Protesters Kick Racist Speaker Off Campus
Wednesday, April 15 2009 @ 02:54 PM CDT
Contributed by: sweet tea
On Tuesday, April 14th, a new white supremacist group on campus called Youth for Western Civilization (?!) had scheduled ex Republican Congressman of Colorado Tom Tancredo to speak on the University of North Carolina campus. YWC is a new national organization, with local chapters on campuses around the US, which uses thinly veiled language around heritage, identity, and cultural pride in western civilization to hide a fairly obvious white supremacist agenda. Their founder Marcus Epstein, for example, is an explicit white supremacist who comments on blogs such as, and the organization’s website ( has a traditional symbol of Italian fascism as its banner.
When the president of YWC stood up to introduce Tancredo, he was immediately booed and shouted down, with chants of “racist, racist” and yells that interrupted every other word.
Militant disruption of anti-immigrant and white supremacist organizing is only going to be increasingly important in the next few years, as the pacification of liberals, Obama’s presidency, and the economic crisis will all make fertile ground for racist organizing. While UNC and other college campuses are hardly the most likely demographic for white supremacist growth, they are a source for funding for public speakers like Bay Buchanan, Tom Tancredo, and Marcus Epstein, who could then funnel those funds into more threatening groups.
Univ. Of N.C. Apologizes For Tancredo Protest
Investigation Under Way
POSTED: 5:42 am MDT April 16, 2009
UPDATED: 8:06 am MDT April 16, 2009
UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp said in an e-mail to students and faculty that an investigation might result in criminal charges or campus honor court charges against students.
"Our Division of Student Affairs is also investigating student involvement in the protest," Thorp wrote. "If that investigation determines sufficient evidence, participating students could face Honor Court proceedings."
Former Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo was invited to speak Tuesday about his opposition to granting in-state college tuition to illegal immigrants. The former Colorado congressman had to halt his speech because of protesters who held banners in front of him, shouted and broke a window.
UNC Chapel Hill board chairman Roger Perry said the protesters' behavior was "shameful" and that everyone should have a right to speak on campus.
Tyler Oakley, a graduate student who helped organize the rally, said the protest was peaceful and successful.
"It was only when confronted with police brutality -- pepper spray, Tasers, and pushing -- that the protest intensified to a pitch that might be called disorderly," Oakley said in an e-mail.
Jennifer Rudinger, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in North Carolina, said the protesters engaged in "de facto censorship."
Rudinger said Tancredo had a right to express his views about immigration as much as students at N.C. State had the right to paint racist remarks about President Barack Obama on a campus tunnel.
"Censorship is not the answer to hate speech. Hate speech is protected by the Constitution," Rudinger said.
Anti-illegal immigration protester reports car window smashed, sign stolen
By Brendan O'Reilly
Apr 15, 09 11:19 AM
An anti-illegal immigration protester often seen outside the Southampton Village 7-Eleven told Village Police on Tuesday that someone smashed his SUV’s window and stole one of his protest signs.
Tom Wedell, 49, of East Moriches said he was protesting on Aldrich Lane, out of sight of his vehicle, when the window was smashed. He reported it shortly after noon and said it must have happened within the prior hour. The sign, which he said read “Deport Illegals,” had been leaning against the SUV, which was parked in the South Fork Realty parking lot next to the 7-Eleven, according to Mr. Wedell.
As Mr. Wedell was removing broken bits of glass from the window frame Tuesday, he recounted other occasions when his vehicle has been vandalized. “I’ve been harassed and intimidated here many times,” he said. Last week, someone broke off the side-view mirrors on his SUV, and his tires have been slashed, he said.
Mr. Wedell said someone once poured three gallons of anti-freeze into the cab of his SUV, ruining his clothes and papers. “I was smelling anti-freeze for a year in my truck,” he said.
He said his SUV is targeted because people disagree with him and don’t like him protesting outside the 7-Eleven.
まあ、これもいずこも ってな感じですな。
DHS Issued Report on Extremism Despite Concerns
Homeland official: Report on right-wing extremists issued despite civil liberties concerns
By EILEEN SULLIVAN Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON April 16, 2009 (AP)
The report on right-wing extremists cites the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by military veteran Timothy McVeigh as one instance of a veteran becoming a domestic terrorist.
In February, the department issued a similar warning about possible cyber attacks from left wing extremists. In September, the agency reported that right-wing extremists over the past five years had used the immigration debate as a recruiting tool.
April 15, 2009
You Might Be a "Radicalized Right-Wing Extremist" If…
by Michelle Malkin
The DHS spokespeople I talked to on Monday insisted that the report was not a politicized document and that DHS had done similar assessments on "left-wing extremism" in the past. But past domestic terrorism reports have always been very specific in identifying security threats -- such as the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front -- and very specific in identifying their methods and targets, including repeated physical harassment, arson and vandalism against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs and university researchers.
The DHS spokespeople I talked to on Monday insisted that the report was not a politicized document and that DHS had done similar assessments on "left-wing extremism" in the past. But past domestic terrorism reports have always been very specific in identifying security threats -- such as the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front -- and very specific in identifying their methods and targets, including repeated physical harassment, arson and vandalism against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs and university researchers.
"Debates over appropriate immigration levels and enforcement policy generally fall within the realm of protected political speech under the First Amendment, but in some cases, anti-immigration or strident pro-enforcement fervor has been directed against specific groups and has the potential to turn violent."
"Potential to turn violent"? So did the hysterical fervor whipped up by Capitol Hill over the AIG bonuses, which prompted ugly death threats from across the country
4/16/09 Section: News
David Horowitz: Colleges have a 'reactionary racist culture'
Horowitz began his address by stating that the function of a university is not to indoctrinate students but to encourage them to think for themselves.
Students are taught that "society is dominated by race, gender and social hierarchies," Horowitz said. While he said he has no problem with professors discussing gender hierarchies, he does take issue with professors who pose the concern "as if it is a fact."
He added that teaching gender as "socially constructed" is a violation of academic standards.
Horowitz emphasized that "university culture is the most reactionary racist culture in America." He explained that on many college campuses, it is politically correct to hate nonminorities, such as Jews, Christians and whites.
Horowitz referred to the high-profile allegations of rape against several lacrosse players at Duke University as an example of how "the alleged hierarchies are reversed and whites are at the bottom." He added that "this is bad for blacks and whites."
He went on to say that the political "Left" is quick to label dissenters as racists, sexists or homophobes. These accusations, he said, can be very damaging, both personally and professionally.
"[If] you open your mouth and reveal that you are conservative, you better know how to defend yourself," he said.
Horowitz added that he has no problem with people who have biased views as long as they have full knowledge of the situation and take the opposite argument into account.
He analogized this to watching Court TV where there are only prosecutors present. "Once the defense attorney speaks, you see a whole different side of the story," he said.
Japanese people have a comparatively high level of what I would term “gastronomic nationalism” – that is, their preference for their own food far exceeds the global rate of 27%.(MFT)
DOJ Releases Controversial Torture Memos
Memos Detail Interrogation Methods Used By Bush Administration on Terror Suspects
April 16, 2009
"These memos provide yet more incontrovertible evidence that Bush administration officials at the highest level of government authorized and gave legal blessings to acts of torture that violate domestic and international law," said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the ACLU.
No Charges Against CIA Officials for Waterboarding
Attorney General Eric Holder Won't Prosecute CIA Officials for Harsh Interrogations, Waterboarding
By JENNIFER LOVEN and DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON April 16, 2009 (AP)
"We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history," the president said. "But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past."
"It would be unfair to prosecute dedicated men and women working to protect America for conduct that was sanctioned in advance by the Justice Department," Holder said.
“We Love Jews”: The BNP’s Euro Election Campaign
The good news then is that the BNP are seemingly softening in their stance towards anti-Semitism, but scratch the surface, and the racism (British jobs for [white?] British workers), homophobia (shun the word of God on sodomy), and Islamophobia (too many references to mention) continue.
Tensions high in North Korea row
It said the criticism was an "unbearable insult" which debased the North Korean people.