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(2011年7月19日15時05分 読売新聞)









(2011年7月19日20時36分 読売新聞)


英国:警視総監が辞任…大衆紙との関係で批判 盗聴問題 http://bit.ly/orIXdy
2時間前 毎日jpから

London's top 2 police resign in 'News of the World' hacking scandal
Published: Monday, July 18, 2011, 11:12 AM Updated: Monday, July 18, 2011, 11:36 AM

Associated Press
London's Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates has resigned.
LONDON -- Britain's spreading phone hacking and police bribery scandal forced two of London's top police officers to resign in less than 24 hours and prompted Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday to call for an emergency session of parliament.




MPs misled over impact of welfare changes on homelessness
Liam Byrne insists leaked letter from Eric Pickles office shows ministers 'haven't been straight with the House of Commons'

Andrew Sparrow, political correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 3

Ministers have been accused of repeatedly misleading MPs about the impact of their £26,000 cap on welfare payments after it emerged that Eric Pickles, the communities secretary, secretly warned the plan would cost more money than it saved and increase homelessness by 20,000.



Obama lies about dying mother, book claims
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Published: 15 July, 2011

Much of America has come to terms with President Obama being not the most truthful guy at times. He campaigned on ending US wars and has only started new ones. He vowed to close Gitmo yet the infamous prison is still in operation.
But will you get a load of this one? One author is saying that the president lied ? get this ? about his mother. The gull!
In a new biography of President Obama’s mother, former New York Times reporter Janny Scott writes that Barack was fibbing about a make-believe ordeal his mom went through while fighting cancer.
Back on the campaign trail, Obama often alluded to the problems with American health care. The then-Senator would regularly make references to his mom’s own struggles with insurance companies and would speak out about her dying days marred by health care woes.
"I remember in the last month of her life, she wasn't thinking about how to get well, she wasn't thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality, she was thinking about whether or not insurance was going to cover the medical bills and whether our family would be bankrupt as a consequence," said Obama in one September 2007 speech.
"She was in her hospital room looking at insurance forms because the insurance company said that maybe she had a pre-existing condition and maybe they wouldn't have to reimburse her for her medical bills," he said another time months later.
In Scott’s new book, however, she reports that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, was actually insured the whole time.



US government is like “Alice in Wonderland” - expert
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Published: 01 July, 2011,

The US Civil Liberties Union is debating with the Department of State over the release of classified documents on the US war on terror. But as Alison Weir, president of the Council for the National Interest told, RT, it is absurd to keep them classified.
The diplomatic cables that were declassified in the US expose Washington's methods of abduction, interrogation and detention of suspected terrorists. The ACLU is demanding they are made public for an official investigation, despite the fact the documents have already been published by the online whistleblower Wikileaks.

“The cables have now been published in the New York Times and many other newspapers across the US and the rest of the world. They should not have been classified in the first place ? they have nothing to do with national security issues, they were just classified because they are violating US laws and because they would be very embarrassing to the US government,” stated Weir.


She doubts, however, if these revelations can influence America's methods of tackling terrorism.

“The main reason it is so important for the cables to become officially public is because they reveal a certain Alice-in-Wonderland nature of the government, in which up is down and back is forward and black is white; the absurdity of what’s going on in Washington,” concluded Weir.


Sex. Drugs. Cheating. Lies. Tabloids USA.
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Published: 16 July, 2011

“Let’s not forget ? he owns The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Daily,” said Musto, to name a few.
At a protest outside Rupert Murdoch’s Big Apple pad, protesters demanded an investigation into his publications at home.
“We don’t know if newspapers are hacking other people in this country yet, but I see no reason to put it past them,” said demonstrator Harry Wasbren.
So how far from potential public embarrassment do American newspapers stand?
“The ones that are owned by Rupert Murdoch ? without question. The New York Post is one of the most hideous, deceitful tools of criminals that there could be,” said musician and journalist Will Gallison

No publication would admit to paying for information, but that’s also often a technicality.
“What a lot of news publications can get away with doing is they won’t explicitly give someone money in exchange for an interview, someone might set up a charitable organization and then the news will happen to donate twenty thousand dollars to that charitable organization,” explained Lilit Marcus.
The culture of sensationalism in the press is putting the future of journalism on the line.
“The Anglo-American style is trashy, it’s rye-balled, with this snickering tone that is very American. We are a juvenile society, we are a young society. I don’t really know what the Brits’ excuse is ? they’ve been around a long time. Hey, we blame it on them, because we are their children,” said Rall.

アメリカのタブロイド紙もひどいですよ、と。センセーショナリズムでジャーナリズムが危険にさらされている、と。アングロアメリカスタイルは、屑同然、(rye-balled って何?)イギリスのせいにしてやろう、おれらはやつらの子孫である、と。


Americans remain calm to crisis as Spaniards revolt
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Published: 14 July, 2011

Spaniards are outraged and many of them blame pressure from the States as the reasoning behind their own war. Why is Spain resorting to violence and Americans remain mostly silent, though?
“The short answer is US corporate media is lousy,” says David Swanson, campaigner for Roots Action. According to him, there isn’t a single entity in corporate media that isn’t making money off of the war machine.
“Twenty-five percent of Americans think the US should spend three times the next competing nation,” remarks Swanson on the US military budget. In reality, though, America spends seven times that of China.
“Nobody wants it!” says Swanson.
Americans remain largely ignorant of the connection between the economy and the cost of war, and Swanson says that is because you never hear about it on the radio or on the TV


Mainstream media won't report on CIA's secret sites
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Published: 15 July, 2011,

As the CIA expands covert missions, it’s no surprise than many of their operations go unreported. Jeremy Scahill of The Nation says, though, that many outlets are aware of some injustice carried out by the CIA and are just failing to report them.
“Both CNN and ABC have allowed their media outlets to be used as conveyor belt for the spin of the CIA,”
Scahill says to RT. He claims that he has stumbled upon secretive CIA sites in the African country of Somalia, and that US officials are operating a prison and paying the salaries of Somali national security agents yet no one else will admit to it.


Julie Bass of Oak Park Michigan May God to Jail For Organic Garden
by Huffington Post
Sunday Jul 10th, 2011 1:06 PM

Years ago Grosse Pointe Michigan banned organic gardens. Now once
again a Michigan city administration harms the environment and
represses citizen rights.

Julie Bass, of Oak Park, Michigan, wanted to grow her own food. She was a fan of organic vegetables, so she decided to convert her front yard from the grass-and-tree landscaping typical in her neighborhood into an edible garden. Because she had just torn up the front lawn to install a new sewer system, she had a perfect opportunity to start fresh. She planted cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs in raised wooden planters, and waited to reep her produce.

A neighbor didn't like her choice of landscaping.

The neighbor called the city and complained that Bass's yard disrupted the look of the neighborhood. The city agreed, and issued Bass a ticket.

Bass was offended. Organic produce is expensive. If she wants to grow her own, she reasoned, why shouldn't she be allowed to? She refused to change her yard. The city insisted; she lawyered up.

Now, with neither party being willing to back down, the case is likely to go to a jury trial. If Bass loses, she faces up to 93 days in jail. All for following the example of the White House! Has news of Michelle Obama not yet made it to Michigan?



蹴り 他

Tokyo Subway Fight

[HD] Don't touch me! 触らないで! (Tokyo Subway Fight)


003 外国人2が日本人の腕に掴んでいる。
005 その外国人が日本人の腕をこづく
009 奥のもう1人の外国人3が後ろから、日本人の肩を軽くたたく。
012 今度は日本人がその中に入った外国人1の後ろから最初の外国人2にふれようとする。

すると、「Don't touch 触るな、友達じゃないよ、」となって、「友達じゃないよ」と返答があって、「この手は(なに)さわらないでよ」となって、事態ははエスカレートしていく・・・・。






04 July 2011 ~ 12 COMMENTS
A Love hotel Supreme…in Yokohama!


Rie in Osaka
9 July 2011 at 9:09 am
I don’t think it’s appropriate to post pictures of schoolchildren you teach and love hotels on the same web site. Please use some common sense!


9 July 2011 at 9:50 am
Oh geez! Rie, please get a grip! Take a deep breath and put the bible prozac down. It’s a hotel where people, like their parents,have sex. A classy one at that. Big deal Lighten up



30 June 2011 ~ 32 COMMENTS
Are Japanese school girls cute or sexy?


So, when I saw that ad above, shot from the back, asses barely covered (if not for that sweater wrapped around her waist I’m pretty sure that one on the right would be damn near showing glutes), purikura panchira, I had to ask myself: Is that cute or is that sexy? Is this ad sexualizing teens or just illustrating how cute and stylish their uniforms can be?

What do you guys think?
sexualize, sexualise [ˈsɛksjʊəˌlaɪz]
1. to make or become sexual or sexually aware
2. to give or acquire sexual associations



American Psychological Association view

The American Psychological Association (APA) regards a person as being sexualized in any of the following situations:

a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or sexual behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics;
a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness (narrowly defined) with being sexy;
a person is sexually objectified—that is, made into a thing for others’ sexual use, rather than seen as a person with the capacity for independent action and decision making; and/or
sexuality is inappropriately imposed upon a person.[6]












Creative Commons on YouTube! Plus Cool Channels to Checkで見つけたVログ

MIMEI TV ☆ クセになるわ

Can you use chopsticks? (Ask Mimei)

Have you ever experienced racism and xenophobia?
xenophobia? Yes there's a quite a bit of xenophobia in Japan especially many older generations...all those stories you've heard about Japan are true basically
である、と。But it is still a great place to live...とあって、フォロウしているのであるが・・・



All those stories you've hear about Japan って有道ブログとその関係者による宣伝以外に、ゼノフォビアや人種差別について書いてある記事ってどれだけあるのだろうか?



Blogs about: Racism In New Zealand
International Student Attacked At Nelson College – Updated
As the day progressed further details have been released about the alleged vicious attack that was perpetrated on an 16 year old international student at a South Island college on Thursday last week. … more →
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'White supremacists' patrol Christchurch, NZ — 5 comments
terres wrote 1 year ago: Shame on You New Zealand! The following information was posted at TEAA’s blog: Israeli-connect … more →
Tags: New Zealand, “white pride”, christchurch, Israeli connection, white supremacists, Richard Holbrooke, Law and Order, NZ Police, NZ Govt

New survey reveals what immigrants like and dislike about NZ
la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: NZ Herald: Love and loathing in Aotearoa [New Zealand] 4:00AM Sunday Jul 05, 2009 By Alice Neville E … more →(NZ Herald: Love and loathing in Aotearoa [New Zealand]
4:00AM Sunday Jul 05, 2009
By Alice Neville
About one in four migrants had experienced at least one incident of discrimination.

Those from Asia and in the “other” category were most likely to have experienced it in a public place or work setting.

“I think the employers are giving priority to the people who have New zealand experience.

“The problem is if nobody’s willing to give me a job, how can I get New Zealand experience?”)

Tags: migration, New Zealand, migrate, Immigration, New Zealand immigration, Filipinos in New Zealand, Discrimination, Asians in New Zealand

DNA: Now, Indians face racism in Kiwiland
la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: Chandigarh: After Australia, there are now reports of racial attacks on Indians in New Zealand. A 23 … more →
Tags: migration, New Zealand, Asians in New Zealand, Discrimination, Immigration, New Zealand immigration

NineMSN: Pregnant foreign students must leave NZ
la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: Two international students who face removal orders because they got pregnant while in New Zealand sa … more →
(Posted on June 1, 2009 by la_ciudadista

Two international students who face removal orders because they got pregnant while in New Zealand say they are being discriminated against and treated “unduly harshly”.

One plans to appeal to the Human Rights Commission.

Women who get pregnant while in New Zealand on temporary residency permits are being told they have to leave the country to have their babies because they would put pressure on already-stretched maternity services, the New Zealand Herald reported.

They are being told they cannot give birth here even if they are prepared to pay the full medical and maternity care costs.)
Tags: migration, New Zealand, Discrimination, Filipinos in New Zealand, Immigration, New Zealand immigration

Discrimination against Asians in New Zealand grows
la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: 3News: Discrimination against Asians in New Zealand grows Sat, 21 Feb 2009 6:01p.m. Video Report It … more →
Tags: issues, New Zealand, Asians in New Zealand, Discrimination, Immigration, migration, New Zealand immigration

Asian people are the most discriminated in New Zealand
la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: Survey examines where we’re at on racial discrimination East And Bays Courier (Friday, 27 Febr … more →
Tags: issues, New Zealand, migration, Asians in New Zealand, Discrimination, Filipinos in New Zealand, Immigration, New Zealand immigration

New Zealand Move on Filipino nurses threatens political fallout

la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: NZ Herald: Move on Filipino nurses threatens political fallout 4:00AM Tuesday Feb 24, 2009 By Lincol … more →

Tags: issues, New Zealand, migration, Filipino Nurses, migrate, Immigration, New Zealand immigration, Filipinos in New Zealand, Philippines
(Many nurses from the Philippines had sold everything to come here – because it was widely publicised that there was an acute shortage of nurses in New Zealand – only to discover their qualifications were not recognised and they could not get registered, he said.

“They have no money to go back, and nothing to go back for any more.”)

Asians suffer discrimination in New Zealand

la_ciudadista wrote 2 years ago: TVNZ: Asians suffer discrimination Asians are regarded as the group most likely to suffer discrimina … more →

Tags: issues, migration, Discrimination, Asians in New Zealand, foreigners in new zealand


Is there a lot of racism towards black Americans in New Zealand? What is the best city to live in New Zealand?

Hi my name is Leo and I wanted to ask you are there any black people in new zealand? are people racist against black people from america? I am thinking of moving there after I graduate college. Could you also tell me what is it like in Auckland. How is the Nightlife there. I love to dance and I am looking for a place that has a lot of females and somewhere that has a lot to do
3 years ago Report Abuse

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Hi Leo,

Like pretty much everywhere, you'll find racism in NZ too. But here the main targets of most racist comments/actions are generally those of Asian, Muslim or Maori (NZ's indigenous people) ethnicities. There have been a few (generally isolated) cases of physical or other severe racist attacks... but these are generally few and far between.... please don't be put off by Tothebatmobile's comments... he makes it sound like we are stuck in 1960's southern USA with his talk of the KKK... it is not at all like that here. Most racism in NZ I think stems from lack of understanding, rather than hatred... although, I must admit I am "white", so perhaps its different from a non-white perspective.


Most other racism in NZ is probably more to do with language and cultural differences, rather than the colour of their skin... e.g. Asian, Indian or Muslim immigrants... again, a lack of understanding and threat of something different, rather than a general hatred or malice... or the fact that their skin is a different colour. A lot of immigrant communities tend to be quite insular, and I think some kiwis are threatened by that, and think that they are not trying to 'fit in' to our culture... which is where the mis-understanding, intolerance & racism comes from.
Given that American culture is very similar to Kiwi culture, I don't think you would have many (if any) problems here... in fact, people will probably hassle you more for being an American in general, than for being African-American... there is quite a lot of anti-Bush sentiment here in NZ (and anti-Iraq war), which many NZ'ers seem to tar every American with, whether they support Bush and the war or not... but again, nothing major enough that should put you off coming here.
I spent 6 weeks travelling around the Southern states of the US a year or so ago... In some places I could feel the tension between "whites" and "blacks"... I have never felt that here in NZ.... racism here is more about innappropriate comments from someone that hasn't thought before they spoke.




英語圏のメディアが注目する事柄が、右翼、軍国主義、Sexualized Japan 外国人嫌い、人種・男女差別などに偏っているのではないか?