
VK April 26, 2012 at 1:23 pm
@The Chrysanthemum Sniffer: Why don’t we write a few haiku here for entry? The shittest paper/ Summer, autumn, winter, spring/ It’s the Japan Times. Snow melts, unfreezes/ Last year’s dog crap fouls the air/ Just Be Cause again.
不動産バブルの末期症状 大幅な値下げ必至  2012.4.26 2012年04月25日 14:18 メディア マスコミの心は腐っているのか May Backseat Book Club Pick: 'Heart Of A Samurai' by MICHELE NORRIS 2012年4月27日(金)付 小沢氏無罪判決―政治的けじめ、どうつける
 判決は、小沢氏の政治団体の政治資金収支報告書の内容はうそだったと認めた。それでも無罪なのは、秘書が細かな報告をしなかった可能性があり、記載がうそであると認識していなかった疑いが残るからだという。  秘書らの裁判と同じく、虚偽記載が認められた事実は重い。しかも判決は、問題の土地取引の原資が小沢氏の資金であることを隠す方針は、本人も了承していたと認定した。
小沢氏無罪 復権の前にやることがある(4月27日付・読売社説)
結論はシロだが、「潔白」ではなく「灰色」という司法判断だろう。  資金管理団体・陸山会の土地取引を巡り、元秘書と共謀し政治資金収支報告書にウソの記載をしたとして政治資金規正法違反で強制起訴された民主党の小沢一郎元代表に、東京地裁が無罪を言い渡した。  土地購入原資の4億円の不記載などについて、判決は「小沢氏は元秘書から報告を受け、了承していた」と認定した。検察官役の指定弁護士が「共謀が成立する」と主張したことには「相応の根拠がある」とまで述べている。  ただし、こうした会計処理を違法であると小沢氏が認識していたことを示す立証は不十分だとして、最終的に共謀は認めなかった。有罪か無罪か、まさに紙一重の差だったことがうかがえる。  判決は、秘書だった石川知裕衆院議員らがメディアからの批判を恐れ、小沢氏提供の4億円を意図的に隠蔽した、と指摘した。  石川議員ら元秘書3人に対しては、1審・東京地裁が昨年9月、有罪判決を言い渡している。
社説:小沢元代表無罪 なお政治的責任は重い 毎日新聞 2012年04月27日
元秘書の衆院議員、石川知裕被告は4億円提供と同時期、なぜわざわざ同額の銀行融資を受けたのか。  判決は、目的について「提供を受けた4億円の簿外処理のため」としたうえで「元代表の個人資産から提供された事実が対外的に明らかになると取材などで追及され、元代表が政治的に不利益を被る可能性を避けるためだった」と動機を指摘した。  4億円を記載しないことについて元代表への「報告・了承」があったのかについては「秘書らは自ら判断できるはずはない」と指摘し、元代表の了承を認定した。  判決は、共謀の成立の検討について「相応の根拠がある」とも指摘した。だが、4億円の記載時期の先送りが虚偽記載になることを元代表が認識していなかった可能性などを指摘し、無罪の結論を導いた。 注目したいのは、判決が元代表に対して厳しい目を向けていることだ。元代表は法廷で、「報告・了承」があったことを全面的に否認した。だが、判決はこうした主張の核心部分を否定した。  元代表の法廷発言に変遷があるとして、信頼性にも疑問を投げかけた。4億円の融資書類にサインした経緯を述べた法廷発言は「不自然」とし、「報告書は一度も見ていない」との発言についても、およそ信用できないとした。  元代表は、政治資金の処理について「一切、秘書の自主判断でやってもらっていた」と法廷で発言した。秘書任せにしたことで、虚偽記載に至る具体的な事情が耳に入ることがなく、かえって刑事責任を問われずに済んだ。判決はそういった事情も書きこんだ。  だが、秘書らを監督する政治家としての責任は別だ。石川被告ら元秘書3人は昨年、東京地裁で有罪判決を受け、控訴している。今回、判決が再度、元秘書らによる報告書の虚偽記載を認定した事実は重い。元代表の道義的責任は一層、強まったといえる。
小沢氏無罪判決 証人喚問で「潔白」示せ このまま復権は許されない 2012.4.27
判決で、検察官役を務めた指定弁護士の主張を大幅に認めた意味は大きい。小沢元代表が提供した4億円について元秘書らによる虚偽記載罪が成立することや、簿外処理について報告を受け、了承していたことも認定した。 元代表が収支報告書を「一度も見たことがない」と述べたことは「およそ信じられない」と指摘し、「一般的に不自然な内容で変遷がある」と批判した。最大の争点だった共謀の有無にも「共謀共同正犯が成立するとの指定弁護士の主張には相応の根拠があると考えられなくはない」と述べた。  それでも無罪となったのは「被告の故意および実行犯との共謀について証明が十分ではないため」との結語のみによる。これでは小沢元代表の弁護団が閉廷後語った「完全な無罪」にはほど遠い。


朝日新聞デジタル おくやみ・訃報 記事2012年4月25日20時55分 東郷健さん死去 「雑民党」率い同性愛差別撤廃を訴える
 「雑民党」を率い、同性愛者への差別撤廃などを訴えた東郷健(とうごう・けん)さんが、1日に亡くなっていたことがわかった。79歳だった。葬儀は近親者で行った。  東京都新宿区でバーを経営し、ゲイ雑誌の編集長も務めた。「ゲイのカリスマ」とも言われ、雑民党代表として参院選や東京都知事選に立候補。1983年には政見放送で差別用語を使い、NHKが削除したことについて裁判を起こし、論議を呼んだ。
伝説の東京都知事選の 立候補者東郷健の政見放送 社説:追加金融緩和 弊害の深刻さ見誤るな 毎日新聞 2012年04月26日
まず、次なるバブルの危険性だ。 もう一つの大きな弊害は、依存症がさまざまな問題解決の先送りを助長 追加緩和を唱える人の中には、「弊害の心配より、まずデフレ脱却だ」との主張もあろう。だが、過去10年余りの物価下落率は年平均0・2%程度と緩やかなものだ。さらに大事な点は、このところマイナスからプラスに転じてきたという「傾向」である。
Anders Behring Breivik says insanity report is lies
Breivik said his position was "entirely logical". There was "not the slightest possibility I will be judged insane".
If so he could face 21 years in jail, which can be extended if he is thought a continuing danger to society. He would face compulsory psychiatric care if found insane.
刑期が延びるのでは、刑法の自由保障が機能しているとはいえまい。 US taxpayers shelling out billions for faulty weapons Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 25 April, 2012 Apr 24, 2012 12:52pm Watchdog: Pentagon Buys Weapons Backwards ベトナム人留学生の母の医療費支援を呼び掛け 高額医療の苦しさ理解を 2012.3.1 16:46 [マネー&節約]  
大阪大学のベトナム人留学生、グエン・ティ・ランさん(37)の子供の世話のため来日後、くも膜下出血で倒れ闘病中の母親、ディン・ティフォン・ズンさん(72)を支援しようと、在留外国人の支援団体でつくる大阪府豊中市の「国際交流市民ネットとよなか」(薄波アキ代表)が募金活動を始めた。4日には同市内でチャリティーイベントを開催する。  国際チャリティーイベントは4日午前10時半から、豊中市玉井町のとよなか国際交流センターで。今回の医療費支援報告が行われるほか、バザーやベトナム料理などが販売され、収益は医療費支援に充てられる。入場無料。問い合わせは国際交流市民ネットとよなか(電話06・6840・1014)。
Man dies after being assaulted by cops; officers placed on paid leave Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 25 April, 2012 "Ten Thousand Man March" for Darrin Hanna Died while in custody of North Chicago police
Tim Sallinger WGN News 6:34 a.m. CDT, April 22, 2012 NORTH CHICAGO— The Reverend Jesse Jackson showed support for the family of a man who died while in North Chicago Police custody last Fall. He marched with relatives of Darrin Hanna during the "Ten Thousand Man March" Saturday. Marchers showed up at North Chicago City Hall, calling for the resignation of Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. North Chicago Police arrested Hanna last November after reports that he was beating his pregnant girlfriend. Officers who showed up at Hanna's home claim that he rushed toward them with clenched fists, forcing them to defend themselves by hitting him with batons and a taser. Hanna died a week later. At an emotional press conference Friday, Jackson showed reporters photos of a bruised and bloodied Hanna, taken just after his arrest. He compared the images to those of murdered black teenager Emmett Till. "The criminals who engaged in this activity are still policemen. They still have a badge, and a gun, and authority," Jackson said. "We will not let these forces be on the loose, uniforms or not." The seven officers involved in Hanna's arrest have been re-assigned to desk duty while local authorities investigate. The U.S. Department of Justice confirmed Friday that it is conducting a preliminary inquiry into the case, which will determine whether there is a need for a formal investigation. Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. said he welcomed the inquiry. "Hopefully, whatever conclusion they come to will bring some resolution and possibly calm the community." Recently released audio recordings from the arrest have Hanna pleading with officers, telling them "Put me down, please, I was down." Hanna's relatives have sued the city; their attorneys claim that the tape shows Hanna was cooperating with arresting officers. Also, an autopsy report found that Hanna had 11 taser marks on his back, while police claimed they only used it two or three times.
police brutality


4/23/2012 @ 4:49午後 |6,514 views If Japan Is Broke, How Is It Bailing Out Europe?
Let’s be frank: outsiders have little or no ability to delve into Japan’s true government finances. Indeed many commentators who have been particularly outspoken in promoting the story of the Japanese government’s supposed bankruptcy cannot even read the Japanese language.
23 April 2012 Last updated at 16:20 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Dutch government falls in budget crisis

His cabinet was plunged into crisis when Geert Wilders' Freedom Party (PVV) quit talks aimed at slicing 16bn euros (£13.1bn) from the budget.

Mr Wilders refused to accept austerity demands to bring the budget deficit in line with EU rules.

23 April 2012
Sarkozy seeks key far-right votes

第29回 中国人から見た「ここが変だよ日本企業」




4/23/2012 @ 4:49PM |3,097 views If Japan Is Broke, How Is It Bailing Out Europe?
仙谷氏の名誉毀損、新潮社に賠償と謝罪広告掲載命じる 東京高裁判決 2012.4.24 17:43  週刊新潮の記事で名誉を傷つけられたとして、民主党の仙谷由人政調会長代行が発行元の新潮社に1150万円の損害賠償などを求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が24日、東京高裁であった。芝田俊文裁判長は「名誉毀損(きそん)の違法性が高い」として、100万円の支払いを命じた1審東京地裁判決を変更、賠償額を330万円に増額し、同誌への謝罪広告の掲載も命じた。  問題となったのは平成22年10月28日号の記事。仙谷氏が逮捕歴のある金融業者と暴力団関係者のトラブルに絡み、弁護士として公的文書の偽造に関与したなどとする内容を掲載した。  芝田裁判長は「記事は真実と認められず、主要部分に関し裏付け取材をほとんど行っていなかったと推認される」と指摘。記事掲載当時、仙谷氏が官房長官だった点に言及し「国権の最重要ポストという立場を考えると、社会的評価を著しく低下させる内容だった」と増額の理由を述べた。  週刊新潮編集部は「到底納得できない。ただちに上告する」とコメントしている。
偏向報道 Welcome to the Jungle: States demand secrecy over meat filth and cruelty practices Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 24 April, 2012, 21:41
If you're concerned with how some factory farms might be handling their livestock, two US states have made it illegal to conduct undercover investigations — and now animal rights activists and whistleblowers alike have a bone to pick with lawmakers. Only four months into 2012, Utah and Idaho have passed legislation that outlaws going undercover to investigate conditions and conduct inside the confines of factory farms — and now authorities in Missouri are coming close to approving a similar “Ag-gag” act. If passed before the end of April, the Show Me State will become the third state in only two months to tell investigative journalists and whistleblowers alike to forego following leads concerning agricultural operations or else face the consequences. Last month Iowa approved House File 589, a legislation advertised as outlawing “agricultural production facility fraud.” Once Governor Terry E. Branstad signed the act into law in early March, police and prosecutors in Iowa were allowed the power to bring criminal charges against anyone who enters farming facilities by means of deception. The act was touted as a way of keeping agriculturists within the state from having outsiders infiltrate harm to their businesses, however, opponents of the law say that farmers were upset over how video footage and other information captured from their facilities were introducing information to the public that would cut profits by way of revealing the real conditions that livestock are subjected to. Mercy for Animals, an advocacy group, is opposed to House File 589 on grounds that it makes anyone who "expose cruelty to animals, corporate corruption, dangerous working conditions, environmental violation, or food safety concerns at factory farms” a criminal in the eyes of the state. The American Veterinary Medical Association explains in their own report that in the last three years, Mercy for Animals has released footage that shows abuse within Iowa farming facilities, which means that the state can now prosecute journalists that obtain that footage by surreptitious means with the alleged intent of harming business.
Missouri bill criminalizes undercover videos at farms by Associated Press KMOV.com Posted on April 17, 2012 at 3:05 PM
JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri -- The Missouri House endorsed legislation Tuesday that would make it a crime for undercover activists to produce videos portraying poor conditions at livestock farms or other agricultural facilities. The legislation given first-round approval would create the crime of “agriculture production facility interference.” It would apply to anyone who makes or distributes photos, videos or audio recordings of the activities at an agricultural facility without the consent of the owner. The bill also would make it a crime for people to gain employment or access at agricultural facilities under false pretenses. Supporters of the legislation pointed to Iowa, which last month became the first state to make it a crime for people to lie in order to gain access to a livestock operation to record alleged animal abuse. The Iowa law came after the Los Angeles-based group Mercy for Animals had released undercover videos depicting conditions for chickens and hogs in Iowa. “Unfortunately, we live in a society where these activists are becoming more and more of a problem to agriculture,” said state Rep. Casey Guernsey, R-Bethany, the sponsor of the Missouri legislation. “We cannot afford to allow these groups to target our industry of agriculture in Missouri like they have in Iowa.” The House endorsed the legislation by a 124-29 vote, with some Democrats joining majority party Republicans. A second House vote is needed to advance the bill to the Senate, where legislation can more easily be blocked by a few determined opponents. In the House, some urban Democrats suggested that the Missouri legislation was an overreaction by agricultural groups. They said some undercover videos have helped put an end to deplorable conditions.
太地 捕鯨 イルカ Cove 「死んでおわびするのか」関電の姿勢に厳しい批判 エネルギー戦略会議 2012.4.24
 浜岡原発差し止め訴訟の弁護団長を務めた弁護士の河合弘之委員は、事故の際の指揮拠点となる免震事務棟や、放射性物質を減らすフィルター付きベント装置などの対策が完成する前に、大飯原発を再稼働させようとする関電の姿勢を問題視。「あなた方の論理は世間で通用しない」「死んでおわびするのか」と厳しく追及した。  また、原子力コンサルタントの佐藤暁委員は大飯原発の再稼働を「車の運転に例えれば、自賠責保険に入らず運転するようなもの。非常に危ないことだと思う」と警鐘を鳴らした。


Half of recent grads can’t get full-time work, stay shows
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Published: 23 April, 2012

1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed
By HOPE YEN, Associated Press


Rape victim of Wales footballer Ched Evans 'named on Twitter' as Sheffield United launch probe into comments made by fellow player
Identity of victim, 19, 'discussed online by Twitter users'
Club launches investigation into team-mate Connor Brown, who called victim a 'money-grabbing little tramp' on Twitter
Rape charities call for anonymity laws to be toughened up against new technologies
PUBLISHED: 08:12 GMT, 23 April 2012 | UPDATED: 13:56 GMT, 23 April 2012

The suspension follows a storm that erupted as the victim was named on the social networking website. Police promised a ‘robust’ investigation after the girl was identified and abused on the internet within hours of Wales international Evans being found guilty of the attack. Her name was being circulated so widely that it is understood to have been one of the top ‘trending’, or most used, words on the Twitter site over the weekend. The victim was last night said by her family to have been ‘traumatised’ by the loss of her anonymity and the Attorney General has warned that those who published her name could face prosecution.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2133792/Ched-Evans-rape-victim-named-abused-Twitter-girlfriend-stands-Wales-footballer.html#ixzz1szc8PtcC 有道ブログ レイプ被害者 実名

客員論説委員・岩崎慶市 郵政改革は一から仕切り直せ

飼い主を待ちわびて 福島の被災ペットたち

歴史問題 隠蔽




福島の空間放射線量予測 10年後も「帰還困難」 3町に50ミリシーベルト以上地域

渋谷で脱原発求めるパレード 1千人が参加

原発再稼働問題 自民党は傍観すべきではない(4月23日付・読売社説)







(2012年4月23日00時02分 読売新聞)

「奇跡なのかな」 漂着バレーボールの持ち主喜び語る
2012.4.23 23:31



Caught on tape: Chilling new video of US border patrol beating immigrant to death
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Published: 21 April, 2012,

Justice for Anastasio Hernandez Rojas!!

Police Brutality

Why Arab women still 'have no voice'
Amal al-Malki, a Qatari author, says the Arab Spring has failed women in their struggle for equality.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 21 Apr 2012

When women lead the world
Would the world be more peaceful if women were in charge? A new book by Steven Pinker says that the answer is "yes".
Last Modified: 17 Feb 2012

Skeptics immediately reply that women have not made war simply because they have rarely been in power. If they were empowered as leaders, the conditions of an anarchic world would force them to make the same bellicose decisions that men do. Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi were powerful women; all of them led their countries to war.

But it is also true that these women rose to leadership by playing according to the political rules of "a man's world". It was their success in conforming to male values that enabled their rise to leadership in the first place. In a world in which women held a proportionate share (one-half) of leadership positions, they might behave differently in power.

So we are left with the broader question: does gender really matter in leadership? In terms of stereotypes, various psychological studies show that men gravitate to the hard power of command, while women are collaborative and intuitively understand the soft power of attraction and persuasion. Americans tend to describe leadership with tough male stereotypes, but recent leadership studies show increased success for what was once considered a "feminine style".

たんに、ソフトパワーが重要だ、といえばいいのであって、男ーハードパワー vs 女 ソフトパワーという枠組み自体がそろそろ有害無益になってきているのではないか?

米国 マッチョ フェミ

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. http://blogs.ft.com/gavyndavies/2012/04/22/the-eurozone-loses-its-power-to-shock/#ixzz1snnAcPmH
This would turn a mild recession into a deep one, an outcome which would very quickly restore the power of the eurozone to shock risk appetite across the global financial markets.

Why English pride in the Cross of St George is no longer flying high
More English people feel pride and patriotism towards Union Flag
Scots and Welsh put their national flags above the Union Jack
Politicians and EDL blame for lack of English patriotism
PUBLISHED: 08:53 GMT, 22 April 2012 | UPDATED: 11:44 GMT, 22 April 2012

The English have more pride in the Union Flag than the Cross of St George, a new report has revealed.
A poll by the British Future think tank shows only 61 per cent of English feel pride and patriotism towards their national flag, while 80 per cent have such feelings towards the British one.
It is in stark contrast to the Scottish, 84 per cent of whom feel pride in the St Andrew's Cross, and the 86 per cent of Welsh who are passionate about the Red Dragon.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2133422/English-pride-Cross-St-George-half-mast.html#ixzz1so2Nch8Y

The way to a woman's heart? An old-fashioned compliment is better than sex, shopping or chocolate
PUBLISHED: 16:54 GMT, 22 April 2012

The research, commissioned by Appletiser to mark the launch of its 'Sparkle on' campaign, found it's actually the simpler things in life that make women feel happier.
Nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) said that nice weather puts them in a sunny mood, and more than a third said that a compliment (41 per cent) or a nice text message (35 per cent) lifts their mood.
The one stereotype that does ring true, according to the poll, is women's dedication to ensuring they look good.


The World from Berlin
'The Asian Arms Race Is Starting to Look Ominous'

Süddeutsche Zeitung

The old bi-polarity is being increasingly replaced by multiple poles of power, and the Asian powers are increasingly underlining their ambitions with missiles and a greater focus on military might. An end to the arms race is not in sight. Even if the US wanted to, its influence in Asia would no longer be enough to slow this development."

Die Welt

"All of the Asian powers are playing their own game. ... Unlike the Cold War, this is a multi-polar system, where arms controls and trust-building measures are foreign words. It is an Asian power system unlike any ever seen before -- an open-ended one. And, incidentally, one without any kind of participation from the Europeans.

Die Tageszeitung

"India isn't joining an arms race. It is arming itself but slowly. Its military budget is at most a quarter of China's. It is as far behind China as China is behind the USA. That's why nobody in Delhi wanted to celebrate the rocket test as a challenge to Beijing's power. Rather, the test resulted in a naïve outbreak of patriotic pride: Finally, the country sees itself as belonging to the club of nuclear powers."

Yomiuri: J population falls record 259,000 in 2011 (as does NJ pop.); Keidanren think tank sees ROK surpassing J GDP by 2030

Posted by debito on April 21st, 2012

Home > Historical Data Graphs per Year >

GDP per Capita Growth, 1 Yr (%) - Japan Compared to Continent

Economy of Japan
From Wikipedia

January 4, 2011 8:55 pm
In the grip of a great convergence
By Martin Wolf



Iran says it's recovered data from captured U.S. spy drone
By the CNN Wire Staff
April 22, 2012 -

仏大統領選 欧州危機の行方を占う決戦へ(4月24日付・読売社説)

Europe frets over strong le Pen performance
Published: 23 Apr 2012

'I used a spy camera to catch a care home thug beating up my mother': How a daughter's suspicions lead to her uncovering harrowing abuse
PUBLISHED: 22:50 GMT, 22 April 201


Pals until the end: Heartbreaking pictures of the male dog who refused to leave female companion's side after she was killed by a car

They were thought to be long-term partners and had always been seen together, according to another resident in Fujian Province.
One unnamed resident in Quanzhou said: 'They are together all the time.
'Usually it's the wife that runs out first followed by the husband.
'It was horrible and unpleasant to see that the dog didn't make it, and touching that her partner didn't seem to want to leave her behind.'

クミコ 我が麗しき恋物語


Arudou Debito
4月17日 16:47 ·

Y'know, I'm ready to draw a conclusion: Donald Keene is a dick. http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/people/AJ201204170001

Keene's love for Japan still growing after 70 years - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
In 1940, the Japanese literature scholar Donald Keene came across an English translation of the acclaimed 11th-century Japanese novel “Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji) in a bookstore in Times Square.
Arudou Debito It doesn't matter what evidence he's presented. He's still gonna keep saying things like this:
4月17日 16:48
Arudou Debito ‎Don: They said they were encouraged or impressed by my decision to leave the United States and settle in Japan at a time when many non-Japanese people fled Japan.
Q: You were not happy to hear of foreigners leaving Japan, were you?
Don: No. In my heart, I was already Japanese.
4月17日 16:49
Rangi Thomson-mccall Another old man, just what Japan needs.
4月17日 16:57 · 4
Roberto Maxwell How can he play the game so easily? Why is he seeking for such kind of approval? He doesn't need that.
4月17日 16:59
Roberto Maxwell And, you know, he is not an 'old man'. He is a silly man. That's the difference.
4月17日 17:00
Bruce Dady Love Gherbetti What's his view on Civil Code 818-819? dick.
4月17日 17:17
Brian Matuza ‎@Rangi Good one! For old people, Japan is the place to be. For young people, probably the worst place to be. The perpetually aging voting base of Japan brings great things to the elderly at the expense of the young, but who cares because every single one of us is aging. Japan is a pyramid scheme of aging.
4月17日 17:17 · 1
Roberto Maxwell Brian, sorry but I totally disagree with you. How can you say that Japan benefits the elderly? Have you seen the data about poverty in Japan. Most part of the poors are old people. Take the risk to check the streets and see how old are thos...
4月17日 17:24
Brian Matuza I think the numbers say the elderly live in poverty, but the reality,at least from what I see with my own eyes, is quite different. If poverty is based on how much support the elderly receive a month, it is of great concern, but the elderly...
4月17日 17:34
Roberto Maxwell So, Brian, I don't know where you have been, so I better rely on the numbers and discussions made by scholars and other specialists. And, according to you, it seemsthat Japan is the only country in the world that needs foreigners to make a ...
4月17日 17:42
Emanuele Gi Well I had to study on his books...
4月17日 18:43
Tony Dolan Hi Debito. I don't have a dog in this race, but based on the article you linked to, I don't understand how you draw the conclusion that Donald Keene is a dick.
4月17日 18:46
Steve Burdick i'm with Arudou Debito on this one. this interview is the nail in the dick oops i mean the nail in the coffin. the man's a dick.
4月17日 19:09 · 1
CA Gayle The man has a big ego and thinks he is the Gaijin who knows the most about Japan--that is where he is coming from. Living in NYC for as long as he did, I can certainly understand what he sees as great in Japan. I do agree with Arudo Debito in the sense that DK thinks he is in a category all by himself.
4月17日 20:39 · 1
Heidi Wiltamuth fuuuuck him. :)
4月17日 22:11 · 1
Gary Brown Wait a sec- does anyone actually know an American who slaps someone on the back when first meeting someone?
4月17日 22:15
Rick Noelle One example of what I believe Brian is referring to is the proposal to raise the consumption tax to 10%. That is quite a change! Why do this? Because there will not be enough money to pay for the aging population unless dramatic measures su...
4月17日 22:25
Frederick Gundlach Yes, I am sure that is who was at the Japan Society in New York, around early 2005.
木曜日 14:48






2閣僚問責可決 自民の審議拒否は無理がある(4月21日付・読売社説)


Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists
Eyeless shrimp and fish with lesions are becoming common, with BP oil pollution believed to be the likely cause.
Dahr Jamail Last Modified: 20 Apr 2012





社説:首相と自民 これでは醜態の競演だ
毎日新聞 2012年04月21日 







(2012年4月20日22時58分 読売新聞)

What happens on tour clearly doesn't stay on tour! Harry Styles prances around in boxers backstage at One Direction show
PUBLISHED: 12:21 GMT, 20 April 2012 |

What happens on tour, stays on tour
From Wikipedia

It has been stated that there are two rules embedded in the code. Firstly, it must be a group of males in team environment, travelling away from home, where they are unconstrained from the usual forms of acceptable behaviour.[2] The second rule is that all exploits must be kept strictly confidential, never to be discussed with anyone outside the group, particularly wives and girlfriends (also known as WAGS).[7]






(2012年4月21日08時13分 読売新聞)

China allowed to buy New Zealand farmland
Critics argue country is selling off its most vital industry in pursuit of quick profits.
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2012

After a year-long legal battle, China will be allowed to buy farmland in New Zealand.

China says the deal, allowing foreign countries to own parts of New Zealand's biggest industry, makes sense for both countries.

The sale has worried many people in New Zealand who feel the country may be selling off its most vital industry in pursuit of quick profits.

Some experts say such purchases are less about business and more about rich countries securing their own food supply at the expense of less well-off nations.

外国資本 土地買収

空 April 21, 2012 at 1:01 pm
, THEY’LL FALL BEHIND SOUTH KOREA!! Why South Korea (as opposed to, say, Spain)?
This is the document in question.
Look at page 12.
2010 GDP per capita
1 Luxembourg
2 Singapore 
3 the U.S.
4 Germany
5 U.K.
6 Japan
7 South Korea
8 China
1 Luxembourg
2 Singapore 
3 the U.S.
4 South Korea
5 U.K.
6 Japan
7 Germany
8 China
The answer is obvious. Because “they” won’t fall behind Spain. As a side, who are “they”? Aren’t “they” the Japanese? Isn’t Debito one of us the Japanese?
The rest of the post is also off the mark as always.

- 2050 年 シミュレーションと総合戦略 -

一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会
21 世紀政策研究所
2012 年 4 月 16 日

2012年4月18日 13:44 (Record China)

17日、日本は今後40年以内に先進国から脱落する可能性が高いと予測した、日本経団連の研究機関、21世紀政策研究所による2050年までの長期予測が発表された。写真は3月、安徽省淮北市にあるアパレル工場。 (Record China)





日本、2050年までに先進国から転落の恐れ 経団連シンクタンク
2012年04月20日 12:22 

【4月20日 AFP】人口減少や少子高齢化、生産性の伸びの減速による経済の縮小により、日本は2050年までに先進国から転落するかもしれないと警告する報告書を、日本経済団体連合会(経団連、Keidanren)が設立したシンクタンク、21世紀政策研究所(The 21st Century Public Policy Institute)が発表した。







2012年04月19日 13:28 エネルギー


「平清盛」低迷の理由は? 視聴率、歴代最低レベル

★ 朝日新聞『平清盛』記事へのコメントに関して




来日前の日本語研修支援 政府、ベトナム看護師対象に



For Japanese Linguist, A Long And Lonely Schlep

ブリヂストン自転車のかごから放射線 9千台が交換対象




Saudi princess: What I'd change about my country
I am not calling for a western system but an adaptation of that system to suit our needs and culture

Saudi Arabia: Readers respond to princess's call for reform

You are trying to superimpose Western secular liberalism on Islam and trying to push that as a system here which, in my opinion, is unreasonable.

VK April 19, 2012 at 7:47 pm
Welcome to the world of the global citizen, where nowhere is home and no one is your neighbour.




(2012年4月19日18時30分 読売新聞)

Raped woman flees through bathroom window
Stephanie Gardiner
April 19, 2012 - 12:39PM

Read later
A woman has managed to escape a man who allegedly handcuffed her and repeatedly raped her in a house in Sydney's south by jumping out a bathroom window and flagging down a taxi, police say.

The 48-year-old man picked up the 29-year-old woman from Sydney Airport on Tuesday and took her back to his house in Miranda, Chief Inspector Rick Johnson said.

Police alleged the man then handcuffed her and sexually assaulted her several times.

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"When she asked to use the toilet, she managed to make an escape out the window," Inspector Johnson said.

"She flagged down a taxi, which brought her to the police station.

"I didn't see her but I'd imagine she was fairly shocked and distressed."

The woman, a Japanese national living in Australia on a student visa, first met the man in January and he arranged to pick her up after she returned to Sydney from a trip around the country, Chief Inspector Johnson said.

Detectives from Miranda police station arrested the man at his house last night.

He has been charged with three counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of kidnapping in circumstances of aggravation.

He was refused bail and will appear in Sutherland Local Court today.

Man charged with kidnapping, rape of tourist

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By police reporter Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Updated April 19, 2012 12:27:44
Map: Miranda

A man has been charged after he allegedly kidnapped and repeatedly raped a Japanese tourist at his home in Sydney's south.
The 29-year-old woman has told police she made friends with Robert Mariage after landing in Australia in January, and kept in touch as she travelled around the country.
She met up with the 48-year-old again on Tuesday and stayed the night at his Miranda home.
Police Chief Inspector Rick Johnson says the woman's ordeal began the next day.
"The offender made a number of advances to the victim. When she resisted she was detained by some form of bondage method, by tying her up," he said.
The woman has told police she was raped repeatedly over several hours.
She says she was able to escape when Mariage untied her to let her go to the toilet and she climbed out a window.
The woman ran to the local police station and was taken to hospital.
"She was obviously very distressed but very willing to provide police with all the information that they required," Chief Insp Johnson said.
"Her English is not the best. A lot of the interviews and statements were taken with the assistance of an interpreter."
The woman has told police she had always regarded her friendship with Mariage as platonic.
Detectives arrested the 48-year-old at his home a few hours after the escape and charged him with three counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of kidnapping.
Police say they are now investigating whether he was involved in other rapes in the area.
"Any forensic material that we obtain will be cross-examined with other offences that have taken place," Chief Insp Johnson said.
Mariage was held in custody overnight and is due to face court today.


Japanese woman kidnapped, sexually assaulted in Sydney
(AFP) – 5 hours ago
SYDNEY — A man was in custody on Thursday after he allegedly kidnapped, handcuffed and repeatedly sexually assaulted a Japanese woman, reportedly a tourist, in Sydney.
Chief Inspector Rick Johnson told reporters the victim, 29, got to know the man after arriving in Australia in January. She travelled around the country and met up with him again on Tuesday.
It was then that her ordeal began.
"The offender made a number of advances to the victim. When she resisted she was detained by some form of bondage method, by tying her up," Johnson told state broadcaster ABC.
Handcuffs were used and the man then allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted her, a police statement said.
The woman told police she escaped by climbing out of a window when she was untied to use the toilet.
"She was obviously very distressed but very willing to provide police with all the information that they required," Johnson said.
The man, 48, has been charged with three counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of kidnapping.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/raped-woman-flees-through-bathroom-window-20120419-1x8y4.html#ixzz1sU9NWBTQ





115歳「みなに愛され感無量」 世界最高齢の木村さん









(2012年4月19日21時07分 読売新聞)

Fingerprints for hire: 'Jeremy Bell Law' would make schools investigate all employees
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Published: 18 April, 2012

A congressman from Pennsylvania wants to end abuse in America’s schools, but he says the starting point is fingerprinting each and every employee hired within the country’s educational system.
US Rep Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pennsylvania, is asking America’s lawmakers to approve H.R. 3766, the Jeremy Bell Act of 2011, in an effort to curb reports of abuse and negligence in classrooms from coast-to-coast.

Also of concern is how schools will be able to handle managing that sensitive information without top-tier security in place. The American Civil Liberties Union weighed in on a similar case in 2002 when New York’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development wanted all tenants of subsidizing living to be fingerprinted and kept on file.
"The system would involve the creation of a database of tenant fingerprints which would be vulnerable to serious abuse," the ACLU’s Donna Lieberman explained at the time. "The city should not approve such a plan without a careful, detailed assessment of the actual security needs, the anticipated security benefits, the burdens on tenants, and the privacy risks."
In another instance last year, the ACLU also fired back at calls to have residents of Peoria, Arizona fingerprinted and kept on file for picking up prescriptions within the city limits. The ACLU opposed that effort as well, arguing that the collection of information — while publicized as an effort to curb crime — would actually just expand law enforcement’s ability to collect information on the innocent that could only be used against them in the future.
“The pharmacies will function as annexes to police stations for the collection of personal information and as conduits for the transmission of private information to law enforcement agencies,” ACLU of Arizona Legal Director Daniel Pochoda explained at the time.

A similar attempt to enforce a fingerprinting program on all drivers within the state of Arizona a few years earlier was met by similar opposition from the ACLU. In 2005, Dawn Wyland of the union’s Arizona division explained, "My gut tells me this is just a horrible violation of privacy," adding that "It is compelling someone to give evidence against themselves for an unrelated crime."
The Jeremy Bell Act would be a first in that it would apply to schools all over the US, but similar cases have already occurred. In 2010 a Texas school teacher had her certification suspended for refusing to be fingerprinted as part of a background check. Even though Pam McLaurin had been teaching for two decades, school officials stripped her of her license for not inking her hand, something she opposed for religious purposes by insisting she would “bear the mark of the beast.” Despite a legal battle that tried to reverse the school’s suspension of McLaurin, the Texas Education Agency argued that they never forced the teacher to submit fingerprints; rather, it was her decision to follow suit — simply refusing meant she would forfeit her role with the school.

指紋 就職要件 

Muggings and pickpocket thefts increase by 10% in biggest leap for a decade
Data showed serious sexual crimes were up two per cent
However overall there was three per cent fewer crimes last year
PUBLISHED: 15:40 GMT, 19 April 2012 |


'Pakis, Pakis, we're coming for you:' Words of 'killers in car before they deliberately ran down' three Asian men during last summer's riots
Jurors see CCTV of moment Shazad Ali, 30, Abdul Musavir, 31, and Haroon Jahan, 20, were hit by car
Prosecutor says incident was deliberate and like 'modern day chariot charge'
PUBLISHED: 12:06 GMT, 19 April 2012 | UPDATED: 18:00 GMT, 19 April 2012

Jurors watched in horror as CCTV footage of a car ploughing into three men in what was described as a ‘modern-day chariot charge’ was played to a murder trial today.
Brothers Shazad Ali, 30, Abdul Musavir, 31, and a third man, Haroon Jahan, 20, were seen being catapulted up to ten feet through the air after being ‘deliberately’ hit by the Mazda saloon at the height of the rioting which swept the country last August.
Some relatives fled the courtroom while others sobbed as the 15-second clip showed one of the men somersault through the air.
The court heard how tensions between the different communities in multicultural Birmingham had become particularly inflamed during the riots.
And jurors were also told that occupants of the Mazda were allegedly heard shouting 'Pakis, Pakis, we're coming for you,' followed by: ‘Pakis we are going to come back and shoot you,' shortly before the incident.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2132048/Judge-forced-clear-court-opening-riots-deaths-trial-footage-victims-flung-air-struck-car-causes-huge-argument.html#ixzz1sWWy1pte

A generation of girls is now being sexually corrupted by the web
Insecure and desperate for male attention, Becky was just 15 when she began meeting strangers for sex via the internet. Sadly, her story is becoming all too common...
PUBLISHED: 00:01 GMT, 19 April 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2131726/A-generation-girls-sexually-corrupted-web.html#ixzz1sWYDFOZV

Low self-esteem: When she was a teenager, Becky became addicted to having sex with strangers she met online to boost her confidence

'You have not shown a shred of remorse': Judge condemns evil gun gangsters who shot and paralysed girl, 5, as they are jailed for life
Gunman Nathanial Grant, 21, jailed for 17 years while 'sidekick' Anthony McCalla, 20, and 'enforcer' Kazeem Kolawole, 19, got 14 years
Thusha Kamaleswaran confined to a wheelchair after being shot while playing in her uncle's shop in Stockwell, south London
Trio could have been behind bars on day of the shooting
PUBLISHED: 11:26 GMT, 19 April 2012 |

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2132030/You-shown-shred-remorse-Judge-condemns-evil-gun-gangsters-shot-paralysed-girl-5-jailed-life.html#ixzz1sWZNqfiy

Judge Martin Stephens QC said all of the men pose a high risk to the public and none of them has shown a 'shred of remorse.'
He said: 'This is an exceptional case of the utmost gravity. The seriousness is such that a life sentence is necessary to reflect public abhorrence of these offences.
'Shooting twice into the small and confined shop where it was known there were people present can be denounced as an attack on society itself by men who saw themselves as outside and above the law.'




『季節、めぐり それぞれの居場所』劇場予告編

Breivik glorifies Norway mass killings
it is as wrong to call me evil as it is to call those who dropped the atomic bomb evil.
They killed 300.000 Japanese in order to save millions, So if we can force governments to chage policy of muticulturalism by killing 70 people then we will preseve our value and prevernt war in future




The world is a dangerous place. Maybe someone should do something. 天の邪鬼対策

流産・中絶「震災後増加」根拠なし 福島県立医大




Asia Journalist Christopher Johnson Makes Threats Against Other Journalists?


16 April 2012 Last updated at 14:25 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Italian ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi 'hosted nun strippers
A witness at the trial of Silvio Berlusconi has said strippers dressed as nuns performed for the former Italian prime minister at a party.







(2012年4月17日11時49分 読売新聞)




 さらに15日夜、交流サイト「グーグルプラス」で、秋元康総合プロデューサーが「だから、会議の時に言ったじゃないか! あれは、やりすぎだよ」「乃木坂46のコンセプトには合わない」などと、乃木坂46を運営しているソニー・ミュージック担当者を叱った。



人口、過去最大25万9千人減 福島3万9千人減






Flyjin フライ人


by Lloyd DeMause

The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2


批判 [編集]





Fukushima Fallout
Cancer Fears and Depression Plague Japanese Refugees

By Cinthia Briseño and Heike Sonnberger

Just how many cancer cases will the increased radiation trigger? Like most radiation experts, US radiologist Fred Mettler expects that Fukushima won't raise general cancer rates in Japan. If it did, the increase would be too small to measure, Mettler, a member of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), recently told the news agency AP

What is known is what happened after the catastrophe at Chernobyl. There is a clear connection between the reactor accident in 1986 and the increase in thyroid cancer diagnoses. Thyroid cancer can be traced primarily back to the consumption of milk and leafy vegetables contaminated by iodine-131. Radiation expert Weiss suspects that a similar causal link won't be found in Fukushima. A mass screening of the thyroids of Japanese children after the accident showed very low levels of radiation, said Weiss. Besides, he notes, thyroid cancer appears more commonly in adults over the age of 40.

The experts agree on one main point: The psychological consequences of the nuclear catastrophe are a greater risk to the population than radiation. There was a similar conclusion after the Chernobyl disaster, when many of those evacuated suffered from stress and depression. They ate fewer healthy foods, and smoked and drank more, all of which can increase the risk of cancer.
Nurse Matsumoto agrees. The biggest problem for the Katsurao refugees right now is not radiation, but too little physical activity. Most of the townspeople are farmers who worked hard before the catastrophe. Now they sit in their emergency accommodations, and eat fatty pre-packaged foods instead of homegrown vegetables, which could put them at risk for increased cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

"Some are already suffering from depression," Matsumoto says, adding that the refugees have the dual burden of having lost their jobs, and their homes. "And they don't know how things are going to turn out."

Police HANDCUFF girl, 6, after she 'threw a tantrum at school'
PUBLISHED: 12:11 GMT, 17 April 2012 | UPDATED: 13:03 GMT, 17 April 2012
Comments (94)

Police handcuffed a six-year-old girl after she threw a tantrum at school and could not be controlled by teachers or police

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130977/Salecia-Johnson-Police-HANDCUFF-girl-6-threw-tantrum-elementary-school.html#ixzz1sKohSeMY


Sakura at Shukugawara




ホームレス、初めて1万人下回る 厚労省調査



The US forward-deployed presence in Japan is courtesy of an independent Japan. And it’s good for Japan’s own security; that’s why it works, and why Americans should never take the alliance for granted; nor should Japanese officials.

THE SOLUTION: The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), which includes 2,500 Marines and is tagged as ‘special forces capable,’ should remain. Those Marines would be available for quick deployments – either humanitarian relief or the securing of North Korean ports in the event of conflict. The MEU operates largely on its own, a component of, but not dependent on the total 18,000-manned 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force. The 31st MEU operates in close coordination with the USS Essex, out of Sasebo, in southern Japan. The helicopter unit, now based at Futenma, could be integrated into the huge Kadena air base that is managed by the US Air Force, or into a new heliport facility at Camp Hansen (US Marine), combined with pre-positioned supplies and equipment jointly maintained offshore on ships by the US and Japan. Regular joint training with Japanese forces -- and US access to Japanese facilities in the event of a regional contingency -- could be negotiated. All of the rest of the 3rd MEF could be based in Guam, Hawaii, or Camp Pendleton, close to San Diego, which will have plenty of space because of the scheduled reduction in overall Marine Corps ranks.

社説:大飯原発再稼働 理解に苦しむ政治判断
毎日新聞 2012年04月15日 02時31分(最終更新 04月15日 02時54分)


原発再稼働要請 立地自治体の理解が最優先だ(4月15日付・読売社説)



Arudou Debito

どこの国の留学生でも、2、3年するとこんな議論をしているものだろうが、日本にいる欧米人のなかには、来歴20年経っても、この程度の議論しかーーーしかも、英語でしかーーー できなくても、ーーーなんと、それで、食っていける、というのが驚きではある。

Black Like Me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2012/4/13 12:49


Surviving the North Korean gulags
Testimonies of torture and forced labour from former detainees of North Korean prison camps.
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2012

Punishment and Profits: Immigration Detention
Fault Lines investigates the business of immigrant detention in the US.
Fault Lines Last Modified: 11 Apr 2012

Immigration is a key issue in the US presidential election, with the Republican candidates trying to demonstrate their tough stance on undocumented immigrants.

But under the Obama administration, the detention and deportation of immigrants has reached an all-time high.

Every day, the US government detains more than 33,000 non-citizens at the cost of $5.5mn a day. That is a lot of money for the powerful private prison industry, which spends millions of dollars on lobbying and now operates nearly half of the country's immigration detention centres.

不法移民 拘留

Activists: rape, abuse, death in federal immigration detention centers

She continued, in ICE lock up, women are assaulted, abused, denied medical treatment, and in some cases die in custody. The need for standards and medical care standards is dire.


You have a right NOT to sign any statements
or documents, especially ones giving up your
right to a hearing in front of an immigration
judge. If necessary, say you want to speak to a
lawyer first.
Do NOT volunteer information about your
immigration status. Anything you say will be
used against you later on.
You have the right to contact your

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Office is holding you.
After you are arrested, you will be placed in a holding cell or temporary processing station
where you will be fingerprinted and interviewed.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Office is holding you.
After you are arrested, you will be placed in a holding cell or temporary processing station
where you will be fingerprinted and interviewed.

You do not have a right to a free attorney in immigration proceedings.
However, you have the right to obtain a lawyer at no cost to the government.
You also have the right to represent yourself.

不法移民 権利


You surreptitiously edited the bold text you inserted into Mr. Inoue’s comment to leave the appearance that he was trolling your blog. When Mr. Inoue left that comment on your post, the original article had indeed been removed from CRN

有道 編集 削除 検閲

中国式高度成長モデルの崩壊 「薄煕来失脚」のもうひとつの意味 編集委員・田村秀男


Black people more likely to be jobless in Britain than US, research reveals
During last three recessions, unemployment among black men was up to 19 percentage points higher in UK than US

Share 652 reddit this
Comments (186)
Randeep Ramesh, social affairs editor
The Guardian, Friday 13 April 2012

停止までハンドル操作か トラック避け電柱に
2012.4.15 11:43

Black people in Britain are more likely to be unemployed than those in the United States, especially during recessions, with successive UK governments "failing to protect minority ethnic groups", research reveals.

A paper presented on Friday at the British Sociological Association's annual conference in Leeds shows that in the last three recessions, unemployment among black British men was up to 19 percentage points higher than among those in America.


Abortion becomes key US political flashpoint
13 April 2012 Last updated at 18:59 GMT Help
US President Barack Obama has far more support from women than the Republicans vying to challenge him for the presidency do partly because of the remarkable divisions in the US over abortion.

As Newsnight's Paul Mason reports, the issue has become charged in a way almost unimaginable in Europe.

倫理 相対性 相対主義 道徳 ホロコースト ジェノサイド







日米衝突の根源 1858―1908 [著]渡辺惣樹



東北博外国語HP、観光庁が一時閉鎖 誤訳相次ぎ




Keeping China at bay: UK, Japan strike arms deal
Get short URL email story to a friend print version
Published: 10 April, 2012,

For its part, London is following lock and step with Washington, where increasing commitments in the Asia-Pacific region is a priority]

中国GDP8.1%増 減速、5四半期連続2012年4月13日14時27分

iago April 12, 2012 at 11:27 am



The Barbie Doll Test

A Girl Like Me

Should cops target black people for ID checks?
Published: 28 Mar 12 14:27 CET

A German court ruled this week that police are allowed to use skin colour as a reason for spot-checks when looking for people breaking immigration laws. Is that justified? Have your say.
Victim slams court's racial spot-check ruling - National (28 Mar 12)
Court: skin colour good reason for cop ID check - National (27 Mar 12)
The ruling emerged from the case of a young black German man who said he was so sick of repeatedly being asked for his ID in his own country that he refused to do so without being given a good reason.

The Koblenz court ruled that the police were justified in using a person’s appearance, including skin colour, to decide whether to check their ID, provoking outrage from the man and his lawyer. One human rights lawyer told The Local the judge was not fit for office.


Australia's most senior Catholic Archbishop sparks outrage after saying Jews are 'intellectually and morally inferior'
PUBLISHED: 15:15 GMT, 12 April 2012 | UPDATED: 16:12 GMT, 12 April 2012

ユダヤ 差別発言

Swiss magazine defends picture of Roma boy holding toy gun after complaints from gypsies that it's like 'Nazi propaganda'
PUBLISHED: 13:08 GMT, 12 April 2012 | UPDATED: 13:59 GMT, 12 April 2012
Comments (2)

A Swiss magazine has defended using a picture of a Roma child waving a toy gun after gypsy groups complained that it was like 'Nazi propaganda'.
Zurich weekly Weltwoche used the image to illustrate an article that was intended to highlight the use of children to commit burglaries and street thefts.

ロマ ジプシー スイス



Woman wrongly jailed for murder faces €32,000 bill
Published: 12 Apr 12 12:39 CET

A woman who was wrongly convicted of murdering her father and jailed for life has been told by a court she must pay €32,000 towards the cost of finding the evidence which proved her innocence.








2012.4.13 01:22 [北朝鮮]




Former Santa Fe officer accused of being a 'creeper'
Posted at: 04/09/2012 10:06 PM | Updated at: 04/09/2012 10:36 PM
By: Gadi Schwartz, 4 On Your Side

Another complaint has surfaced against the former Santa Fe police sergeant suspected of masturbating in his squad car.

KOB Eyewitness News 4 has obtained a recent New Mexico State Police report, detailing new allegations of harassment against an 18-year-old employee of a local coffee shop by former Sgt. Mike Eiskant.

According to the report, the employee told police Eiskant made her feel uncomfortable and told her "he doesn't like her having a boyfriend and that he noticed her boyfriend driving her car around a lot."

The report is the latest in a stack of complaints against the former traffic sergeant.

Last week, a 4 On Your Side Investigation exposed a dash cam video in which Eiskant is believed to be masturbating while on patrol along side one of the busiest streets in Santa Fe.

The dashboard camera captures the sound of a zipper, the sounds of texting and audio of graphic sex talk from Eiskant who is alone in his car.

Some officers who worked with Eiskant said they are not surprised.

Former officer Shannon Brady told 4OYS that Eiskant had a reputation for being a "creeper" and stalking women.

Brady said she even tried to bring a harassment complaint against Eiskant years ago to Santa Fe's human resource division.

That complaint was handled by then human resource compliance officer Raymond Rael.

Rael has since been promoted to chief of police.

"They had plenty of opportunities over the course of many years to do something about it and they refused to," Brady said.

The former officer said when she went to file her claim, Rael asked her if she was, "doing this only because of all the rumors against Mike Eiskant stalking women and offered mediation with Eiskant which she declined."

Rael told 4OYS that since he has been chief, he was unaware of other complaints against the former sergeant.

"I did not have prior knowledge and if I did I would have acted," Rael said.

The chief said he was informed about problems with Eiskant only when the attorney general began investigating Eiskant for stalking women last year and launched an internal affairs investigation.

Eiskant was never disciplined or put on administrative leave. Instead, Eiskant was allowed to start cashing in on all of his accumulated leave and will officially retire in November.

4OYS also asked about Eiskant being assigned the badge number 69 which he was given when promoted to sergeant.

"Is it possible that it is coincidental?" Rael said. "I suppose, but I can't speak to that issue one way or another."

4OYS also took the video to Santa Fe City Councilor Bill Dimas for his reaction.

"The moment that they found out he should have been placed on some type of administrative leave," Dimas said after reviewing the video.

Last week, Eiskant pleaded no contest to ten misdemeanor counts in a case brought against him by the New Mexico Attorney General's Office, including stalking, harassment and false imprisonment.

One of those counts was for harassing Shannon Brady.

Brady said the charge stems from the same incidents that the chief dismissed when he was working at the city.

Police brutality 警官失態

社説:地熱発電 成功モデルつくろう
毎日新聞 2012年04月13日


猫ひろし 五輪一転ピンチ 「資格」に疑問!!
2012年4月13日 紙面から

猫、真っ青! ニャンと、ロンドン五輪出場、ダメになるかも-。昨年10月にカンボジア国籍を取得してロンドン五輪男子マラソン代表に選ばれたタレントの猫ひろし(本名滝崎邦明、34)の参加資格を国際陸上競技連盟が疑問視し、カンボジア陸連などに説明を求めていることが12日、分かった。国際陸連がことしから、選手の国籍変更に関する規定を厳格化したためで、最終的に「特例」扱いを同陸連が承認しない限り、猫の五輪は幻に終わる可能性が出てきた。
 カンボジア・オリンピック委員会は3月に猫を同国五輪代表に決めている。 (共同)
 特例で国際陸連の承認を受ける道も残されているが、説得力のある根拠は見当たらず、ある国際陸連関係者は「門前払いになる可能性もある」と指摘した。 (共同)

猫ひろし五輪消滅も 参加資格を疑問視

 カンボジア国籍を取得してロンドン五輪男子マラソン代表に選ばれたタレント猫ひろし20+ 件(34)の参加資格を国際陸上競技連盟が疑問視し、カンボジア陸連などに説明を求めていることが12日、分かった。五輪出場が認められない可能性も出てきた。





 [2012年4月13日9時13分 紙面から]

猫ひろしはなぜか特別扱い 五輪落選「カンボジアの英雄」が激怒
2012/4/12 19:06







Romney criticizes Obama handling of North Korea

Posted by

CNN Political Unit
(CNN) - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney condemned the launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea, saying it puts the region at risk and highlights the “incompetence” of the Obama administration.

「 」がついているから、ロムニーが外交を弱腰外交と批判したのか、英語でなんていうんだろう、と思ったら、そうではなくて、ロケットが発射されてしまったことで、オバマ政権の無能さを際立たった、というのを産経が色付けして、弱腰外交と呼んでいるわけですね。






(2012年4月13日20時10分 読売新聞)

The hypocrisy of the US-UK extradition act
Why is the UK handing over British citizens to the US under a treaty designed to deal with terrorism?
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2012 04:41

This biased, one sided treaty is grossly unjust. If a crime is suspected to have being carried out by a UK citizen on the UK soil, why is the British government (who just in case have forgotten that their first and fundamental duty is to protect its citizens) allowing them to be tried in the US where they don't live, where the alleged crime didn't take place, where there are complications and difficulties in summoning witnesses to give evidence and where they are not entitled to the legal aid that they will desperately need?

Moreover, the contentious issue of plea bargains in the US makes a macabre mockery of a justice system where innocent defendants are pressurised to enter into plea negotiations. In turn, the vulnerability, rights and morality of the innocent are exploited to produce results for the US legal system, where  >95 per cent of all convictions are secured with a guilty plea, most of them through plea bargaining.


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テレビ人気霊媒師!?有名「霊能力者」!? 下ヨシ子を提訴しました。