
「ゲシュタポは健在」 他

Rebranding Hate in the Age of Obama
With an African-American president and the economy in bad shape, extremist groups are trying to enter the mainstream—and they're having some success.

By Eve Conant | NEWSWEEK
Published Apr 25, 2009
From the magazine issue dated May 4, 2009

His Web site includes careful statements about nonviolence, green energy and women's rights. But among his ideological kin, Robb equates minorities to fleas and favors a program for "voluntary resettlement" to home countries. Illegal immigrants, as well as blacks serving time in prison, should be deported, he says. "Why is it that when a black man wants to preserve his culture and heritage it's a good thing, and when a white person wants the same thing, we're called haters?" he says.

His Web site includes careful statements about nonviolence, green energy and women's rights. But among his ideological kin, Robb equates minorities to fleas and favors a program for "voluntary resettlement" to home countries. Illegal immigrants, as well as blacks serving time in prison, should be deported, he says. "Why is it that when a black man wants to preserve his culture and heritage it's a good thing, and when a white person wants the same thing, we're called haters?" he says.

This spring, the Southern Poverty Law Center released its annual "Year in Hate" report, which outlines that in 2008 the number of hate groups rose to 926, up 4 percent from 2007, and 54 percent since 2000. (The SPLC doesn't measure the number of members in the groups.) An April Homeland Security intelligence report states that "the economic downturn and the election of the first African-American president present unique drivers for right-wing radicalization and recruitment." Home foreclosures, unemployment and an inability to obtain credit "could create a fertile recruiting environment," the briefing adds, and extremist groups are aiming to "broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda.


Community cohesion is alive and well – no thanks to the government


In truth, the "us and them" attitude was directed not so much at minority neighbours, but at the authorities themselves



Sources of resentment, and perceptions of ethnic
minorities among poor white people in England
Report compiled for the


Runcorn/Widnes has virtually no history of immigration, Castle Vale is a relatively white area of a city in which 30 per cent of the population are black and minority ethnic, and Thetford
has a recent experience of European migrants (notably Portuguese and Polish workers).
6 | Sources of resentment, and perceptions of ethnic minorities among poor white people in England
In terms of development, the sites also differed: we found that in those where social and
environmental conditions were better, there was, as a general rule, less apparent hostility
to minorities.


The pattern seemed to be that morale was lowest and therefore identityrelated
anxieties at their highest, where the material conditions (housing and economics)
were worst.


By far the most frequent context for referring to ethnic minorities is that of perceived
competition for resources -typically housing, but also employment, benefits, territory
and culture.


A woman in Runcorn says: ‘… you’ve now got towns which were predominantly white
and now they’re not. And you’re expected to get on and not cause any waves, not look at
people differently and be accepting. But at the same time how can you be accepting when
they’re taking your house off you?’


‘they seem to be getting
what we’ve worked all our lives for and can’t get’. This was interpreted as especially unfair
when contrasted with the ‘elderly who haven’t got anything, can’t afford to pay heating,
worked all their lives and get nothing’, and with ‘single mums who have to live in hostels’,
while ‘foreigners are in nice cars and have big houses’. Indeed, many stories pursue the
theme of resources being ‘given away’ to minorities

 白人の老人が寒い部屋で過ごし、一生懸命働いて何もしてもらえない、シングルマザーはホステルで夜を過ごしているというのに 外国人は言い車にのって、大きな家にすんじゃってさっ!!てな感じの不満

This meant that in three of the four sites, immigration and integration were
scarcely perceived as local issues at all


What people do talk about however is a struggle for resources in which one arena is the
importance of whiteness as a resource: for granting entitlement, for providing solidarity
against a multicultural environment in which many feel uncomfortable or have lost their
cultural bearings. These stories are told about what is seen as; unfair competition for
housing and employment; the privileging of ‘foreign’ cultures over British ones; and the
transformation of places from what our interviewees understand as recognisably British
ones into what they deem strange ones. This is still about ‘race’ because it is speaking
about bodies through culture, in a model where cultures are unchanging and wholly
separate from each other.


Where immigration and integration are discussed in depth as problematic, there is a
focus on real or perceived competition for resources; housing, benefits, jobs, territory and
national culture. The implications of this for the political capital that can be accrued by
the Far-right are very grave. Our white interviewees’ responses to minorities are far from
universally negative. In fact everything from indifference, through empathy, a desire for more and better engagement, to anxiety was registered in these interviews.


‘I think with immigration ... I’m not a racist or anything like that. Don’t get me
wrong, but I think that erm ... they’re allowing too many immigrants in. I mean the
government have admitted themselves that they can’t ... that they don’t know how
many people are coming in, and the reason why I say that is that we just haven’t got
the infrastructure to deal with these huge influxes of people.


‘Foreigners get handed everything on a bloody plate’, says one man in Milton Keynes:
‘We can’t afford to keep ourselves, so how can we afford to keep every bloody
foreigner that is coming in.



A typical view was that those responsible for housingallocation should ‘look after their own first’ (Man, 20s; Woman, 30s). A 21 year-old Milton
Keynes man, who had to move away from the Coffee Hall estate as he was informed that
there is not enough housing available there comments acidly: “The housing list is too long.
I would have to be black, foreign or have a baby to get up there’.


Polish migrant workers have settled here, which has created some unease.
However the comparatively low level of immigration to this area did not stop many of the
respondents having a view of immigration on a national level and expressing their fear of
the ‘potential threat’ it poses to a ‘nice area’:
‘I mean if you’re in Shopping City and you see a lady in a gown, you do actually look
twice. It’s still so unusual for us […] It’s still quite a decent place to live, Runcorn. And I
think we should have pride in it’ (Woman, 60s, Runcorn and Widnes).


According to Thetford respondents, employment is difficult to obtain because the
Portuguese and Polish work longer hours for less money, which in turn keeps local wages
down and makes ‘locals’ less attractive prospects for employers. Employers will ‘take them
on rather than the English’ because its ‘cheap money’ (Woman, 50s). As one respondent
commented, the Polish and Portuguese will ‘do any job and no wage is too small’
(Woman, 30s).


The main two arguments used are the ‘when in Rome’ one (people who come
here must adapt to ‘our way of life’); and the necessity for contributing in order to earn
membership. This earning process can be undergone by something as simple as joining in
community activities, or by making wider efforts to integrate, or paying into the welfare
In Thetford-Abbey, the ‘when in Rome’ argument was used when discussing integration
of the Polish and Portuguese, who should ‘live by our standards’ if living here. This is seen
as a fair requirement because ‘we have to if we go to their countries’ (Woman, 30s).


For most, simple gestures such as smiling, nodding
or exchanging brief greetings were indications that the Portuguese and Polish were


In Milton Keynes, there were a number of vocal critiques of perceived failure to mix on
the part of minorities: ‘I have found that there are a lot of Africans on the Estate’, says one
woman (50s), ‘and they don’t seem to mix ... I work in the shop and they are very ignorant,
never say “please” or “thank you, and I don’t like that. You know, it doesn’t cost anything
to have manners’.
Indeed, the onus for integration in these perspectives, as found elsewhere in previous
research, lies entirely with immigrants:
‘This is our country and we were kind enough to let them in. In their country we
couldn’t dress like this, we would have to respect their ways, but they don’t respect
us and our ways. The younger people do, but now they want to have Sharia laws ...
they should adopt our ways’ (Woman, 60s).



One person in Castle Vale experiences the possibility of getting something wrong as a
reason for avoiding particular areas:
‘Perhaps I need to work harder in understanding the different cultures and things
like that, but there’s things that I see when I’m driving around Birmingham that I
think ... that shouldn’t be happening ... There’s these areas that have completely
been took over ... and you do feel very uneasy. Not just me, and I only drive into

Section 4 Immigration and minorities | 25
these areas, never actually walk into these areas, I just wouldn’t. Just in case I did do
something that I ... because of their culture or their religion it was a threat or it was
... an insult or something, because we don’t understand ... the British people don’t
really understand. And all of a sudden we’ve got to try and understand all these
different things that have been thrown at us. And I think it’s very, very difficult for a
lot of people. (Man, 40s)

He talks of a few incidents that have occurred over previous years including a road sign in
an area with a high Asian population, on which was sprayed the phrase ‘No Whites after
8.30’. These ‘no-go areas’ according to him are mirrored by Castle Vale, a place where he
feels safe but others would not dare go:
‘so these are out little havens, places like Castle Vale, and it’s about 90% white in this
community, and it’s just such a relief you know. Even though there’s people out there
that would be terrified to come to Castle Vale, we can’t wait to get back to it’.


Some respondents had experienced rudeness from the
few migrants in their area:
‘Its annoying when you get lots of them (immigrants) just walking together, having
a conversation in their own language. But they just stick in their routine and they
walk where their going. They don’t believe in moving over for you, put it that way’
(Woman, Runcorn and Widnes, 70s).

In Runcorn and Widnes, there were a few people who expressed the unfairness that was
being imposed on the people by government as their own fault for being weak and putting
up with it:
‘No, first things first, look after the indigenous people. Because basically in France, in
Spain, […] the Governments, they do look after their own people there. There’d be
people on the street with banners and it wouldn’t just be half a dozen. It would be
mass’ (Woman, Runcorn and Widnes, 60s).


Another facet of this type of experience is the perceived advantage for minorities given
them by the existence of legislation against racism and the organisational structure that
surrounds them:
‘They’ve, they’ve got the Race Relations Officer at the Milton Keynes Council. They
can phone him, or her, or whoever it is and say ‘well, look the white man down the
road is calling my son names’. You get a letter then, to say that you’re a ... racist. But
we’re not!! We’re not! We’re trying to stick up for ourselves. We are white, we are ...
this is our country, and as they are coming in they should be taught, there should be
said ‘alright, what can you offer, how do you feel ... living among white people? Will
it be, you know, a hindrance? Will you be able to get on with your neighbours if they
are white?’ And if not, they shouldn’t be allowed to come’ (Woman, 60s).


‘I took this taxi and he was a Somalian and he said he was given £7,000 to buy a taxi... And
then the council say ‘it doesn’t happen’... Nobody minds these people coming and living
here, but it’s when they get treated better, that’s where the resentment starts’
(Woman, 40s, Milton Keynes).


A man in Castle Vale (40s) related a lost relationship to Britishness. His grandfather had
died recently, and he had spent time talking to him in his final weeks and going through his
‘suitcase full of memories’. The grandfather fought at D-Day. In 1945, he argues, there was
a ‘necessary national identity’. The pictures showed only ‘white British soldiers’, who were
given prayers and psalms (as there were only two religions) before the invasion. Over the
last century, Britain has experienced an influx of people from other countries. His family has
thus moved from a strong identification with the country, to the idea that ‘British’ is only a
passport in three generations.

 移民のせいで、イギリスの独自性(necessary national identity, Britishness)が失われ、それをなつかしむ声やら、あるが、しかし、

The idea that underneath the cosmetic differences is a common humanity was often put
‘We are all humans, we are all equal, the same, really. I mean, we all have the same
colour blood, so really I don’t think that one is better than the other. I mean, when a
certain group comes over, they are alienated, and you have only got to know them
and give them a chance...’ (Woman, 40s, Milton Keynes).
‘I think you should ignore the fact that they are Polish, coloured, Chinese or what.
At the end of the day, they’re flesh and blood like anybody else, and you’d just treat
‘em like you would… irrespective of what religion or what colour they are, you just
treat them as you would treat your next door neighbour’ (Woman, 50s, Runcorn/


On the question of how people behave in foreign countries, the following respondent
was not the only one to hint that the British are not the best at integrating when they go
‘We as white people are just as guilty as the Poles, right? You look around at how many
ex-pat communities there are around the world. We do exactly the same. We go in to
places like Dubai and we go to Spain and we set up these little communities and it’s like
all Brits live here. So we’re just as guilty of it’ (Man, 40s, Runcorn and Widnes).


Indeed, the policy problems are not universally and unquestioningly taken for granted:
‘It’s almost like been blown out of proportion by the media’ argues one Birmingham man
(20s), and they’re basically saying ‘These are bad people. This is such and such’. And they’re
demonising people’. Moreover there is a level of understanding that some of the people
who’ve come to Britain in recent years as asylum-seekers have ‘had horrific lives, but they
are trying to get on with it here’ (Woman, Castle Vale, 40s).


While for some, integration is something unachievable (“not in my lifetime” Woman, 50s,
Milton Keynes); ‘It will never be possible. But that’s me. I think other people could do that...’
(Man, 20s, Milton Keynes), others have come up with a few practical suggestions, such as
enhancing communication between communities:
‘Communication is the key to everything. If people in general would become more
communicated, they would see that they are ‘us’, or actually we are ‘them’. A lot
of the time... no one does really understand anyone, unless you’re that close. It’s all
about understanding... even down to their beliefs’ (Woman, 20s, Milton Keynes).

Children are also viewed as a means of engaging and being engaged with other cultures:
“If the parents would allow their children to mix as one, I think we wouldn’t have
any problems. That would be the next generation, and they would be growing up
knowing’ (Woman, 60s, Milton Keynes).


Contact and local solutions
The majority of the suggestions are based on the idea that integration is best served by
activities to which a variety of people are attracted.
‘Food, sports, music ... that’s what brings people together. Why would they want to
come to a meeting and talk about it?’ (Man, 50s, Castle Vale).
Indeed, often these three areas were noted as ones that interest everyone, and a ‘good
basis’ for integration


The polls looked at in the
NCF literature review (Garner, 2008) for example, suggest that more contact between
white UK and black and minority ethnic people at leisure and in the home are indicators of
more open attitudes, yet we are not sure which way round this relationship functions. Are
people with more open attitudes already more likely to seek such contact in the first place?
Opinion polls cannot tell us this, although the better empirical research might. Certainly,
most of the people living in the four sites we have examined here did not have much
contact outside the workplace with ethnic minorities, but this helps us understand neither
the histories of the places in which they live nor their own biographies. Our conclusion is to
acknowledge the importance of the local in shaping opinions, and to see the question of
contact as one that requires more fleshing out before it forms the basis of policy




Amnesty Intl May 24 Tokyo protest against Diet bills under deliberation to further police NJ residents

Posted by debito on April 29th, 2009



Snowman Says:
April 29th, 2009 at 9:35 am
The Gestapo is alive and well and operating in Japan! I’ll be glad when I finally get my Japanese passport and I can just forget about all this stuff.






*「日本人の配偶者等」「永住者の配偶者等」の在留資格の場合 配偶者の別居、死亡の際には14日以内に報告しなければならない(但し、この件につき英文日本文で内容が異なる。ーーー空)
外国人 妻が死亡しました
移民官 ご愁傷様です。日本から出て行って下さい。







勉強ができないだけ 他

Lawyer Alleges Retaliatory Firing by Texas Office of the Attorney General
The former appellate section chief in the OAG's Child Support Division alleges she was fired after complaining about religious and gender bias
Mary Alice Robbins
Texas Lawyer
April 23, 2009
Pressley says in an interview that she would have been happy to work on Good Friday in exchange for being able to take off from work on a Jewish holiday. But Pressley says the OAG treats Good Friday afternoon as if it were a national holiday, closing the office and requiring all employees to leave.

But in a response to an April 9 open records request made by Texas Lawyer ,the OAG provided a copy of a "request for termination" memo that Heinold wrote on Feb. 21, 2007. In the memo, Heinold wrote that Pressley had violated standards of conduct contained in the OAG's Policies and Procedures Manual, specifically the requirement that employees "shall always treat members of the public and fellow employees with dignity and respect."

But Heinold wrote in the request for termination memo that Pressley's actions were "repeatedly disruptive" to the office. As noted in Heinold's memo, a week or two prior to Jan. 26, 2007, Pressley entered the office of Jessica Perry, who was at the time an assistant attorney general, and "started 'venting' about something in an extremely loud voice and angry tone and banged her fists forcefully on Ms. Perry's desk."

According to a workplace violence incident report filed by Perry on March 5, 2007, the desk-pounding occurred on or about Jan. 21, 2007.

Referring to Pressley, Perry wrote in the report, "She began to bang her fist on my desk. During this conversation, she said something to the effect that she would or wanted to bring an ozzie [an Uzi] to the second floor and shoot up into the floor."

In the "request for termination" memo, Heinold also contended that many OAG field attorneys are reluctant to seek Pressley's advice, because she is "frequently sarcastic, demeaning and highly critical of them and their work."

Maher says that if the employer cites a nonretaliatory reason for terminating the plaintiff, it is then up to the plaintiff to prove that reason is pretextual or to show that the employer had a mixed motive for the termination. For example, a mixed motive could be that the plaintiff violated an agency policy but that the employer also was concerned that the plaintiff had complained about alleged discrimination.

If the employer can show that the plaintiff would have been fired for the policy violation even though the employer had concerns about the allegations of discrimination, the plaintiff can get a finding of retaliation and attorney fees, but the plaintiff cannot get damages, Maher says.







"Yet, the company is denying this claim because her husband had Hepatitis C, something totally unrelated to the way he was killed," he said.

2009.4.27 11:10


2009.4.26 17:00

2009.4.27 09:45




School helps mentally disabled in China


Tue, April 21, 2009
Violent white supremacist to be released from jail


CALGARY -- An unrepentant racist who attacked a Japanese woman in downtown Calgary for no apparent reason won't have to serve any more jail.

The offender, now 18, attacked his victim last July 26, outside a downtown bar while she spoke on her cellphone.

He drop-kicked Asako Okazaki, knocking her to the ground, before kicking her some more.

Burrell noted the teen, an admitted member of the Aryan Guard, continues to hold his racist beliefs.

"His ... beliefs are deeply ingrained," the judge said.

"It is unlikely that he's going to change his belief system in the near future."

Okazaki testified she was kicked in the back of the head from behind, the result of a jump kick, shortly after she left the bar around midnight.

Alleged Aryan Guard guilty of assaulting Japanese visitor

She said he swore at her a number of times during the three separate attacks, leaving her with serious bruises, cuts and long-lasting pain.

A friend of the attacker testified the accused had made a derogatory comment about Asian people before they left the same bar, and the accused followed the victim to where the attack occurred.



27 April 2009 10:2
Detention of children 'must stop'

Sir Al Aynsley-Green warned in a report that children found Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, in Bedfordshire, "like being in prison".

"They describe being transported in caged, urine-soaked vans, separated from parents and not being allowed to go to the toilet. There is no proper provision to deal with their psychological distress, directly caused by the government's detention policies."

Children in detention at Yarl's Wood
Mark Easton | 11:53 UK time, Monday, 27 April 2009
What sort of country sends a dozen police officers to haul innocent sleeping children out of their beds; gives them just a few minutes to pack what belongings they can grab; pushes them into stinking caged vans; drives them for hours while refusing them the chance to go to the lavatory so that they wet themselves and locks them up sometimes for weeks or months without the prospect of release and without adequate health services?

My country, apparently.


“Tokyo Reader” on odd rental contracts for apartments: “lease” vs. “loan for use”? Plus Kyoutaku escrow for disputes

Posted by debito on April 27th, 2009












daichi the beatboxer
Daichi for Beatbox Battle Wildcard(youtube)なんていうんだか、わからないけど、口で楽器をやっている。ユーチューブでわりに人気がでている。

ソウル最大のお祭り 5月2日から開催


Distant horizons
Apr 23rd 2009 | QINGDAO

China's naval paradeChina's naval parade


青島沖で中国海軍が観艦式…日本艦艇は招かれず 読売

中国海軍は初の国際観艦式 世界トップクラスの能力誇示産経



ABC News Exclusive: Torture Tape Implicates UAE Royal Sheikh
Police in Uniform Join In as Victim Is Whipped, Beaten, Electrocuted, Run Over by SUV
April 22, 2009

Nabulsi’s Story

Turkey criticises Obama comments

Q&A:genocide dispute
What is genocide?
Article Two of the UN Convention on Genocide of December 1948 describes genocide as carrying out acts intended "to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group".


Were the killings systematic?
The dispute about whether it was genocide centres on the question of premeditation - the degree to which the killings were orchestrated


UK Gurkha decision sparks anger

The British government has said it will allow 4,300 more Gurkha veterans to settle in the country, changing immigration restrictions on the Nepalese soldiers.

But advocates for the soldiers say the criteria for eligibility introduced by the government means only 100 Gurkhas would actually qualify.

The announcement has sparked outrage from campaigners, who have demanded all 36,000 Gurkhas who served with the British army before 1997 be allowed to live permanently in the UK.


 Confederate flag draws tears, cheers in TampaBy Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Sunday, April 26, 2009
The flag, first raised in June, has divided some members of the community. Many say it stands for slavery and racism, and several Hillsborough County commissioners suggested a compromise. Maybe the Sons of Confederate Veterans could fly an American flag and on special occasions raise the Confederate flag, they said.

The flag isn't about racism, said Robert Wilson, 46, of St. Johns. He said he's sad to see what certain groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, have made it. "We're not here to hate on people," he said. "We're all Americans, and we're equal."

"They did not die for nothing, because we'll never forget them," she said.

アメリカ南部連邦 の旗を掲げることについての論争。一方は人種差別を象徴するといい、他方は侵略への抵抗、自由を象徴するという。また、戦死者の記憶が我々にあるかぎり、彼等の死は無駄にはならない、という。どこでも似たような議論があるのに注目。

A Family Divided by 2 Words, Legal and Illegal

Published: April 25, 2009

These four — who let a reporter and a photographer trail them only if they were not identified, for fear of being deported — are part of a growing group of what are often called mixed-status families. Nearly 2.3 million undocumented families, about three-quarters of those who are here illegally, have at least one child who is a United States citizen, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Nearly 400,000 of them have both citizen and noncitizen children.

It is nearly impossible for an illegal immigrant child to become a legal resident without going back to the native country, then waiting a requisite 10 years to apply.


No chance to say goodbye before deportation
Well-wishers gathered at airport heartbroken, as deported mom and daughter fly to S. Korea
Apr 26, 2009 04:30 AM

Kim was deported to Seoul, South Korea, late last night after losing her refugee appeal before the Immigration and Refugee Board. She elected to take her Toronto-born daughter with her.

Kim had come to Canada on a visitor's visa in 2000. She had been working in a dry cleaner's shop in the Davenport neighbourhood where Eugene was a Grade 2 student at Dovercourt Jr. Public School

The president of the Canadian branch of Defence for Children International confirmed to the Star yesterday there was nothing more that could be done to keep the Kims in Canada.

"We had to establish if there was a risk of serious harm to the child and we haven't been able to do that, so there are not sufficient reasons to overturn a deportation order," said Agnes Samler. "The only thing we might have been able to do is an appeal on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, but we have not had a lot of success under the current system."

Yesterday, though, Foley said she tried to stress to Eugene that she and her mother would be on to new adventures back in South Korea, where the little girl has never lived. Kim's parents and a brother live about 1 1/2 hours south of Seoul.

"They need to be together," said Foley. "If that means they have to be together in Korea, then that's the way it needs to be."


Bully boss has poisoned the work environment for employees

25 Apr 2009


Dear Ted:I am dealing with a boss at work who has been bullying me for more than two years. I have filed grievances at work which are going to arbitration. Presently, I am off on a stress leave for two weeks and am wondering what other actions I can follow other than union grievances. We have a workplace harassment policy, but it is on certain grounds (i. e. colour, race etc.) that don't fall under bullying and harassment. This boss has poisoned my work environment and I am not alone. She has a past history but people end up quitting and I am not prepared to do that. What can I do? Please help me! Thank you.

Answer:What you are saying is a dilemma that a lot of employees are in. There are harassment policies that deal with human rights, such as race, religion, gender and sexual orientation, but these policies don't seem to cover bullying and psychological harassment. Some employers are not up to speed yet with how the laws are changing and the fact that it is the employer's responsibility to make sure that your workplace is harassment free.


Five fired black workers sue PharMerica

The African immigrants charge they were mistreated and harassed by bosses and co-workers.
April 24, 2000

the supervisor allegedly told the plaintiffs they were not allowed breaks after 4:30 p.m., which the plaintiffs later learned was a violation of labor laws. The men said the supervisor told them, "This isn't a mosque," and would not allow them to pray during breaks.

The supervisor and other employees allegedly insulted the plaintiffs and repeatedly used slurs.

"They were called (the n-word), lazy, black sheep, barbarians, filthy, irresponsible, dumb, dirty, little boys and stupid," Webbert wrote in the complaint.

Two white female co-workers, Webbert wrote, told the supervisor they did not want to work closing shift because "they were afraid the plaintiffs would 'jump' them and 'rape' them in the parking lot."

Two other white female co-workers felt the men were being harassed,...so they reported their concerns on a PharMerica telephone hotline. The supervisor allegedly responded by telling the women they would be fired if they spoke again with the men.

On July 30, 2007, Haji said he was ordered by his supervisor to work directly across from the two women who had expressed fear of attack by the men. Haji told the supervisor and regional manager that he didn't feel comfortable at the work station. He claims he was immediately fired and escorted out of the building.

The regional manager then allegedly came back inside and told the four other plaintiffs – plus another black man who worked as a technician but who is not a party in the lawsuit – that they were all fired.

"It's very unusual that it would be so blatant, for the manager to say, 'Everyone the same color as you is out of here,' " Webbert said. "It cries out for the legal system to send a signal."

 これは以前紹介した記事の続報。係争中なわけだが、上司に4時半以降は休憩なしといわれた(イスラムの祈りの妨害)黒人などを罵る言葉の濫用(They were called (the n-word), lazy, black sheep, barbarians, filthy, irresponsible, dumb, dirty, little boys and stupid)、女性従業員がレイプされるのではと、こわがるので、一緒に働きたくない、など、監督にも相談したが耳をかさなかった、という。

California H.S. Cheer Coach Fired Apparently for Posing for Playboy
Carlie Beck Posed for Playboy Before She Was Hired, But Now Fired
April 23, 2009

Sacked female teacher raped two boys

April 21, 2009 12:00am

A FORMER teacher has been convicted of abducting one of her students, age 10, and raping him and his 15-year-old brother.

Bosses do read blogs
Howard Levitt, Financial Post
Published: Wednesday, April 22, 2009

After blogging about her sex life, Jessica Cutler was fired from her job as a U. S. Senator's aide and then ended up with a book deal

Most people blog the way they speak, moaning about perceived petty injustices. "I should have been promoted instead of Nancy." "Christina is lazy and I end up doing her work" "My boss shouldn't have his job." But blogging is not analagous to grumbling to your partner at home. A blog, like everything online, is both permanent and public.

Jessica Clarke didn't think about that, when she blogged about her job as a personal caregiver at a home for the aged. She complained about her "lazy, slow" co-workers, described her employer's new residential facility as "a hole" and even ridiculed a resident with Parkinson's disease. She also referred to her managers as "stupid f---ing a--holes" who kept making mistakes. After reading the blog, Ms. Clarke's managers decided to fire her. Her union fought her dimissal and lost.

Many white collar employees make the same mistake. One woman in an Alberta government office wrote that "imbeciles and idiot savants (no offense to them) were running the ship". She described her co-workers as "stupid, cheap or stuck-up." When a taxpayer complained about her to the provincial Ombudsperson, she blogged that the woman had "ratted her out." She called one of her bosses the "Lunatic in Charge" and another a "power-hungry wench." When her employer perused her blog, she was fired. She and her union also lost her suit.

When an employee is rude and insubordinate to a manager, continued employment can be untenable, which is why blogging about your workplace is often cause for discharge
However, if a blog does not relate to work, an employee has considerable leeway. One B. C. warehouse worker glorified Nazism and Hitler on his blog and described fantasies of violent attacks. Horrified, his employer fired him. But his hatred wasn't directed toward his employer or co-workers. As a result, there was no legal cause to fire him and he was reinstated at arbitration.

The courts deem Internet libel to be more serious than other forms of libel because of its permanent and international circulation, so it follows that disparaging comments about an employer also will be treated more seriously than comments with limited coverage. Employers can protect themselves by including rules about blogs in their Internet policies.

When an employer discovers such blogs it should: - Print the blog to preserve the evidence; - Consider whether anything the employer, the workplace or the employees are adversely affected; - Consult with counsel to determine whether the employee can be justifiably disciplined or fired.



Hate crime rises in Wales as economic hardship bites
Apr 26 2009 by David James, Wales On Sunday
Ethnic minorities, gay people, faith groups and even the disabled have been reporting far more incidents of violence, verbal abuse and criminal damage over the past year.

Hate crime is described by the Home Office as any attack motivated by an offenders’ hatred of the victim’s race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

Resentment in economically struggling white, working class neighbourhoods can fuel hate crime, according to criminologist Georgios Antonopoulos.

The academic said research shows that the shame they feel can be transformed into rage. And the present “constant discussion on the financial crisis” could be fuelling these feelings

Yet Mr Kidwai said he believed community relations in Wales were better than in other parts of the UK.

He added: “I personally feel from what I gather from my counterparts in England and Scotland is that things are much worse. We are lucky in Wales, inter community relations are better.”


All-white jury chosen in Pa. hate crime trial
By MICHAEL RUBINKAM – 3 days ago

POTTSVILLE, Pa. (AP) — An all-white jury was seated Wednesday in the trial of two northeastern Pennsylvania teenagers charged in the fatal beating of an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
Schuylkill County prosecutors allege the attack on Luis Ramirez, 25, was racially motivated. Witnesses have said the victim was sucker-punched and kicked in the head during a late-night, epithet-filled melee.
Prosecutors have charged Brandon Piekarsky, 17, of Shenandoah, with third-degree murder. He and Derrick Donchak, 19, also of Shenandoah, were charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and ethnic intimidation.


23 April, 2009
South Belfast urged: 'Unite against hate crime
' 魚拓
POLITICIANS and community leaders in south Belfast have been urged by Sinn Féin MLA Alex Maskey to unite in support of foreign nationals who live in the area in the wake of an upsurge of hate crimes. “Political and community representatives have a duty to make it clear that racism has no place in this community,” said Maskey.

The South Belfast MLA was speaking after an attack by a racist mob from the loyalist Village area of south Belfast last Thursday. Five people, including four from Hungary, were in a house on Donegall Road when a gang attacked the property.
The women in the house barricaded themselves in behind a kitchen table after a mob broke windows and tried to smash their way through the front door. The mob shouted abuse and threatened to kill the residents if they didn’t leave the area.
“We were crying and screaming and they were yelling they were going to kill us” said one woman. “It was terrible. None of us can go back to Donegall Road.”
Last month, the homes of Eastern European workers and their families were targeted by a racist mob in south Belfast. The attacks took place after loyalists targeted homes following an unrelated confrontation between rival soccer fans from Poland and those supporting the local team during a European qualifying match at Belfast’s Windsor Park.
Over 40 foreign nationals were forced to flee from their homes. Slovenian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Polish families were attacked as a racist gang rampaged through the area.
Windows were smashed, front doors kicked in and homes were pelted with stones and bricks. The assailants yelled abuse, including death threats.
Eastern European families have also been targeted by racists in Ballymena.
A house where a group of Polish people were staying was attacked on Easter Monday. The attack took place just before 2pm when stones were thrown, smashing six windows in the house.
“There have been attempts to link these attacks to the trouble before and after the Poland v Northern Ireland soccer match,” Alex Maskey said. “This is a smokescreen being used by the narrow-minded thugs who engage in racist attacks.
“The whole Polish community and the wider community of foreign nationals cannot be held responsible for the actions of a small minority of football hooligans.
“Let us be clear: these types of racist incidents were taking place for years before this soccer game. They were wrong then and they are wrong now,” said the Sinn Féin Assembly member.
This is not the first time loyalists in south Belfast have engaged in racist attacks.
In 2004, a series of racist incidents led to the formation of a Roundtable on Racism.
A Romanian family and two Chinese families were forced to flee. People from the 26 Counties were also targeted

The move followed repeated attacks on the Village and Donegall Road area picking out Asian and Chinese families. In one incident, a Pakistani family were forced to leave only hours after moving into the neighbourhood.
Other homes were subjected to arson attacks, resulting in a Romanian family and two Chinese families being forced to flee. People from the 26 Counties were also targeted.
Racist slogans were painted on walls and loyalists held a mass rally in an attempt to intimidate people into leaving the area. But Sinn Féin’s Alex Maskey has pointed out that such actions are not supported by the majority of local people.
“There have been increasing reports of racist attacks and intimidation directed at foreign nationals. Within south Belfast, much of the media reports have focused on the Village area,” said Maskey.
“I have spoken to a number of people from the Village area and it is clear that such racist attacks and attitudes do not have the support of the majority of people in this area. Those responsible for racist intimidation are a very small minority, a minority whose actions are abhorred by the local community,” said Maskey.

 こうして、東欧人やアジア人を憎悪する西欧人が日本にやってくる。日本人は“barbarian but obedient野蛮だが従順だから、救済してやろう、とおもっているのに、当の日本人にため口をいわれれば、そりゃヒステリー起こすかもしれわな。そうした欧米人がするコメントに興味があるかたは、これなんぞ、どうぞ。


なんでそうなるの 他

記事の一部に問題、朝日新聞社に対応求める PRC


 根本清樹・朝日新聞政治エディターの話 報道と人権委員会の見解を重く受け止めます。取材や文章表現の上で、関係者の人権に十分配慮し、より正確な記事を目ざして今後も努力を重ねていきます。





日本と中国が急激に接近したら、すぐア メリカが割り込んできて日本は八つ裂きにされるのが関の山だろう。日本と 中国を分割統治するというのは、アメリカのアジア専門家の間では大前提になっている


今こそ日本はタブーなき「憲法改正」論議に踏み込み、真の独立国家を目指すべきである、 と言っている。去勢国家から脱却するため、核、空母、爆撃機、そして国民皆兵を議論すべきだ






Indonesian nurses working hard in Japan
Vietnamese Nurse Working in Japan
一つ目はインドネシアからの看護士を目指すインドネシア人にとって日本語という言葉の壁が大きい、というニュースに関するJapan Probeの投稿。二つ目は、そのコメント欄にあったリンクで、三年で看護士試験に合格したベトナム人女性。よくがんばったと思う。えらいね。

6 arrested at UNC immigration protest
Friday, April 24, 2009 | 5:37 AM

CHAPEL HILL -- One week after protests at UNC that led to broken glass and pepper spray, another conservative politician spoke on campus. And again, the topic was illegal immigration.

On Wednesday, UNC-Chapel Hill's campus police arrested six people on charges of disorderly conduct during an appearance by former Virginia congressman Virgil Goode.


Illegal Aliens cost Florida Hospitals $100 Million
Posted By: Mike Deeson

Tallahasse, Florida -- There are between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States. No one has a hard number on how many illegal's are in the country but the Florida Hospital Association says the cost to hospital is staggering and everyone is paying for it.

Illegal aliens come into this country every day. In fact, more than one million live in Florida.

The influx of illegals has a devastating affect on hospitals through out the state, including Tampa bay.

Carol Plato, who testified before a legislative committee, says the Florida Hospital Association estimates the cost is $100 million for illegal patient care.

And part of the reason the cost is so high, is because illegal aliens often use the emergency room as their primary care physician. Usually illegal's don't have insurance and very little money, which means they can pay the bill. However, that doesn't mean the bill isn't paid. Those who have insurance pick up the difference and that's a major reason things are so expensive when you're in the hospital.

Bruce Rueben, President of the Florida hospital association, says there are unmet costs that have to be met somehow.

Rueben says hospitals can not write off the $100 million debt being caused by illegals. According to Rueben, the hospitals have to cut costs or pass them on to people who can pay. Rueben says that is a big reason why health care costs are so high for people who have insurance.

But each time an illegal shows up at a hospital and doesn't pay, you do and estimates are each family in Florida pays at least 315 dollars a year to support people who have come into this country illegally.


Sen. Feinstein gets reprieve for foreign-born lesbian mother ordered to leave Calif. family
LISA LEFFAssociated Press Writer
7:33 PM MDT, April 23, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Philippines-born lesbian mother ordered to leave the country next month for overstaying her visa will likely be allowed to stay through next year thanks to intervention from U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Tan, who lives in Pacifica with her 12-year-old twin sons and a partner of 23 years, was originally scheduled to be deported three weeks ago but won a temporary stay with help from U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo. Federal immigration officials then gave her until May 10 to leave the country voluntarily.

Tan, 43, has been in California since arriving on a visitor's visa in 1989. She applied for asylum in 1995 because she was afraid of a cousin in the Philippines who had killed her mother and sister and critically wounded her when she was a teenager. She was unaware the petition had been denied until federal agents took Tan away in handcuffs at the end of January, said her 48-year-old partner, Jay Mercado.

She said gay rights activists were using the couple's case to push for passage of a long-stalled immigration reform bill, known as the Uniting American Families Act, that would give gay Americans the right to sponsor foreign-born partners for residency.


Far-right politician convicted over racist World Cup flyers

A Berlin court has handed down suspended prison sentences to the head of the anti-foreigner NPD party for handing out pamphlets inciting racial hatred and defamation during the 2006 World Cup.

The district court judge handed suspended prison sentences to the head of the German right wing National Democratic Party, Udo Voigt and two other senior party officials for inciting racial hatred and defamation.

The three had circulated pamphlets during the 2006 World Cup, insinuating that a black player was not worthy to play for Germany's national team which they said should be made up of whites only.

The pamphlet referred to defender Patrick Owomoyela who was born of a German mother and a Nigerian father.
Suspended sentences

Voigt was given a seven-month suspended sentence, along with a party spokesman, Klaus Beier. The party's legal affairs head, Frank Schwerdt, received a ten-month suspended sentence.

 ドイツの極右の反外国人政党の政治家が黒人のドイツ人サッカー選手はドイツチームにいるべきでなく有色人を排他して白人のみのチームにすべきであるというチラシを配って、人種的憎悪を助長したとして、有罪になったという。ここらへん、憎悪を煽る表現までは表現の自由として許容する米国との違いであろう。suspended sentence というから執行猶予がついたということだろう。

'Racism and xenophobia undiminished in 50 years'
Published: April 25, 2009

GENEVA (AFP) - Racism and xenophobia are thriving as much as they were 50 years ago, fuelled by fears about growing migration and economic strife, the UN expert on racism said Friday at a conference on the scourge.Financial insecurity and job fears historically fuelled animosity towards foreign migrants, but that has grown in the current meltdown because it was affecting so many people, he said.

“If you are an illegal in the US for example, you’re probably costing the employer less and demanding less by way of social security benefits, insurance health care and so on, and there is a resentment that works around that,” Muigai said.
Muigai, who took over the post last August, also pointed to anecdotal evidence of an increase in xenophobic and racist sentiment among the middle class in Europe.


Police chief defends rise in race crime

22 April 2009
London Borough of Haringey

RACE HATE is on the rise in Haringey - as new police figures reveal reports of racist crime have jumped by 15 per cent in a year.

Chief Superintendent Dave Grant, head of Haringey police, said: "Rises in hate crime represent an increased awareness that this is an offence that police take seriously, and that victims are more comfortable and confident to come forward in an area where under-reporting is an issue.

"So increases in reported crime and good sanctioned detection rates in this area are positive."

He said officers are "committed" to protecting victims and prosecuting offenders.

But Lynne Featherstone, Liberal Democrat MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, said the rise was "extremely concerning" and hoped the police would examine the reasons behind it "a little more deeply than that".

"People are coming forward to the police more, but there are still others who don't. And the number of crimes itself has also increased.

"People receive threats and abuse from local residents. An Algerian man was beaten up and left close to death by a group of English people [in Finsbury Park itself] - and he never reported it because he was an illegal immigrant.

"And some teenagers pulled off a lady's headscarf in Stroud Green Road. We hear of something happening at least once a week."

Councillor Ron Aitken, Lib-Dem spokesman for crime and community safety, said there had been an increase in attacks on Muslims and those who appear to be Muslim, and a rise in "hate-related activity" against Jewish buildings and Jews in Haringey "on the back of the Gaza situation".


Latinos in the South often targets of abuse魚拓
"Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South"
Low-income Latinos have become growing targets across the South. In a report released this week by the Southern Poverty Law Center, poor Latinos described life in the South as living in a "war zone."

The SPLC's "Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South" documents the widespread abuse facing low-wage Latino workers in Southern states. Focusing on Nashville, Charlotte, New Orleans, rural southern Georgia and northern Alabama, the Montgomery, Ala.-based civil rights nonprofit surveyed hundreds of residents who detailed a striking degree of abuse, including "widespread hostility, discrimination and exploitation." Researchers said they found a "population under siege and living in fear" -- fear of the police, fear of the government and fear of criminals who prey on immigrants because of their vulnerability.

As more immigrants move South to fill low-wage jobs in fields and factories across the region, a growing anti-immigrant climate has taken root, worsened by the crackdown on illegal immigration at the federal level in recent years. The anti-immigrant climate is harming all Hispanics in the South, whether or not they are illegal immigrants, according to the report.

In fact, the discrimination against Latinos filters down into all parts of their daily life. For instance, Latinos are routinely the targets of wage theft, racial profiling, police harassment and workplace abuse, according to the report. Employers know that immigrants, even those here legally, are often poorly equipped to protect their rights, resulting in intimidation and unsafe working conditions in the workplace. Hispanic women suffer high rates of sexual harassment as male supervisors threaten to report them to immigration authorities if the women don't provide sexual favors.

Latinos interviewed reported having little confidence in police. Respondents said they're pulled over by police for "the most minor of offenses -- or no offense at all." In fact, Latinos often become the victims of crime because they do not feel safe reporting abuses to police or the government, making them attractive targets for criminals. Police checkpoints and roadblocks in predominantly Latino areas were also a common complaint, particularly in rural areas of northern Alabama. In fact, in Alabama more than 55 percent of respondents said there are police checkpoints where they live.

"This report documents the human toll of failed policies that relegate millions of people to an underground economy, where they are beyond the protection of the law," said Mary Bauer, author of the report and director of the SPLC's Immigrant Justice Project. "Workplace abuses and racial profiling are rampant in the South."

Since the 2005 hurricane season, the Gulf Coast region has also seen an explosion in its Hispanic population, particularly in New Orleans where migrant workers flocked to fill the construction jobs that opened up during the post-Katrina recovery effort. Estimates indicate the New Orleans metro area's Hispanic population has tripled in the last three years, from about 60,000 to about 180,000. The SPLC's report shows that in New Orleans migrant workers have faced rampant wage theft, coercion, and abuse. Some 80 percent of these workers said they had not been paid for work performed

Some findings from the study include:
Nearly 50 percent of respondents knew someone who had been treated unfairly by police.
77 percent of the women who responded said sexual harassment was a major workplace problem.
41 percent surveyed had not been paid for work, a figure that climbed to 80 percent in New Orleans.
Two-thirds of respondents said they had been made to feel unwelcome by others in the community, while 68 percent said they encountered on a regular basis what they perceived as racism -- from "looks" to physical abuse.
46 percent have confidence in police.
46 percent with court experience say there were no interpreters.


Alberta worries about becoming racist haven


As Calgarians worry that this past weekend's white supremacist rally will reinforce their image as intolerant rednecks, they may want to recall former premier Ralph Klein's famous quote about "creeps and bums" coming to Alberta and causing trouble.


Supreme Court Hears Case of Teen's 'Embarrassing' School Strip Search
High Court Showdown Over Student Privacy Rights, School Drug Policy
April 21, 2009

"They asked me to take off my clothes, and I did while they stood there," Savana said. "When I was finally in my underwear, I thought, 'OK, they are gong to let me put my clothes back on.'"

"They just looked at me and said, 'well, now you have to pull out your bra and shake it and your underwear as well," she said, her eyes filling with tears. "I really wanted to cry."


Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:40:05 GMT
African immigrants claim workplace discrimination

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) Five African immigrants who were fired from their jobs at one of the nation's largest pharmacy services corporations have sued their former employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.

The men, who were hired in 2007 as pharmacy technicians at a PharMerica facility in Portland, claim that bias by white co-workers and supervisors created a segregated workplace. The employees say they were fired after they complained about the work environment.


Minutemen with guns threaten kids at the peaceful Macehualli Center(youtube)

This video shows two Americas,one of love and one of hate. Please watch and decide which one you want to be a part of.

The Macehualli Center celebrated its 6th anniversary on 01/31/09 with a peaceful celebration, friendship and multi cultural sharing with Native American Dancers and indigenous ceremony including all people-regardless of nationality. But outside the center was a world of hatred
and prejiduce.
These racist militants have been terrorizing The Day Labor Center daily for over a year. They insult and threaten mothers, children and anyone with brown skin they deem as being "Illegal" (whenever they think nobody is watching with a camera).

They harass anyone that may attempt to hire a day laborer. They incite violence, carry guns and have no respect for humanity. What makes this most tragic is they have the support and encouragement of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Gov. Praises 'Minuteman' Campaign
By Peter Nicholas and Robert Salladay
April 29, 2005

Calling the nation's borders dangerously porous, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday praised the private "Minuteman" campaign that uses armed volunteers to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S.





WWII bomb found near Chancellor Merkel's Berlin apartmen

Unexploded bombs from World War II are frequently found in German cities, often during digging for construction projects.




Juries return to Japanese courts after 66 years

But 99.5 per cent conviction rate may take time to alter

By Paul Rodgers and Kyoko Nishimoto

Sunday, 19 April 2009

日本の裁判員制度についてである。kyoko nishimotoって日本人だろうか?

Oral testimony is rare, and cross-examination all but unheard of. Trials not only lack drama, they give defendants little hope.

、産経で法廷ライブというのが、あるが、この記録みても、例えば、セレブ妻バラバラ 証人出廷(7)検察・弁護人・ 証人などで、証人について交互に尋問しているわなあ。被告人についても同様である。

The potential for unsafe convictions under the existing system is huge.

Suspects can be interrogated for 23 days, without counsel, before they're charged.

間違いではないが、can be というのがくせ者で、弁護士と接見することはできるわけだ。オウムの麻原のときでも怪しげな弁護士が接見してたのみなかったのかな?

Witnesses are interviewed by police and prosecutors, but not necessarily the defence.


Evidence dug up by the authorities that could help the accused is often kept secret.

 被告人に有利な証拠は検察が秘かにためこんでいる、と。検面調書のすべてが開示されるわけではないのはその通りであろうが、場合によっては開示命令も出せるわけだ。ところで、被告人に有利な証拠を隠し持っている、って調査結果でもあったのか? 未だ想像の域をでないだろう?

More than 80 per cent of cases rely on a full confession.


Old-school prosecutors insist that their success rate reflects how careful they are to bring only iron-clad cases to court.


"One of the concerns is that defence counsel co-operate [with prosecutors] in most cases," said Daniel Foote, professor of sociology and law at the University of Tokyo.


Japan's first experiment with citizen juries came in 1928, but their impact was limited. True, the conviction rate was a more reasonable 82 per cent.


For liberal Britons, whose right to a jury trial was enshrined in Magna Carta, the need for 12 good men and true may seem obvious.


In Britain, only 1% of criminal cases end up before juries, which rarely deal with inquests, either.
Britain is seeking to restrict juries even further

Although she is not carrying drugs and none are found in her home, the prosecution claims to have a witness.
Dee’s court-appointed lawyer urges her to take a plea bargain and agree to a 10-year suspended sentence with a small fine, rather than risk serving a 16- to 25-year prison term.

事件名 強盗致傷
裁判所 京都地方裁判所 第1刑事部
裁判年月日 平成18年11月15日
結果 却下
判示事項 警察官の脅迫、弁護人選任権行使の妨害及び利益誘導による取調べは、重大な違法がある上、被告人の黙秘権を著しく侵害しており、その結果作成された警察官調書と、上記違法な取調べの影響を遮断する措置が講じられることなく作成された検察官調書は、いずれもその任意性に疑いがあるとして、上記各供述調書の取調べ請求が却下された事例



なお、この記事に関して、Japan Probeで、LBさんが適切な批判をしてくれている。

BNPの台頭 他

'The BNP are now a bigger threat than ever'
Labour fears the far right will win its first European seats in June, Harriet Harman tells Andrew Grice

Friday, 10 April 2009

23 April 2009 04:16 UK
BNP leader defends policy on race

The BNP manual, leaked to the anti-fascist group Searchlight and seen by the BBC, says that "BNP activists and writers should never refer to 'black Britons' or 'Asian Britons' etc, for the simple reason that such persons do not exist".

"These people are 'black residents' of the UK etc, and are no more British than an Englishman living in Hong Kong is Chinese.
"Collectively, foreign residents of other races should be referred to as 'racial foreigners', a non-pejorative term... The key in such matters is above all to maintain necessary distinctions while avoiding provocation and insult."
The manual describes the BNP's "ultimate aim" as the "lawful, humane and voluntary repatriation of the resident foreigners of the UK".
Commenting on the leaflet's content, Mr Griffin told The Report on Radio 4 that although "in civic terms they are British, British also has a meaning as an ethnic description".
"We don't subscribe to the politically correct fiction that just because they happen to be born in Britain, a Pakistani is a Briton. They're not; they remain of Pakistani stock.
"You can't say that especially large numbers of people can come from the rest of the world and assume an English identity without denying the English their own identity, and I would say that's wrong," he added.
"In a very subtle way, it's a sort of bloodless genocide."


Mr Griffin claimed the prime minister borrowed the rhetoric from his party.
"When I heard Gordon Brown use our slogan - British jobs for British workers - I was delighted," he said.


Campaigner called me a 'nigger' claim

6:00pm Wednesday 15th April 2009

A frighted mum-of-two has been left too scared to leave her home after she was allegedly called a ‘nigger’ by a British National Party (BNP) canvasser during a racist tirade in front of her five year old son.

Shirlene Tobin, of Wanstead, has refused to leave her house since the incident - on Tuesday evening - during which she alleges the female BNP activist told her to ‘come to me because I don’t come to niggers’ when she tried to hand back a political leaflet that was posted through her front door.

“I walked after her to try and give the leaflet back but got a load of racist abuse.

“She told me to run to her because ‘niggers should be used to running.’


Rise in politically-motivated violence in Germany

A sharp rise in the number of crimes committed by right-wing extremists drove the number of politically motivated offences in Germany to a record high last year, the interior ministry said on Monday.

The number of such offences rose by 11.4 percent to 31,801 - the highest level since the statistics were first collected in 2001. Of the total, 20,422 were linked to right-wing extremists, including violent attacks that killed two people.

There was also a dramatic rise in crime by left-wing extremists which coincided with campaigning during regional elections. Acts of violence targetted political events organised by far-right political parties.

Petra Pau, domestic issues spokeswoman for the Left party said: "Right-wing extremism, racism and anti-semitism are in this country a danger to life and limb."


Minorities Report Discrimination in E.U. Survey
Published: April 23, 2009

PARIS — More than half of ethnic and immigrant minorities throughout the European Union say that ethnic discrimination is widespread in their countries, according to a new survey published Wednesday. The findings also showed that the vast majority of those who said they were the victims of racist crimes did not report them to the police because they did not believe it would do any good.

The highest reported level of discrimination based on ethnic or immigrant origin was reported by North African migrants in Italy, where 94 percent of respondents said it was widespread. Ninety percent of Roma, also called gypsies, in Hungary said discrimination was rife.

Throughout Europe, one out of two Roma interviewed said that he or she had been mistreated on racist grounds in the previous 12 months.


Racism is 'still rife in schools'魚拓
Racism is still a major issue in schools and it is increasingly linked to religious intolerance, a survey has found.

Over half (55.1%) of school staff are aware of racist bullying in their schools, according to a Teachers TV poll.

Two thirds (63.8%) of the 800 teachers questioned said racism is an issue in schools, with more than half (56.3%) saying they felt it is linked to religious intolerance.

But two thirds of teachers (68.3%) said their school does not have a strategy to deal with racist bullying.

A third of respondents said they would like more professional development to help them deal with the issue.

Thursday, 23 April 2009 00:48 UK
Teachers report 'racist bullying
64% said they agreed or strongly agreed that racism was an issue in schools generally
46.4% thought it was a problem in their school
10.2% said teachers had been a target of racist bullying
2.6% said they had seen teachers bully pupils racially
15% said they thought racism had increased in their school
73% of teachers questioned worked in non-faith schools
Source: Teachers TV survey

三分の二の先生が 対処する有効な方策に欠ける、といっているという。

Worker says construction company fired him for filing workers' comp claim

4/23/2009 1:56 PM
By Kelly Holleran

An Orange County man has filed suit against a construction company, alleging he was wrongly terminated in retaliation for filing for workers' compensation.

Scott Holmes says he was working for Mason Construction on June 14, 2007, when he sustained a severe and permanent injury to his body.

Initially, Holmes's safety supervisor drove him to Dr. Montet, then to a hospital, according to the complaint filed April 21 in Jefferson County District Court.

Later that day, Holmes returned to work, the suit states.

"Plaintiff continued to report to work even though the nurse could not sit in the same room with him because of the smell of infection," the suit states.

Holmes says he eventually chose his own doctor for treatment and was forced to have surgery to remove the infection from his finger.

Later, Holmes was terminated on July 12, 2007, in "retaliation against Plaintiff for pursing his workers' compensation," the suit states.

Tuesday, 04.21.09

Engineer: I was fired for refusing to work in Cuba

A German engineer residing in South Florida on a work visa claims in a federal lawsuit that his refusal to work in Cuba got him fired.


Published April 22 2009
GF firm resolves sexual harassment suit

LM Glasfiber has reached a settlement with a former employee who sued the Grand Forks firm for sexual harassment. Celeste Melander filed her suit in federal court against the wind turbine manufacturer in November, contending she was harassed at work and fired when she complained to her supervisors.


April 24, 2009
French police crack down to clear migrants from their ‘jungle’

Unlike France, Britain has never signed up to the Schengen agreement, which allows anybody to travel between designated European Union states without papers.


Illegal Immigrant Workers in Paris Want Resident Status in France
By Lisa Bryant
14 May 2008


France forbids residents from aiding illegal immigrants
12:00 AM CDT on Friday, March 27, 2009

The French government forbids aiding illegal migrants and sets quotas for arrests of those who do as it tries to control growing clandestine immigration. This year's target: 5,000 arrests.


France Cracks Down on Illegal Immigrants
The Associated Press
Thursday, August 31, 2006; 4:19 PM

The families, mostly Africans, were evicted from France's largest squat on Aug. 17. Riot police stormed the building _ an abandoned dormitory at a prestigious university _ and forced out more than 500 people. Nearly 30 illegal immigrants were put in detention centers. About 200 went to the cramped, dank gymnasium.

Members of illegal immigrant families rest in a gymnasium in Cachan, south of Paris, Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006. For dozens of those families, the gymnasium has become a temporary home where they sleep shoulder-to-shoulder, their dingy mattresses piled with necessities and small treasures. Almost all Africans, the families were evicted from France's largest squat on Aug. 17. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon) (Jacques Brinon - AP)

The mass eviction has become a symbol of France's tougher new immigration policy, stoking the debate about how far the government can go to send a sign that illegals are not welcome.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, the center-right's likeliest contender in spring presidential elections, argues that France must select its immigrants more carefully, and he has vowed to send home at least 25,000 illegals this year, up from about 20,000 in 2005

The center-right government of President Nicolas Sarkozy, which toughened immigration rules last year, says it will legalize foreign workers on a case-by-case basis. But the illegal workers and activists supporting their movement say they want standardized rules for all.

The Immigration Ministry, created when President Nicolas Sarkozy took office in 2007, proudly makes public its yearly expulsion quota – the 2008 goal of 26,000 expulsions went far beyond to 29,796 – but, until now, there had been no talk of quotas for those who help those in the country illegally.




Thursday, 23 April 2009 11:16 UK
Rice approved CIA waterboarding


James Boyce, Max BernsteinDemocratic Strategist, Founder NewsLadder.net
Posted April 23, 2009 | 02:47 PM (EST
Yes, There Are Racists in the GOP


"The millions who have lost the equity in their homes, or half their life savings, and the 3.6 million Americans who have lost their jobs in the last year are true patriots who are sacrificing for their country. The last thing in the world we need is an economic stimulus plan which will put Pedro and his friends back to work."

That's Dana Rohrabacher, the Congressman from the pristine beach communities in Southern Los Angeles and Northern Orange County. Nothing racist about that statement at all, no sirree.

Next up, we have Houston congressman John Culberson. Culberson is known for being on the cutting edge of his use of technology and social networking, but when it comes to the viewpoint behind the tweeting and Qik-videoing, he falls somewhere between the age of internment camps and the McCarthy era. Observe:

"A concern that I continue to see is that a lot of those scientists from communist China, my impression is, and correct me if I am wrong, come here and learn as much as they can, and then leave. And I'm not really all that much into helping the communists figure out how to better target their intercontinental ballistic missiles at the United States. They basically steal our technology for military applications. And they are red China, let's not forget."

We can't forget this one either:

"A large number of Islamic individuals have moved into homes in Nuevo Laredo and are being taught Spanish to assimilate with the local culture.

