
Barthes and the Empire of Signs

Barthes and the Empire of Signs


記号の帝国に関するレビューはトム・ギル、「ジャパノロジー入門」資料 第16回:「ロラン・バルト、『表徴の帝国』」


What does a "space" or "clearing" mean in this regard? Originating with Heidegger but taking on numerous other(yet related meanings, the idea is essentially this;reality is not a pregiven monological entity lying around for all to see; rather, various social practices and cultural contexts create an opening or clearing in which various types of subjects and objects can appear. For example, as I would put it, the magic wonder space creates a clearing in which animistic objects can appear;the mythic world space creates a space in with a caring God can appear; ・・・・None of those are simply lying around out there and hitting eyeballs of everybody. There is no single "pregiven world"(the essential insight of postmodernism)
cw 6:Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, 775 in the simple feeling of being 199)




page 39
What does 'reality' look like outside of discourse? How would we access it independently of language?

page 41
Because ideology influences perception and therefore the reading and writing of history, instability characterizes the signified-signifier relations posed within its textural representation of culture. Access to the real is deferred

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What Barthes knows about Japan is always already filtered through an 'emptiness of language which constitutes writing.' Meaning is delayed, access to truth prevented .


As an outsider to Japanese cultures, Barthes must locate himself within the ethnocentrism and cultural blindness of a narrow range of meanings that the image of Japan stimulates in the Western reader.

page 20
Barthes' knowledge of Japan is limited to what has read of its history and seen of its images,either through experience or in the media. The exposure to a Western Archive of texts and images that are call ed 'Japan' establishes myth of Japan as part of Oriental culture as opposed to an Occidental culture. ・・・

page 21
This image of of 'Japan'---its myth is consequently an invention of the West. It bears no resemblance to the real Japan. ・・・・・So in one respect, nothing stands behind the empire of signs that Barthes call Japan.
・・・・He therefore chooses to invent Japan、to write a fictional representation which does not have the pretensions of Truth and History as its grounding .


page 50
This conceptual opposition repeats what Derrida has called the binary logic of Western metaphysics, in which two items are set in opposition so as to enable their conceptualization ,and thus a gauge their values, though the identification of differences between them.

Barthes acknowledges the limitations of his own perspective. Empire of Sings thereby leaves open the possibility for reassessment.

page 52
Empires of Signs is record of personal experience, a journal of the short trip that Barthes took to a country called Japan. Its significance is in the process of writing as a moment of reflection on the substance of experience, rather than in the truth of the message.


