





(2012年3月30日10時48分 読売新聞)

37.9% of foreigners pass national caregivers exam
March 29, 2012

Thirty-six people from Indonesia and the Philippines passed the national examination to work as caregivers in Japan, a success rate of 37.9 percent, the health ministry said on March 28.

It was the first national caregivers examination given to foreigners who had come to Japan under economic partnership agreements (EPAs).

In addition, 22 foreigners who had completed courses at vocational schools that exempted them from taking the national exam were given approval to work as careworkers in Japan.

The pass rate among all examinees for the test, including Japanese, was 63.9 percent.

The 37.9 percent rate for 95 applicants from Southeast Asia was much higher than success rate of about 11 percent among candidates under the same EPAs who took the national examination for nurses.

“The pass rate (of 37.9 percent) was higher than we had anticipated,” said an official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Caregivers act as leaders for ordinary helpers in many nursing-care facilities in Japan, which are facing shortages of qualified workers.

Candidates who come to Japan under the EPAs are allowed to stay for training for up to four years. In three of the four years, however, they are required to receive practical training at nursing-care facilities.

Under the current system, they can take the national examination only once.

But given the positive results of the latest exam, the government decided to allow those who failed in this year’s test but attained a certain score to stay longer in Japan and take the exam again next year.

The difficulty of learning the Japanese language has served as a huge barrier for foreign candidates taking the national exam.

To help solve the problem, the ministry has attached hiragana characters for difficult kanji characters on the tests. It also carried English translations for difficult names for diseases.

For next year’s examination, the ministry plans to attach hiragana to every kanji.

Danta, 31, an Indonesian, could not hide her smile at around 1 p.m. on March 28, when she saw her number on a website that confirmed she had passed the caregivers examination.

“I was able to pass the test thanks to every person who supported me. I want to convey this success to my parents in Indonesia,” said Danta, who has received training at Shintsurumi Home in Yokohama, a special nursing-care facility for the elderly.

But another foreigner, 25, who received training in the same facility, failed the test and wept.

One big difference between the two candidates was their Japanese language abilities.

In Indonesia, Danta studied Japanese after graduating from a nursing college, giving her a big advantage from the start of their stays in Japan.

Shintsurumi Home employed two Japanese language instructors, and Japanese staff members alternately held classes for the two to help them study for the exam.

But the classes became a heavy burden for the staff members who had their own duties to complete.

“The government should offer more support for facilities that have accepted foreign trainees. Unless it does so, many facilities will hesitate to accept the trainees,” said an official of Shintsurumi Home.

Danta, who worked as a nurse for two years in Indonesia, is in charge of elderly people suffering from dementia or who are bedridden at Shintsurumi Home.

“I want to work in Japan forever,” Danta said.

With her new role, she will also work night shifts, provide advice on care plans for elderly people under her watch, and take measures to prevent accidents.

“From now, I want to give her more responsible jobs,” said Katsuya Kiyohara, a Shintsurumi Home director. “In the future, the day will come when we will secure human resources for nursing care from among foreign applicants.”

(This article was compiled from reports by Takashi Arichika and Miki Morimoto.)

Japan, Indonesia step up help to nurse, caregiver candidates

March 26, 2012

The dismal success rate of a program to help license Indonesian nurse candidates in Japan prompted the two governments to provide more Japanese-language training to aspirants.

Two hundred nurse and caregiver candidates are studying Japanese language at an Indonesian government facility outside Jakarta.

The Japan Foundation, a government-affiliated agency that promotes Japanese culture overseas, prepared teaching materials and provided 45 teachers.

In addition to basic conversation as well as reading and writing, the students can learn professional terminology in Indonesia during the six-month course that runs through April. Another six-month training course is planned in Japan.

The Japanese-language program was expanded from a total of nine months, including three months in Indonesia, last year.

“It’s difficult to use particles,” said Egi Nur Iman, a 23-year-old candidate who was working on hospital terminology. “But I want to learn nursing in Japan and teach it in Indonesia in the future.”

The move to provide more assistance in Japanese language training stems from the fact that few non-Japanese have passed national nursing exams.

Since 2008, Japan has accepted 791 trainees from Indonesia who hope to work as nurses or caregivers under a bilateral economic partnership agreement. The number of trainees under a similar agreement with the Philippines has reached 569 since 2009.

But only 66 have passed the nursing exam, due mainly to difficulties in mastering the Japanese language.

The results for 47, or 71 percent, of them were announced on March 26.

The results of a caregiver examination for which foreign trainees took for the first time will be released on March 28.

Nurse candidates are required to pass the exam in three years while undergoing training at a Japanese medical institution. Caregiver candidates have four years before passing the exam.

Japanese medical and nursing care facilities have become reluctant to accept foreign trainees because of the low pass rate and the increased burden. In fiscal 2011, 120 facilities accepted trainees, down from about 300 in fiscal 2009.

Under the Japanese language program, candidates’ grades in Indonesia are provided to help Japanese facilities decide whether to accept them as trainees.

Only about half of the candidates have found facilities that will accept them.

A senior official of Indonesia’s National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers said the language training program is still in the trial and error stage.

“We are prepared to send many workers,” the official said. “We expect the Japanese government to provide greater support to facilities that accept candidates.”

An added problem for Indonesian and Japanese authorities is how to support unsuccessful candidates who return home.

Eighty-five nursing candidates have returned or plan to return to Indonesia. A survey by the Japanese Embassy found that 18 of 47 such candidates remained unemployed while the remainder were hired by medical institutions or Japanese companies.

Many unsuccessful candidates who returned to Indonesia plan to take the exams again.

Last year, the Japanese Embassy organized a job fair and a trial examination for Indonesian returnees who hope to find employment or retake examinations.

The University of Indonesia and four other universities are preparing a training program to improve returnees’ skills.

“The number of returnees will increase in the future,” said Setyowati, a professor of nursing at the University of Indonesia. “It is important to help them retake examinations or make use of their experiences in Japan.”

The Japanese government has been slow to provide support to facilities that accept them and review national examinations.

Many candidates have chosen to return home, and facilities have accepted fewer candidates every year, threatening the system aimed at opening up the job market in this field.

The government allowed candidates who came to Japan in fiscal 2008 and 2009 to extend their stay in Japan for one year if they attained suitable scores in examinations.

In examinations in fiscal 2011 and afterward, “furigana” explanations have been given on how to pronounce difficult Chinese characters, along with names of diseases in English.

From fiscal 2013, foreign candidates will be allowed more time for the test.

“To secure safety of medical services, medical institutions will think about work styles (for foreign nurses), considering the individual’s ability to understand what is being said,” a health ministry official said.

The Philippines was keen for Japan to accept nurses and caregivers as a means to earn foreign currency.

While the foreign and industry ministries were agreeable, the health ministry remained wary.

Many medical institutions pointed out that the life of patients could be at stake if problems of communicating cropped up. It was for this reason that the government decided to accept foreign nurses and caregivers on condition they pass Japanese-language national exams.

(This article was compiled from reports by Miki Morimoto and Maiko Kobayashi.)

看護 介護

Airline grounds captain who 'started screaming about a bomb'
March 29, 2012

Gabriel Schonzeit, who was sitting in the third row, said the captain said there could be a bomb onboard.
"He started screaming about al-Qaida and possibly a bomb on the plane and Iraq and Iran and about how we were all going down," Schonzeit told the Amarillo Globe-News.
"A group of us just jumped up instinctually and grabbed him and put him to the ground," Antolino said.
The Federal Aviation Administration said the co-pilot had locked the cockpit.
An off-duty JetBlue captain who was a passenger on the flight entered the flight deck and took over Osbon's duties before landing in Amarillo, the airline said in a statement.
The customers and crew "just did a great job," JetBlue's Barger said. "That was a true team effort at 35,000 feet."
Osbon was taken to a hospital, the airline said.


Will the expansion of China's economy last?

Court bans Internet pornography in Egypt
March 29, 2012 | 7:09 am

REPORTING FROM CAIRO -- An administrative court has banned Egyptians from surfing the Internet for pornography and ordered the state to block X-rated websites, the state newspaper Al Ahram has reported.

Pornographic websites emit "poisons in spreading immorality" that "destroy all religious beliefs, ethics and moral values," the court said in its verdict. "Not blocking them destroys. . .values. This can't be considered in the frame of freedom of expression because what's shown on these websites harms the country's higher interests and its national and social security."

The verdict comes after an inquiry by Younis Makhioun, a member of parliament with the ultraconservative Islamist Al Nour party, who called for pornographic websites to be outlawed. He said X-rated sites have destroyed morality, corrupted the youth and spread obscenity, family troubles, rape and divorce.

"Instead of focusing on important issues affecting our country, Egyptian youth have become busy with lust.... Just making it difficult for users to surf these websites will be a positive step," he said.

His comments and the court's ruling raised questions about the priorities of the Islamists, who control parliament and whose conservative elements are pressing for the nation to be guided by sharia, or Islamic laws. This has stirred worries among secularists and activists, who argue the country faces more pressing problems than pornography, such as economic turmoil, lack of security and social unrest.

性描写 偏向報道

Naha City now requires JETs/AETs to provide urine sample (drug test) for contract renewal. Not required from Japanese employees, apparently.




質問日時:2008/9/8 00:39:52ケータイからの投稿
解決日時:2008/9/22 03:59:39








出生の日から起算して(43条1項) 「14日以内(国外で出生があつたときは、3箇月以内)」(49条)という届出期間内に届け出るようにしましょう。

北海道・蘭越町HPには、『生まれた日から14日以内に届け書を提出してください。期間を過ぎると理由書が必要となり、簡易裁判所に過料を支払わなければなりません。』 と書いてあります。
→ http://www.town.rankoshi.hokkaido.jp/modules/xfsection/article.php?...

元・役場の戸籍係だった方のHPには、『過料は、簡易裁判所の判断になります。役所ではありません。過料に決まったら裁判所から本人に直接通知が届きますから、役所ではだれが過料を求められているのかわかりません。届出期間を過ぎてしまったら全部が全部過料を求められるということではありません。裁判所では、届出期間を過ぎたその長さと理由とで判断すると思うのです。』 と書いてあります。
→ http://www004.upp.so-net.ne.jp/hitosen/juuten.html

なお、戸籍法46条は、『届出期間が経過した後の届出であつても、市町村長は、これを受理しなければならない。』 と定めています。

:2012/01/31(火) 18:46:42.05 ID:???


指示している」(小宮山洋子 厚労相)




EPA介護福祉士候補者、国試38点で延長- 厚労省、滞在延長のための基準を発表






労働 /職業安定
厚生 /医事


4 得点が一定の水準以上の者である とのことであるが非常に不明瞭である。
家人に医師と看護師がいますが、看護師は激務の上に薄給です。医師も苛酷な激務ですがまだお給料がましです。看護師のほうは○○病院勤務なので近い将来給料カットです。 看護師不足ならば日本人の有資格者を優遇して職場に戻りたい労働条件にするのが筋でしょう。○○看護大学など自費で高い授業料を払って看護師になっています。 どの国も自国民優先です。
日本政府は、外国人優遇の政策ばかり推進しないで 日本人の失業率を下げるべく、筋の通った正しい政治を行っていただきたい。


独でタイガーマスク現象 相次ぐ匿名の寄付金 
2012.3.29 17:50 [欧州]




Mar 5, 2012 1:39pm
Mystery Philanthropist Leaves Envelopes of Cash

内から湧き上がる祖国愛にこそ 文芸批評家、都留文科大学教授・新保祐司
2012.3.29 03:03



特集 被災地を支援する外国人(上)EPA 看護師・介護福祉士候補者たちがボランティアチームを結成 ~被災地の高齢者に笑顔を取り戻す(財)海外技術者研修協会(AOTS) (財団法人入管協会発行2011年8月号 『国際人流』より転載)


印刷 51

専門学校卒業に「観光2段」「IT3段」 文科省が検討


Congressional report: attack on Iran would be a failure
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Published: 29 March, 2012,

Labor rage: Arrests as General Strike locks Spain (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
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Published: 29 March, 2012, 09:58

29 March 2012 Last updated at 17:04 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Spanish workers hold general strike over labour reforms

The only violence seemed to be when scuffles broke out between protesters and police as workers from Spain's largest unions picketed at the capital's bus depot early on Thursday.

A total of 58 people were detained and nine were injured, the interior ministry said.

Violence erupts on Spain's streets as thousands clash with police in 24-hour general strike
PUBLISHED: 15:04 GMT, 29 March 2012 | UPDATED: 15:19 GMT, 29 March 2012
Comments (18)

Riot police took to the streets of Spain today as protesters burned bins, vandalised shops and attacked officers during a one day nationwide general strike.
Spaniards angry with having the eurozone's highest unemployment rate refused to go to work in protest at further crushing austerity measures being brought in by the new centre-right Popular Party government.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122237/Violence-erupts-Spains-streets-thousands-clash-police-24-hour-general-strike.html#ixzz1qXJLMtpG


Aircraft carrier left us to die, say migrants
Exclusive: Boat trying to reach Lampedusa was left to drift in Mediterranean for 16 days, despite alarm being raised

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Jack Shenker in Lampedusa
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 8 May 2011 21.30 BST

Dozens of African migrants were left to die in the Mediterranean after a number of European military units apparently ignored their cries for help, the Guardian has learned. Two of the nine survivors claim this included a Nato ship.

A boat carrying 72 passengers, including several women, young children and political refugees, ran into trouble in late March after leaving Tripoli for the Italian island of Lampedusa. Despite alarms being raised with the Italian coastguard and the boat making contact with a military helicopter and a warship, no rescue effort was attempted.

All but 11 of those on board died from thirst and hunger after their vessel was left to drift in open waters for 16 days. "Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard," said Abu Kurke, one of only nine survivors. "By the final days, we didn't know ourselves … everyone was either praying, or dying."

International maritime law compels all vessels, including military units, to answer distress calls from nearby boats and to offer help where possible. Refugee rights campaigners have demanded an investigation into the deaths, while the UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency, has called for stricter co-operation among commercial and military vessels in the Mediterranean in an effort to save human lives.


Comment is free
Cif belief
Islamophobia as a political ploy
The fixation with diagnosing Islam's ills may mask deeper anxieties about upheavals in European and American societies

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Comments (388)
Usman Ahmedani
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 29 March 2012 09.48 BST

Looking at a cartoon that portrays American Muslims as terrorists-to-be from the perspective of free speech versus censorship alone absolves us from asking what the intention behind it is, or what context it appears in. The context in this case is one of increasing Islamophobia in Europe and North America, from the furore caused by proposals for a mosque in Manhattan to the fact that provision of halal meat has become a defining issue in the French presidential campaign.

The depiction of Muslims in the New York Post as hook-nosed Semites is no coincidence, sharing much in common with the anti-Jewish stereotypes widely prevalent not so long ago, when attacks on Jews as people masqueraded as critiques of their religious practices. This makes it difficult to uphold a classical liberal distinction between criticising "beliefs" and criticising "people", for the two are conflated in the racialised manner in which Muslims are often discussed.

Nor is this a simple matter of isolating the far right, for anti-Muslim animus can unite liberals and conservatives, as demonstrated by the Danish cartoon controversy. For the right, Muslims are to be excluded for not fitting into a Christian conception of the west; for sections of the left, because Islam is regarded as alien to a secular Enlightenment defined as European in origin.


California Mother Slain in Possible Anti-Muslim Hate Crime
Posted in Anti-Muslim, Hate Crime by Bill Morlin on March 26, 2012

A note calling Shaima Alawadi, 32, a terrorist and saying she should go back to her country was left next to her body, according to friends and family members.

ヘイトクライム イスラム

Open the door more widely to motivated foreigners
The Yomiuri Shimbun

The health ministry has announced the successful candidates for this year's national qualification examinations for certified nurses and nursing care workers.

Among the Indonesian and Filipino candidates who took the tests after working in the country as trainees based on bilateral economic partnership agreements, 47 passed the national qualification exam for nurses and 36 for nursing care workers.

They have studied while working full-time as trainees at hospitals and nursing care facilities across the country. Through such strenuous efforts, they passed the national exams, which include various kanji and technical terms that are difficult even for native Japanese speakers to read and understand. We look forward to their active contribution to this country.

During the past four years, Japan has accepted a total of 1,400 candidates for certified nurses and care workers from the two countries. These candidates, in principle, will be asked to return home if they do not pass the national qualification tests within three years in the case of nurses and four years in the case of nursing care workers.

Last year, only 4 percent of foreign nurse candidates managed to pass the qualification test, and there have only been 19 successful candidates in the field during the past three years.

However, the number of successful candidates went up this year, which marked the fourth year since the system's introduction, with the pass rate rising to 11 percent.


Improvements yield results

In response to criticism of the exams' high language barrier for foreign candidates, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has taken various measures, such as putting kana characters alongside some difficult technical terms and kanji, and putting English translations beside disease names. These measures appear to have helped increase the number of successful candidates to a certain degree.

This year, 94 trainees from Indonesia and one from the Philippines became the first batch of candidates to take the qualification exam for nursing care workers. Their pass rate stood at 36 percent, which turned out to be far above the figure for foreign nurses.

Health minister Yoko Komiyama has given instructions for more improvements starting next year: putting kana alongside all kanji characters used in both qualification exams and giving extra time for foreign applicants taking the tests under the EPA framework. These steps are proper yet still insufficient.

Many of these foreign trainees are certified as nurses and other related professionals and have actively worked in such professions in their own countries.

They are strongly motivated to learn about medical and nursing care services in Japan, be useful workers in this country and eventually convey their experiences here to their own countries.

Those who have passed the national qualification exams are expected to make use of their expertise, as capable workers at the ready, in hospitals and nursing care facilities, which are suffering from a chronicle shortage of labor. We urge the government to take measures to even more actively accept foreign nurses and nursing caregivers to this country.


Maintain extension system

Currently, the government has a special scheme that allows unsuccessful foreign nurse candidates to extend their stay by an extra year if they have attained certain scores on the qualification test, so that they will have another opportunity to take the exam.

We hope the government will maintain this system in the future. It also would be worth considering establishing a new system under which foreign candidates will be accepted as exchange students at educational institutions for nurses, nursing caregivers and other related professionals to enable them to stay in the country longer than under the current system.

If Japan joins the Trans-Pacific Partnership framework, which is designed to promote free trade among member countries, it is expected to invigorate the movement of human resources, not only regarding nurses and nursing care workers but also in various other fields.

Accepting capable foreigners will help maintain the vitality of Japanese society, which is suffering from an aging population and low birthrate. Expanded acceptance of foreign nurses and nursing care workers will serve as a touchstone for such efforts.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 29, 2012)

(Mar. 30, 2012)















Indonesia to ban mini-skirts 'because they make men do things'
PUBLISHED: 07:16 GMT, 29 March 2012 | UPDATED: 07:16 GMT, 29 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121995/Indonesia-ban-mini-skirts-make-men-things.html#ixzz1qXK1itFf



At last, I exist! British woman, 20, finally gets birth certificate after blunder by Spanish hospital left her unable to travel abroad, drive or open bank account
Jade Jacob-Brooks won recognition after 4 1/2 year legal battle
She now wants to follow dream to go to America- and get her first real tan
Even when she appealed to Queen, she was told: 'It's not a human rights issue'
PUBLISHED: 11:46 GMT, 28 March 2012 | UPDATED: 13:46 GMT, 28 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121537/Jade-Jacob-Brooks-20-finally-gets-birth-certificate-blunder-Spanish-hospital.html#ixzz1qTrmMZtP

She was born in Spain while her parents were on holiday but was never given a birth certificate by the Spanish hospital.
Instead she was handed paperwork by the Spanish hospital so she could come home - but was told by British authorities it wasn’t enough for her birth to be registered.
It means she has not officially existed for the last 20 years - and has had no way of proving who she really is.
When her friends started clubbing and drinking in pubs she had to stay at home because she had no ID.

In a moment of desperation she wrote to the Queen asking for help, but was told the matter was 'not a human rights issue'.


Global 'water war' threat by 2030 - US intelligence
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Published: 22 March, 2012

Nations will cut off rivers to prevent their enemies having access to water downstream, terrorists will blow up dams, and states that cannot provide water for their citizens will collapse. This is the future - as painted by a top US security report.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the organization that oversees US intelligence agencies such as the CIA and FBI, was commissioned by President Barack Obama to examine the impact of water scarcity worldwide on US security.

Mar 27, 201202:16 PM GMT
Colombian troops kill 36 FARC rebels in new offensive

'US justice system becoming increasingly racist toward oppressed'

Press TV: In light of everything, this is a case of just one situation. But how truly is this a case for Zimmerman? And what does it say about the justice system currently in the United States?

Becker: It says that the justice system is really not a justice system at all - it’s a system of injustice. And it’s a system of injustice at which hands the poor people of this country and particularly those of oppressed nationalities, African-American, Latino, Pilipino, Native Americans and others have suffered for so long.

Financial Times

「我々にはもう、危機時に対策を講じる余地を与えてくれる予備設備がない」とヴァインライヒ氏は言う。「もし大規模な発電所を失っていたらどうなるか?」 そうなれば、欧州全土の特定地域で電気を消す「計画停電」を余儀なくされるという。

Is nuclear terrorism preventable?
World leaders gather for their second summit to strengthen efforts in securing nuclear material around the world.
Inside Story Last Modified: 27 Mar 2012

Of the countries that are members of the non-proliferation treaty:

Russia is believed to have around 10,000 nuclear warheads
The US is estimated to have 8,500
France is believed to have 300
China is estimated to have 240
The UK is said to have 225
Of the non-member countries:

Israel is said to have 80 nuclear warheads, though it refuses to confirm or deny whether it has any
Pakistan is thought to have between 90 and 110
India is believed to have between 80 to 100
North Korea is believed to have enough material to produce up to 10 devices



Court: skin colour good reason for cop ID check
Published: 27 Mar 12 12:06 CET
Updated: 27 Mar 12 15:54 CET

ドイツ レイシャルプロファイリング
German police have been told they can continue to single out black train passengers on the basis of their colour to check their paper, prompting allegations of institutionalised racism.

"If this is true, it is essentially illegal," Tahir Della of the Initiative of Black People in Germany (ISD) told The Local. "The authorities have always said the police do not do racial profiling."

"Non-white people already get a disproportionate amount of hassle from the police, if this is now being officially sanctioned, then it will open the floodgates," he added. "I am of course very shocked by this. It is basically racism."

A Koblenz court knocked down the complaint of a black German man who got into an argument with two federal police officers who demanded his papers while travelling on a train.

He refused to show the officers his identity papers, and was taken off the train to a police station where his rucksack was searched and his driving license eventually found, the court said in a statement.

The officers then accused him of abusing them, and took him to court. During the hearing one of the officers said that when deciding which travellers to check, he sought out those who seemed to him to be foreigners and said one of his criteria was skin colour.

This prompted the man concerned to sue, saying their conduct was illegal. But the judges at the Koblenz administrative court in Rhineland Palatinate ruled on Tuesday that the officers had not acted illegally, but were guided by their “border policing experience.”

In the case concerned, the man had been checked on a route which was often used for illegal entry into Germany, the court said, although it did not reveal where the incident happened.

Because only spot checks were possible on such trains, the people selected could be chosen based on their appearance, the judges ruled.

French tourists among world's worst: survey
Published: 12 Mar 2012 09:23 GMT+1

An international survey asking people to rank the world's worst tourists has placed the French just behind Americans and Chinese.

The survey, conducted by American travel website Living Social, asked 5,600 people their views about the behaviour of tourists from around the world.

Americans finished top of the survey, even among the Americans who were taking part.

20 percent of those surveyed ranked tourists from the US as the worst.

Chinese tourists were named by 15 percent of those asked and the French were just behind at 14 percent.

The tourists likely to be most welcome were from Australia, Switzerland and Ireland, all being named by just 2 percent of people.

The survey also found that around four in ten people had stolen something from a hotel room.

The most common items to be taken were towels (28 percent), bathrobes (8 percent), pills (4 percent) and remote controls (3 percent).

France is the world's top tourist destination and 2011 was a record year for visitors to Paris, with numbers up by 3.5 percent.

However, French tourists have been named and shamed in the past.

A survey in 2008 asked hotel workers in six countries to name the worst tourists, and those from France were considered the worst in Europe.

The biggest complaint was that the French were bad at tipping and more likely to be critical and rude.

World's worst tourists? Americans say ... Americans
Following Americans (20 percent), 15 percent of U.S. respondents said the Chinese were the worst tourists, followed by the French (14 percent), Japanese (12 percent) and Russians (11 percent).





(2012年3月28日19時16分 読売新聞)

介護福祉士 外国人合格率38%
3月28日 16時2分






















毎日新聞 2012年3月28日 19時56分

看護師・介護士 意欲ある外国人に門戸は広く(3月29日付・読売社説)













(2012年3月29日01時21分 読売新聞)

We kept our rapes secret
One was attacked by a date. Another by her husband. A third by a family friend. Not one felt she could talk to the police. Here, they finally speak out
PUBLISHED: 22:44 GMT, 28 March 2012 | UPDATED: 22:44 GMT, 28 March 2012
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At first glance, Danielle, Tessa, Barbara, Terrie and Becky appear to have little in common. Yet they share a devastating secret — they were all raped, but did not report it.
And, it would seem, they are far from alone. A survey earlier this month claimed that an astonishing one woman in ten has been raped.
Yet more than 80 per cent of the 1,600 women questioned by a British website for mothers said they did not report their assault to the police, while 29 per cent said they told nobody, not even a friend or family member, of their ordeal.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2121849/We-kept-rapes-secret-One-attacked-date-Another-husband-A-family-friend-Not-felt-talk-police-Here-finally-speak-out.html#ixzz1qTsPkrHM

レイプ 強姦

6,000 young girls 'at any one time are at risk of rape by gangs'
PUBLISHED: 23:52 GMT, 28 March 2012 | UPDATED: 23:52 GMT, 28 March 2012
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Gangs are sexually abusing and raping thousands of young girls every year, it emerged last night.
Up to 6,000 may be victims at any one time
, according to the expert in charge of a major inquiry.

Sue Berelowitz, the deputy Children’s Commissioner for England, said victims are often ‘kidnapped, held at gunpoint and threatened with gang rape’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121911/6-000-young-girls-time-risk-rape-gangs.html#ixzz1qTsyHtO5

Young couple devastated after moving into their dream home... only for kitchen to COLLAPSE 24 hours later
Couple paid £500 for a Home Buyers report which FAILED to detect faulty floor
PUBLISHED: 18:38 GMT, 28 March 2012 | UPDATED: 20:45 GMT, 28 March 2012
Comments (74)

A young couple were left utterly devastated when, just hours after moving into their dream home, the entire kitchen collapsed.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121747/Young-couple-devastated-moving-dream-home--kitchen-COLLAPSE-24-hours-later.html#ixzz1qTth1vlG


Doctors' receptionists 'refused to call for help' when grandmother, 84, collapsed in waiting room... but EMAILED instead
Pensioner complained of chest pains and started gasping for breath as she waited for routine check-up
Her grandson claims reception staff refused to directly call one of the EIGHT doctors to the waiting room
The 33-year-old old also alleges that they refused to call am ambulance and suggested he use his mobile phone
'They were more keen on trying on their new earrings,' he claimed
PUBLISHED: 19:05 GMT, 28 March 2012 |

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121686/Doctors-receptionists-refused-help-grandmother-84-collapsed-waiting-room--EMAILED-instead.html#ixzz1qTtsqQuv


‘I was made to wear make-up to cover my body art’: Salesman, 22, claims Next forced him off shop floor into stock room because of his 80 tattoos
PUBLISHED: 12:17 GMT, 28 March 2012 | UPDATED: 15:37 GMT, 28 March 2012
Comments (487)

'Shunned': Despite four interviews in the past month David Bruce (pictured) says employers have taken exception to his appearance
An employee at high street giant Next claims he was forced out of his job after getting 80 tattoos on his hands, neck and body in the space of just two years.
David Bruce, 22, says bosses at the store in Oldbury, West Midlands, told him to wear make-up over his skin etchings, costing him £40 a month.
Mr Bruce, from Halesowen, says he was humiliated when despite complying with the order he was moved from the shop floor to the stock room where he would be out of the sight of customers.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121516/I-wear-make-cover-body-art--Salesman-22-claims-Next-forced-shop-floor-stock-room-80-tattoos.html#ixzz1qTuJgIpV



27 March 2012 Last updated at 01:14 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Trayvon Martin: Sanford rally over Florida shooting

flag: [ww] [ff] Minorities Who Wear Hoodies Just Asking to be Shot, Says Geraldo Rivera
This is what Geraldo said on this morning's Fox and Friends:

I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was.

When you see a kid walking down the street, particularly a dark skinned kid like my son Cruz, who I constantly yelled at when he was going out wearing a damn hoodie or those pants around his ankles.

Don't let your kid—you know the old Johnny Cash song, don't take your gun to town, son. Leave your gun at home. There is some things that are almost inevitable. I'm not suggesting that Trayvon Martin had any kind of weapon or anything, but he wore an outfit that allowed someone to respond in this irrational, overzealous way and if he had been dressed more appropriately, I think unless it's raining out, or you're at a track meet, leave the hoodie home. Don't let your children go out there.

Filipina Domestic Workers on the Move

nterview with Katie Joaquin
By Christine Joy Ferrer

Imagine the life of a domestic worker—a caregiver, nanny, or housekeeper, serving in a private home. Now, imagine not being able to sleep for more than three hours a night, having to wake every few hours to change a patient’s diapers. Or only being allowed sponge baths by the sink, no showers. Or not having access to a kitchen because your patient dislikes the smell of your cooking. Imagine being treated as less than human. This was the experience of “Boots,” a Filipina caregiver from the Pilipino Workers Center who testified at the Assembly Labor hearing earlier this year.

We know that changing the law doesn’t [automatically] change conditions. People are entitled to minimum wage, but not everyone receives it.

介護師 看護師

Is this Britain's shortest marriage? Couple separate after just FOUR DAYS as jealous husband beats up wife and smashes all their presents 'for flirting with the best man'
PUBLISHED: 10:35 GMT, 26 March 2012 | UPDATED: 17:23 GMT, 26 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2120461/Tammy-Driver-Nicky-Pearce-separate-4-days-marriage-beats-flirting-best-man.html#ixzz1qFVoH8ow


Salford acid attack may be racially motivated
Greater Manchester police say sexual and racist comment was made before unprovoked daylight attack on young woman

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Ciara Leeming
guardian.co.uk, Monday 26 March 2012

The attacker is described as being white, of stocky build, 178-188cm (5ft 10in to 6ft 2in) tall, with short, dark hair, a straight hairline and a bald patch on the back of his head. He had blue eyes, a dimple in his chin and a red, burn-like mark on his bottom lip. He also had white peeling skin on his cheekbones and stubble. The man spoke with a British accent.

ヘイトクライム 硫酸攻撃 イギリス

Savage killing of Iraqi woman in California investigated as hate crime
Killer beat Shaima Alawadi to death in family home and left note that said: 'Go back to your own country. You're a terrorist.'

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Dominic Rushe in New York

guardian.co.uk, Sunday 25 March 2012

California police say an Iraqi-born woman who was beaten to death may have been the victim of a hate crime. The killer of Shaima Alawadi, 32, left a note reportedly reading: "Go back to your own country. You're a terrorist."

In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist strikes, Islamophobic incidents were reported in several US cities, with attacks on people and mosques. But Mohebi said there had been little evidence of escalating tension in the area recently and there had been no incident comparable to this attack. He said a taxi driver had been severely beaten in the area a few years ago but he could recall no other recent severe physical attacks on Muslims.

ヘイトクライム アメリカ イスラム

English Defence League tries to rally European far right
Anti-fascists plan counter demonstrations against EDL meeting in Denmark at which hundreds are expected to attend

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Matthew Taylor
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 25 March 2012

Far right and anti-Islamic groups are due to hold a rally in Denmark on 31 March organised by the English Defence League (EDL) which it claims will be the start of a pan-European movement.

EDL デンマーク






毎日新聞 2012年3月23日 20時56分(最終更新 3月23日 21時00分)

国籍確認訴訟:国籍法12条「合憲」 外国生まれ、留保3カ月以内に--東京地裁初判断






毎日新聞 2012年3月24日 東京朝刊




(2012年3月23日20時45分 読売新聞)



 ◇紛争避け重国籍排除 22歳までに選択、外国では例外も
 なるほドリ 父親が日本人なのに外国で生まれて3カ月以内に届けないと日本国籍を失うという規定を巡る判決があったけど、なぜそんな規定があるの?

 記者 日本と外国の国籍を両方同時に持つことを「重国籍」といいます。生地の外国で生活し、日本に戻るつもりもないのに日本国籍を持っていても意味がないですよね。そうした形だけの日本国籍を持っている人を増やさないようにすることが規定の目的の一つとされます。また、重国籍は、さまざまな弊害を起こす恐れがあるため、そうした人を増やしたくないという考え方もあるようです。

 Q 重国籍だとどんな弊害があるの?

 A 例えば国家間の紛争を招く恐れがあるとされます。重国籍者が一方の国で迫害を受けた際、もう一方の国が保護に乗り出そうとすれば国同士の争いに発展しかねないという指摘があります。また重国籍者が二つの国に異なる名前を登録することで、本名以外の偽名を用いるように、犯罪などの不正行為に悪用する恐れもあるとされます。

 Q 出生3カ月以内に届け出ずに日本国籍を失った場合、二度と取得できなくなるの?

 A いいえ、20歳未満で日本に住所があることを証明できれば、改めて日本国籍を取得できる制度があります。ただし、観光や親族を訪ねる目的で一時的に日本に滞在しただけでは住所があるとは認められません。再取得するためには「生活の本拠が日本にある」ことを証明する必要があります。

 Q 重国籍の状態になった人は一生そのままなの?

 A 日本の国籍法は原則として22歳までにどちらかの国籍を選択する義務があると定めています。正当な理由もなく期限までに選択せず、さらに法相による催告にも応じなければ、最終的に日本国籍を失います。ただし、外国には例外的に重国籍を認めている国もあります。

 Q 国籍取得の考え方って、日本と外国で違うの?

 A 日本は親の国籍が子の国籍になるという「血統主義」と呼ばれる考え方を基本とし、多くの国も血統主義を採用しています。一方、親の国籍にかかわらず生まれた国の国籍を取得する「生地主義」を採用している国もあります。ただ、どちらの主義の国で生まれても、一方の親が日本人、もう一方が外国人の場合、原則的にどちらかの国籍を選択しなければなりません。(社会部)







日本国籍失う規定 合憲の判決
3月23日 16時46分



国籍法の国籍喪失規定は「合憲」 初の司法判断、東京地裁
2012.3.23 22:03





第十二条  出生により外国の国籍を取得した日本国民で国外で生まれたものは、戸籍法 (昭和二十二年法律第二百二十四号)の定めるところにより日本の国籍を留保する意思を表示しなければ、その出生の時にさかのぼつて日本の国籍を失う。

Article 12: A Japanese citizen who acquired the nationality of a foreign country through birth and who was born abroad shall retroactively lose Japanese nationality to the time of birth unless he/she indicates an intention to reserve Japanese nationality pursuant to the provision of the Family Registration Act (Act No. 224 of 1947).


2012.3.27 00:10



26 March 2012 Last updated at 21:12 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Dominique Strauss-Kahn faces vice ring charges

He has admitted attending parties where the authorities believe prostitutes were provided by a gang, but denies knowing that they were prostitutes.

The case has become known in France as the "Carlton affair", named after a hotel where several orgies are said to have been held.

The magistrates are examining allegations that business associates of Mr Strauss-Kahn were involved in the prostitution ring, and misusing corporate funds.

Eight people have already been placed under formal investigation, including a senior police officer.

暴力団 慰安婦

26 March 2012 Last updated at 18:42 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Cannibal suspect Alexander Bychkov held in Russia


March 26, 2012 2:22 PM
Ad using Hitler to sell shampoo sparks outrage

慶応大学教授・竹中平蔵 東電の「実質国有化」に問題あり
2012.3.27 03:17



Walking While Black: The Senseless Killing of Trayvon Martin
By Darron

The recent slaying of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin is yet another reminder of the every day presence of racism in the United States. I find it necessary to remind everyone that this is not an isolated incident, but one that occurs daily across America for most black men. The difference here is that the normal threats and harassment that Trayvon would typically encounter on any given day as a black man, turned into his innocent death. As Malcolm Gladwell discussed in the death of Amadou Diallo, an innocent black man in New York City who was mistakenly shot 19 times by 4 police officers (who fired a total of 41 shots), the decisions that George Zimmerman made about Trayvon Martin were done in a “blink of an eye”. His actions, on the other hand, were done in justification of his already conceived (and likely subconscious) thoughts about this young man rather than in response to Trayvon’s clearly non-threatening behavior. Any one of Zimmerman’s compilation of actions that fateful evening, if terminated, would have likely resulted in a different outcome, one where Trayvon would still be alive today. But Zimmerman is operating on societal-based stereotypes and assumptions of anti-black racial frames about black men that has been around since the mid-1600’s and continues in today’s white-dominated society.

I Could Be Trayvon


The empire smiles back: Taiwan's Japanese cherry festival
By Benjamin Yeh (AFP) – 13 hours ago

TAIPEI — Taiwan loves cherry blossoms. In fact, it loves almost everything Japanese. For a nation that ruled the island for 50 years, often with an iron fist, Japan has left a very favourable impression.
In the latest triumph of Japanese soft power in its former colony, tens of thousands of Taiwanese have taken up planting cherry trees to revel in their colourful bloom for a few precious moments each spring -- just like in Japan.
"When you see the flowers, you almost feel as if you're in Japan," 50-year-old businesswoman Susan Wu said as she walked up a hilly road flanked by white and pink cherry blossoms in Beitou, a Taipei suburb.
In an annual routine that has become increasingly popular over the past two to three years, Taiwanese flock to remote sightseeing spots at the risk of being trapped in huge traffic jams -- only to catch a glimpse of the cherry blossoms, known as "sakura" in Japan.
The mountainous Beitou area has become a particular visitor magnet after a local official started a campaign urging locals to plant cherry blossom trees, which has so far caught the imagination of more than 400 households.
"Not many people knew this place in the past, but now it's famous because people associate it with cherry blossoms," said Ching Rong-hui, an official who oversees the daily administration of Beitou's cherry blossom area.
Other parts of Taiwan have joined the trend, putting money in the pockets of farmers in Sanchih, a rural area outside Taipei that now supplies up to 600,000 cherry tree saplings a year.
"Lots of our cherry tree farmers have benefited from the booming demand," said Chou Zheng-nan, an official at the Sanchih Farmers Association, but declined to provide figures.
Japan is known to use cherry trees as a gesture of goodwill, and in Washington DC, one beneficiary of Tokyo's flower power diplomacy, the blossom season is an annual party highlight.
But in Taiwan, it is more than that. Analysts say the obsession with sakura -- a key symbol of Japanese civilization -- is a measure of the enormous cultural clout Japan wields on the island, second only to China in its impact.
"Japan's influence has been huge, ranging from infrastructure to local people's mindsets and behaviour," said Lee Shiao-feng, a professor at the Taiwan culture graduate school of National Taipei University of Education.
China's last weak imperial dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan in 1895 after a brief but disastrous war, and the island did not return to mainland rule until 1945 following the surrender of Japan at the end of the Second World War.
The first years under the Japanese around the turn of the last century were harsh, and scattered resistance was crushed brutally, but then the new pith-helmeted administrators went on to develop Taiwan economically.
They built a railroad linking the south and north, constructed harbours and power plants, eradicated disease and boosted literacy rates, while also passing on their own cultural habits such as baseball.
"Japan's development projects laid the foundation for Taiwan to move into a pre-modern society," Lee said.
"In the process, Taiwan people gradually learned to play baseball as well as appreciate cherry blossoms and revel in hot springs, as they tried to imitate their rulers."
Since 1945, the Japanese influence has gone on nearly unabated and has been embraced by Taiwan's younger generations, exposed to Japanese soap operas, pop music and TV programmes featuring Japanese cuisine and sightseeing spots, he said.
This is entirely different from the Korean peninsula, which was ruled as a Japanese colony from 1910 to 1945 and is still haunted by memories of how brutal and harsh life was under the banner of the Rising Sun.
The Japanese did promote cherry blossoms, too, and South Korea has kept that particular tradition, but in a telling twist, it has replaced the Japanese trees with indigenous ones.
The contrast with Taiwan is obvious, and yet academics on the island say it may take the island's cherry blossom lovers some time to digest the philosophical connotation of the cherry blossoms in the Japanese culture.
"When Taiwanese people appreciate cherry blossoms, they are simply impressed by the beauty of the flowers. That's it," Maa Yaw-huei, the director of the Department of Japanese at Taipei's Tamkang University.
"But in the eyes of their Japanese counterparts, there's a sense of sadness associated with the transient beauty. Watching the fading of such pretty flowers is associated with mortality."
The people of Taiwan may behave like the Japanese, but not think like them, according to observers.
Chinese culture, first introduced from the mainland more than three centuries ago, survived Japan's colonisation despite policies aimed to turn the Taiwanese into loyal subjects of the Japanese emperor.
"Although the Japanese have added new cultural elements to Taiwan, the structure of Chinese culture has remained intact," Lee said.

不都合な事実、赤裸々に ローチ親子が作品への思い語る




Ken Loach: EXCLUSIVE - "Route Irish" Trailer

CPA Order 17 granted all foreign contractors operating in Iraq immunity from "Iraqi legal process," effectively granting immunity from any kind of suit, civil or criminal, for actions the contractors engaged in within Iraq.[9]

Coalition Provisional Authority Order 17

Route Irish (film)

Oranges and Sunshine Trailer - Oranges and Sunshine Movie Trailer

'Pull her by the ear, beat her by hand or stick': How the Islamic guide to a happy marriage advises husbands to treat their wives
PUBLISHED: 22:12 GMT, 24 March 2012 | UPDATED: 22:12 GMT, 24 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2119846/Muslim-guide-marriage-tells-husbands-beat-hand-stick.html#ixzz1q9to3GPJ


Rolling in it: Romanian gangs behind nine in ten cashpoint robberies rake in £30m a year
More than 90 per cent of cash machine fraud in UK attributed to Romanian criminal gangs
Most of those arrested have links to the same city: Bacau in eastern Romania
Proceeds of crime 'now makes up 70 per cent of Bacau's economy'
PUBLISHED: 12:11 GMT, 25 March 2012 | UPDATED: 19:21 GMT, 25 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2120049/Romanian-fraudsters-net-35m-cash-machine-scam.html#ixzz1q9uJ4Kgi


Pimps tattooed BAR CODE on wrist of woman imprisoned, whipped and forced to work as a prostitute
'Bar code pimps' also 'beat and whipped prostitutes'
Police arrest 22 Romanian suspected pimps
PUBLISHED: 15:15 GMT, 25 March 2012 | UPDATED: 15:56 GMT, 25 March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2120110/Spanish-police-investigating-Madrid-prostitution-ring-free-woman-19-ownership-tattoo-wrist.html#ixzz1q9uRWSPN

ルーマニア 慰安婦

Patient care 'will suffer' under plans to throw out migrant nurses
Government's own assessment predicts 48% of non-EU nurses will be excluded from Britain under new rules

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Daniel Boffey, policy editor
The Observer, Sunday 25 March 2012

Theresa May, the home secretary, has announced that migrants from outside the European Union earning less than £35,000 will not be allowed to settle in the UK. The pay threshold, which will see people beginning to be removed in 2016, is the first time that a British government has imposed an economic test on the right to settlement in the UK and is designed to break the link between working and settling in the country.

看護師 介護師

2012.3.26 08:29 [マラソン・駅伝]








中国 裏切り者から愛国者へ 死後も翻弄、数奇な女スパイ








まだ難関だけど… 外国人看護師国家試験 合格率11%に上昇 インドネシア人ら47人が合格
2012.3.26 19:46 [病気・医療]







天皇陛下 東日本大震災追悼式典でのお言葉(12/03/11)

tokyomx さんが 2012/03/11 に公開

8 : 竹島は日本固有の領土です。 : 2012/03/11(日) 22:05:42.34 ID:IBXzwpru0 [1/1回発言]

10 : 名無しさん@12周年 : 2012/03/11(日) 22:07:02.93 ID:K4f5PuKP0 [1/1回発言]

11 : 名無しさん@12周年 : 2012/03/11(日) 22:07:38.85 ID:CJkvR37y0 [1/1回発言]


As this earthquake and tsunami caused the nuclear power plant accident, those living in areas designated as the danger zone lost their homes and livelihoods and had to leave the places they used to live. In order for them to live there again safely, we have to overcome the problem of radioactive contamination, which is a formidable task.



present a formidable appearance 恐るべき様相を呈する.
a formidable enemy 手ごわい敵, 強敵.
3膨大な; 非常にすぐれた,格別の.
a formidable knowledge of astronomy 天文学のたいへん深い知識.


: causing fear, dread, or apprehension
: having qualities that discourage approach or attack
: tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive


23 March 2012 Last updated at 02:06 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
People living alone 'are more depressed'

People of working age who live alone increase their risk of depression by up to 80% compared with people living in families, says a Finnish study.

It says the main factors are poor housing conditions for women and a lack of social support for men, who are both equally affected.

The study tracked the use of anti-depressants in 3,500 Finnish people.

A mental health charity said people who lived alone must be given outlets to talk about their problems.

世銀総裁候補、米は韓国系キム氏 ナイジェリアも擁立へ

US nominates health expert for World Bank job
Jim Yong Kim, a physician by training, comes as surprise pick for international financial institution's top job.
Last Modified: 23 Mar 2012

Trayvon Martin: The myth of US post-racialism
The shooting of a young black man demonstrates how institutional and structural racism is still robust in the US.
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2012

Ten years without Gadamer
Santiago Zabala pays tribute to philosopher Gadamer - remembered for his contributions in the area of hermeneutics.
Last Modified: 23 Mar 2012

"Human beings, for Gadamer, are creatures who must continually interpret their world since they are not neutral, independent or objective observers..."

Nowhere to turn: Britain's sex slaves
For women trafficked to the UK and forced into prostitution, escape from their captors is no guaranteee of a happy ending

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Joanna Moorhead

Maria is in her early 20s, slight and dark-haired, a mother with a toddler. If you saw her on the bus, you would assume she was just like any other young mum. But you would be wrong. Until about a year ago, Maria was a sex slave. She was held prisoner in a flat somewhere in Britain for eight months and forced to have intercourse with various men: the child in the buggy is the product of one of those sessions.

Maria was trafficked to the UK by an organised criminal gang, and still lives in fear that they will find her. "I don't want to say exactly where I'm from, as that could identify me," she says. "It was somewhere in the Balkans. I was a normal girl from a normal town, but I fell in love with a boy and my family didn't approve, and I ran away with him."

When her boyfriend unexpectedly died, Maria found herself alone and vulnerable, making her easy prey for a man who seemed to want to start a relationship with her, but was really grooming her for the gang. He tricked her into going to stay at his home, forced her into having sex, then told her he was taking her to the UK.

But the Home Office rejected her claim for asylum – and she is currently appealing against that decision. "I want to make a life here for me and my child," she says.

Stepnitz believes there are around 10,000 women in Britain who have been trafficked here for sexual exploitation

性産業 性奴隷 慰安婦

Documents show NYPD infiltrated liberal groups
By ADAM GOLDMAN, Associated Press – 7 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Undercover NYPD officers attended meetings of liberal political organizations and kept intelligence files on activists who planned protests around the country, according to interviews and documents that show how police have used counterterrorism tactics to monitor even lawful activities.
The infiltration echoes the tactics the NYPD used in the run-up to New York's 2004 Republican National Convention, when police monitored church groups, anti-war organizations and environmental advocates nationwide. That effort was revealed by The New York Times in 2007 and in an ongoing federal civil rights lawsuit over how the NYPD treated convention protesters.
Police said the pre-convention spying was necessary to prepare for the huge, raucous crowds that were headed to the city. But documents obtained by The Associated Press show that the police department's intelligence unit continued to keep close watch on political groups in 2008, long after the convention had passed.
In April 2008, an undercover NYPD officer traveled to New Orleans to attend the People's Summit, a gathering of liberal groups organized around their shared opposition to U.S. economic policy and the effect of trade agreements between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
When the undercover effort was summarized for supervisors, it identified groups opposed to U.S. immigration policy, labor laws and racial profiling. Two activists — Jordan Flaherty, a journalist, and Marisa Franco, a labor organizer for housekeepers and nannies — were mentioned by name in one of the police intelligence reports obtained by the AP.
"One workshop was led by Jordan Flaherty, former member of the International Solidarity Movement Chapter in New York City," officers wrote in an April 25, 2008, memo to David Cohen, the NYPD's top intelligence officer. "Mr. Flaherty is an editor and journalist of the Left Turn Magazine and was one of the main organizers of the conference. Mr. Flaherty held a discussion calling for the increase of the divestment campaign of Israel and mentioned two events related to Palestine."
The document is available here: http://apne.ws/GGCBuX .
The document provides the latest example of how, in the name of fighting terrorism, law enforcement agencies around the country have scrutinized groups that legally oppose government policies. The FBI, for instance, has collected information on anti-war demonstrators. The Maryland state police infiltrated meetings of anti-death penalty groups. Missouri counterterrorism analysts suggested that support for Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, might indicate support for violent militias — an assertion for which state officials later apologized. And Texas officials urged authorities to monitor lobbying efforts by pro Muslim-groups.

police brutality 監視社会

'My name is Mohamed Merah and my life is hell'
Published: 23 Mar 2012 11:29 GMT+1
Updated: 23 Mar 2012 10:35 GMT+1

Several Frenchmen who bear the same name as gunman Mohamed Merah have been targetted and harassed after the identity of the Toulouse killer was released.

"It’s insane, completely mad," says Mohamed Merah, a Lyon resident. "My life was just turned upside down," he told the French daily Ouest France. "For thirty hours, he lived holed up in his flat. I was confined to my bed."

Merah bears the same name as the lone gunman who killed seven people, including three Jewish children, a rabbi and three paratroopers in the city of Toulouse in southwestern France.

On Wednesday morning, the media reported that the main suspect in a spate of killings in the region was called Mohamed Merah. That’s when trouble started for all those who were called Merah, a common Algerian surname, in France.

Some say they were harassed on the phone. Others say they received insults on their Facebook accounts or that their friends and employees were warned they might be in contact with a killer.

"People were publishing my photo on the internet, they said I was his spitting image," a Mohamed Merah in Lyon told Ouest France. "I'm the same age, have the same origins, so people jumped to conclusions."

On Thursday, the self-proclaimed Al-Qaeda militant Mohamed Merah was shot when special forces of the French police stormed the building where he was holed up. But it's unlikely his name or face will be forgotten soon.

フランス いじめ

Sweden's 'immigrants' find Big Apple success
Published: 20 Mar 12 11:30 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation

Frustration with being shut out of the Swedish job market has prompted several Swedes with immigrant backgrounds to seek – and find – success in the melting pot that is New York City, contributor Rafaela Stålbalk discovers.

“Adaptable, well-educated Swedish-Ghanaian fluent in five languages seeking vacant position.”

This is how Medufia "Keke" Kulego would introduce himself in job applications that he sent to countless employers throughout Sweden.

After spending four years in New York studying business marketing and finance on a full scholarship at St. John’s University, Kulego was prepared to start his career back in Sweden.

But despite tons of skills, Kulego was unable to land a job in Sweden that matched the skills he'd acquired at university. Instead he was stuck with mediocre, entry-level gigs.

Kulego was born and raised by Ghanaian parents in Rosengård ‒ a district in central Malmö that some refer to as “the roughest ghetto in Scandinavia.”

Educated, fully fluent in Swedish, and entirely assimilated to the Swedish society, Kulego was left to assume his ethnicity was the reason he'd been shut out of the Swedish job market.

Aggravated with the situation, Kulego looked for opportunities back in the United States, hoping employees there would have more confidence in him than those in his home country did.

And in 2001, Kulego was given the chance he's been waiting for: he went from being an underrated jobseeker in Sweden to a successful investment banker on Wall Street.

“In the States, your skills and personality are what matters,” Kulego, 39, says.

“Here, it's different from Sweden, where your name is a first indication of whom you are."

Stories like Kulego's have caused concern in some quarters in Sweden, with commentators such as author Tove Lifvendahl arguing that Sweden risks losing many highly qualified workers when Swedish society makes them feel undervalued.

“We bullied them away and showed them the door,” she wrote in a recent column.

Lifvendahl's argument rings true for Kulego, who says the endless rejection he experienced in Sweden is ultimately what drove him away.

“I love Sweden. It is my home. But I had to leave because it did not want me,” he says.

スエーデン 外人








(2012年3月24日22時28分 読売新聞)


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Published: 24 March, 2012

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 ▽FW 長江有祐(リコー)畠山健介、篠塚公史、真壁伸弥、佐々木隆道(以上サントリー)▽堀江翔太(パナソニック)▽有田隆平、桑水流裕策(以上コカ・コーラウエスト)山下裕史、伊藤鐘史、橋本大輝(以上神戸製鋼)▽坪井秀龍(中国電力)▽大野均、マイケル・リーチ、望月雄太(以上東芝)▽村田毅(NEC)

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