the Senate, where legislation can more easily be blocked by a few determined opponents. In the House, some urban Democrats suggested that the Missouri legislation was an overreaction by agricultural groups. They said some undercover videos have helped put an end to deplorable conditions.太地 捕鯨 イルカ Cove 「死んでおわびするのか」関電の姿勢に厳しい批判 エネルギー戦略会議 2012.4.24
浜岡原発差し止め訴訟の弁護団長を務めた弁護士の河合弘之委員は、事故の際の指揮拠点となる免震事務棟や、放射性物質を減らすフィルター付きベント装置などの対策が完成する前に、大飯原発を再稼働させようとする関電の姿勢を問題視。「あなた方の論理は世間で通用しない」「死んでおわびするのか」と厳しく追及した。 また、原子力コンサルタントの佐藤暁委員は大飯原発の再稼働を「車の運転に例えれば、自賠責保険に入らず運転するようなもの。非常に危ないことだと思う」と警鐘を鳴らした。