Anti-immigrant sentiment greater in California than Texas
The study, led by Isao Takei of the University of Texas at Austin, examined the earnings by Mexican immigrants in California and Texas, the states with the largest Mexican immigrant populations. Looking at the current immigration population, the laws in both states and analyzing data from the 2000 5% Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), (widely used in earnings studies because it provides a large, nationally representative sample of all sectors of the labor force, including minority populations), the researchers came to several key conclusions:
• Mexican immigrants have encountered harsher treatment in California than in Texas - at least over the last decade
• California has harsher anti-immigrant policies and sentiments than Texas, and provides fewer accessible services for them
• Foreign-born Mexican workers face more wage disadvantages compared with their counterparts of other nationalities
• The longer the immigrants stay in the U.S., the fewer the disadvantages they face
• Native U.S. born Mexicans tend to choose higher status occupations than do the foreign born Mexicans
Study: For immigrants, California harsher than Texas
Germany Launches Massive Crackdown on Neo-Nazi Music
Police raided apartments and offices throughout Germany in the biggest-ever action aimed at stamping out the radical-right music scene. The historic operation was two years in the making.
German authorities searched more than 200 locations on Wednesday, March 4, confiscating 45,000 CDs, more than 170 computers and some 70 weapons.
Music with such lyrical content is prohibited by the German Constitution. Selling neo-Nazi music is a crime, although possessing it isn't, as Mahler said at the press conference.
Berlin: Concern about increase in anti-police violence
Last year the number of cases where policemen were resisted increased by three percent to 3,371 cases. The number of injured police officer went up by almost seven percent to 924, said police chief Dieter Glietsch yesterday. Glietsch told a parliamentary committee that this year Berlin sadly got to first place.
Comparing to a decade ago, though, Berlin has seen a significant improvement. There were improvements in both statistics: 4112 cases of 'resisting the authorities' were registered in 1999. The number of injured police agents in 1999 was 1787. Through the years there has been a continuous decline and this year was the first time it went up.
The police is concerned about 'spontaneous solidarity' at emergencies. In the last three years there were ten cases a year of sudden group violence against police agents.
Glietsch said yesterday these were mostly youth and young men of immigration background. In these cases there was a 'fundamental repudiation of state power and our values'. Since 2006, the police has been recording these riotous gatherings in its own statistics魚拓<
Copenhagen: Hells Angels - Immigrants must clean up their act>Meanwhile, police in Sweden are concerned that the immigrant/biker gang wars are spilling over from Denmark into their territory. Just over a year ago, Danish police reported the Black Cobras, an immigrant gang and Denmark's largest, has plans to expand to Sweden.
The Hells Angels biker group says that the only ones who can stop the current gang war are immigrants themselves.魚拓
White America a minority-to-be
WATCH: Skin-Head Violence Rises in Russia
BNP anti-immigrant 'Battle for Britain' poster uses Polish Spitfire
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The BNP wants to send the Poles home
The British National Party has launched an anti-immigration campaign harking back to the Battle of Britain, but it features a Polish Spitfire.
The poster, part of the European elections campaign, was unveiled last night, with a Spitfire and the words "Battle for Britain".
The party is campaigning against allowing Europeans into Britain
But historians noted that the fighter was acutally part of the RAF 303 squadron, which was made up of expatriate Poles.
In the Battle of Britain Poles shot down 203 Luftwaffe aircraft which stood for 12 per cent of total German losses in the battle.
A Royal Air Force museum spokesman said told the Daily Mail: "The Spitfire in the poster can be identified as belonging to 303 Squadron of the Polish Air Force by the code letters RF painted in front of the RAF roundel."
Warning over credit crunch racism
"This crisis wasn't caused by a Polish plumber or a Bangladeshi shop worker - it was caused by irresponsible actions of international bankers.
で、こっちは、スコットランド。 スコットランド国民党も、どうも今回の不況に関して移民のせいだ、と言っているらしい。そこで、労働党がそれを非難している。
Deportation reprieve extended for two Miami brothers
Luis F. Perez | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Juan and Alex Gomez, two Miami brothers who came to represent the plight of many young undocumented immigrant students, got another reprieve from deportation this week.
U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., on Tuesday filed what's called a private bill on their behalf to keep them in the country through 2011. Two years ago, Dodd and U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R-Miami, filed similar bills, but they expired last year. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had scheduled to deport them to Colombia on March 15 .
The Gomez brothers, who came to this country as toddlers, were at the center of a media maelstrom two years ago when advocates pushed for a bill called the Dream Act. The measure would allow undocumented immigrant students to pursue college or military careers.
Their parents were deported in 2007. Juan now studies finance at Georgetown University and Alex attends Miami Dade College.魚拓
(2009年3月7日08時08分 読売新聞
Justice Ministry allows deported Filipino parents to re-enter Japan to see daughter
Usually, foreigners deported from Japan are prohibited from re-entering the country for at least five years. However, the special permits will allow Noriko's parents to stay for a short period of time.魚拓