
DECEMBER 13, 2011 · 6:23 AM
Report: Non-Whites In Australia Often Denied Entry To Clubs & Pubs

Vladmir Rodriguez thought racism was confined to history. But when he was refused entry to a Fitzroy nightclub, he realised he was wrong.

Mr Rodriguez, who moved from Cuba to be with his Australian wife in 2004, said he initially did not encounter “obvious” racism. But that changed a year ago when he was turned away from First Floor nightclub on Brunswick Street for what he believes was his skin colour.

Mr Rodriguez’s case is among an increasing number reported to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission of people alleging they were excluded from pubs and clubs based on their race.

The commission recorded 94 complaints of racial discrimination in the provision of goods and services – including nightclubs – in the past financial year, up from 64 in 2009-10 and almost double the 48 objections in 2008-09. Total race complaints across all sectors jumped from 211 in 2009-10 to 326 last year – a rise of 55 per cent.

Acting commissioner Karen Toohey said race was one of the most common types of discrimination reported to the commission. “In many instances they have been explicitly told their race was the basis of the refusal,” she said.

When he was at the club last December, Mr Rodriguez said he was warned by two would-be patrons, of Sri Lankan and African descent, that he, too, would not get in due to an apparent ban on Africans. “I asked the security guard, ‘Is that real, that we cannot get in because the owner doesn’t want Africans inside?’ and he said, ‘Yes’.”

[Source : The Age]


DECEMBER 13, 2011 · 1:24 PM
Italian Far-Right Gunman Kills Two In Florence, Commits Suicide

An Italian man killed two African street sellers and wounded three others in an apparent racist shooting spree in the heart of Florence on Tuesday before committing suicide, police said.

Gianluca Casseri, 50, who Italian officials said was a rightwing extremist, parked his car in the northern Dalmazia square at lunch time, got out and started shooting with a pistol, witnesses said.

[Source 2 : Telegraph]

イタリア 極右ヘイトクライム

DECEMBER 13, 2011 · 8:35 AM
Update: Stephen Lawrence Jury Shown Video Of Racist Rants

A police video of obscene racist rants by two men accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence were shown to a jury today.

Extracts of the surveillance video shot at Gary Dobson’s flat in Eltham, south east London in 1994 were shown to a jury at the Old Bailey.

In one of the clips co-defendant David Norris said: “If I was going to kill myself do you know what I would do? I would go and kill every black c***, every paki, every copper, every mug that I know I’m telling you.

Later he went on: “I would go down Catford and places like that I am telling you now, with two sub machine guns, and I am telling you I would take one of them, skin the black c*** alive mate, torture him, set him alight…I would blow their two arms and legs off and say “go on, you can swim home now”. They would be bobbing around like that.”

Norris also used racist abuse when talking about a fight he was having with a “grandad” when a black man intervened.

He said: “This n***** come along and I just kneed the c*** right in the b******s… He was a f****** grown man, he was about 40 years old and I was knocking the grandad… A big n***** come along and said “leave the f****** kid alone, you silly c***”… I started going on and called him a black c*** and all that, saying he was a f****** c**n.

“He was going ‘leave it out, mate’… so I went smack, punched the n***** like that and he was going ‘F***, like what’s going on?’.”

Dobson was seen in the clips repeatedly using the word n*****, and recalling a time that he threatened a black colleague with a knife.

A scuffle broke out between the pair when Dobson stole his baseball cap, and he later threatened the colleague with a Stanley knife.

He said: “He is a black c*** but he ain’t like a n*****, a rude boy or nothing. He talks like a normal f****** white geezer.”

Dobson went on: “I said ‘Tap me once more, you silly c***, I’m going to f****** slice this down you seven times.”

He was also seen wandering around the flat with a large knife, and telling Mr Acourt that a “Paki” had won the lottery jackpot.

Dobson, 36, and Norris, 35, deny taking part in the gang attack in which Mr Lawrence was killed in Eltham, south east London, in 1993.

Before the video was shown, Mr Justice Treacy warned the jury: “You may well find it shocking. If you do, you must remember that emotion has no part to play in your decision in this trial.”

[Source: IndependentUK]

イギリス ヘイトクライム

DECEMBER 13, 2011 · 6:21 AM
Video: Fayetteville Church Sued By Interracial Couple Over Racial Discrimination

A Fayetteville church is facing a racial discrimination lawsuit from its former secretary Debbie Dobb.

Dobb, who is white and married to a black man, says it was no coincidence she lost her job when the church decision-makers discovered their relationship.

Dobb doesn’t go to Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but she worked there for two years. She says it seemed to be going well until the elders met her new husband, Michael Hampton.

[Source: MSNBC]


動画 Go go Hafu Film!: The Last stretch


AFSWAVE 外国人留学生の声 209

新名称「子どものための手当」略称子ども手当 民主検討


年金一元化 公務員天国にただ呆れる
2011.12.14 03:00 [主張]



グアム予算凍結 事態打開へ「普天間」の進展を(12月14日付・読売社説)




Wealthy Britons feed racist EDL group
Mon Dec 12, 2011

A new inquiry has found that a wealthy former director of a London City investment fund is giving financial sponsorship to the racist and fascist English Defence League (EDL).

Alan Lake, a property tycoon and financier, whose real name is Alan Ayling, and a number of other people including Ann Marchini, from London, have brought football hooligan firms together to create the EDL's army of racist street thugs, British media reported.

Alan Ayling is a vicious anti-Muslim racist and open in his support of fascist organisations such as the Sweden Democrats and Hungary's Jobbik party, whose uniformed paramilitary organisation terrorises Roma communities.

イギリス 極右 支援者

'A toast to the Third Reich!' Oxford-educated louts 'face prosecution' for dressing as Nazi and taunting French waiter... while Tory MP looked on
Video shows Tory MP Aidan Burley's friend glorifying ideology of the Nazis
Another friend dressed as SS guard in crowded French restaurant
MP's said he high-fives Cameron and is 'candidate for Berlin East'
Wearing Nazi uniform is criminal offence under French law
Burley apologises for 'clearly inappropriate behaviour' of his party
Last updated at 12:33 PM on 11th December 2011

Friends of a high-flying Tory MP are 'facing prosecution' for chanting offensive Nazi slogans in a crowded restaurant at a French ski resort - where one of the party dressed in an SS uniform.
Aidan Burley, MP for Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, was with 12 friends, some of whom chanted ‘Hitler, Hitler, Hitler’. One toasted the ‘Third Reich’ and one taunted a waiter for being French.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2072639/Tory-MP-Aiden-Burley-Nazi-stag-night-French-ski-resort.html#ixzz1gRo2iSlA

Woman Elaborately Fakes Her Own Rape and Blames…Guess Who? A Black Guy!

Laurie Ann Martinez is a psychologist for the California Department of Corrections and apparently also certifiably mad. In an effort to convince her husband that they needed to move to a safer neighborhood, Martinez went through elaborate lengths to fake her own rape. What do you do when you need an imaginary rapist? That’s right, blame it on a random black guy!

Blaming an imaginary black male intruder for her imaginary rape is not all that original, but I’m specifically impressed and disturbed by how far Martinez went with this fake rape thing. First she “robbed” her own house by taking a bunch of electronics over to a girlfriend’s place (you see, rapists also steal things). Next, Martinez cut her lip with a safety pin, ripped her own clothes, rubbed sandpaper across her knuckles to make it look like there was a struggle, and had that same girlfriend put on some boxing gloves and punch her in the face a few times. She even urinated on herself to make it look like she’d passed out and lost control of her bladder, as if those two things go hand in hand.

レイプ マイノリティ 狂言 八つ当たり 固定観念 ステレオタイプ

Italian girl's rape claim sparks arson attack on Gypsy camp
Sixteen-year-old confesses she made up story that prompted mob to torch camp in Turin district

reddit this
Tom Kington in Rome
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 11 December 2011

レイプ マイノリティ 狂言 八つ当たり 固定観念 ステレオタイプ

Czech Republic: Two racists try to murder Romani family, victims charged for defending themselves
Nýrsko na Klatovsku, 12.12.2011 15:49, (ROMEA)

チェコ ロマ ジプシー

Brazil's new face has no white color anymore

The word "negro" is not an insult in Brazil. The politically correct term - "African Brazilian" - does not enjoy popularity there at all. The races are mixed with each other, so one may not say that there is one pure race in the country. Many white people in Brazil have black ancestors.

ニグロ 意味相対性

Anti-African Rally in Tel Aviv

Israeli Jewish hate rally against Africans in Tel Aviv caught on video as Haaretz deletes article about it
Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Mon, 12/12/201

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz mysteriously removed from its website an article exposing atrocious Israeli racism against black people just hours after it was published.

The article by David Sheen – a copy of which was made by The Electronic Intifada before Haaretz deleted it – reported on a rally by Israeli Jews on Sunday in Tel Aviv against African immigrants, demanding that they be sent home because Israel is a “Jewish state.” The rally was addressed by Michael Ben-Ari, a member of the Israeli parliament from the National Union party which also favors expelling Palestinians.

We have come to expunge the darkness

The deleted article stated:
The demonstrators chanted “The people demand the expulsion of the infiltrators,” “We have come to expunge the darkness,” and “Tel Aviv is for Jews, Sudan is for Sudanese.”

Ben Ari criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for allowing African migrants to remain in the county after they had already entered in recent years. He called Netanyahu’s cabinet “the blackest government ever for Tel Aviv.”

KKK drops fliers near Colonial Heights High School

BY PATRICK KANE (STAFF WRITER)Published: December 13, 2011

Read more: http://progress-index.com/news/kkk-drops-fliers-near-colonial-heights-high-school-1.1244221#ixzz1gRrU03gv