The daily Frankfurter Rundschau reported that 11,928 far-right incidents occurred during the first 10 months of 2008, a 30 percent increase over 2008 compared with 9,206 in the same period the year before.The number of violent attacks went up 15 percent to 639, while incidents of anti-Semitism rose from 716 to 797.A survey carried out by the Friedrich Ebert Institute found that 20 percent of Germans are openly prejudiced against foreigners. In the former East Germany, where people have much less interaction with foreigners, the ratio is one in three, the survey said.,,3905065,00.html,,3905065,00.html英語圏の主要メディアの記事を読んでいると、日本ではほとんど無視され、毛嫌いされている、日本の右翼の街宣車の報道があり、それと同時に、「軍靴の音が」などという記事が多いので、ちょっとびっくりするのですが、ドイツのこういう記事は案外小さい。ドイツの極右による暴力的事件は15%上昇し、なんと639件もあるのだそうです。まあ、最近英語圏の主要メディアのニュースもあんまり信用しなくなってきた。かなり、いろんな方面から情報を得なければある国や事件について、全体像は得られそうもありませんね。
- The Guardian, Monday 29 December 2008
- Article history
An offensive, racially tinged song entitled Barack the Magic Negro has become an issue in the battle for the leadership of the Republican party.
The song was included in a CD distributed by Chip Saltman, who is seeking to be elected the next party chairman.
Saltman, former campaign manager for Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who fought unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination this year, sent out the CD as a Christmas present to party members. It is a compilation of songs critical of liberals entitled We Hate the US.
He defended his move, saying that anyone listening to it would know it was intended to be light-hearted and satirical, and the row had been created by the liberal media.guadian
問題のCDのビデオであります。 Barack Obama The Magic Negro
I am a typical japanese lady. Give me white dick please. Fuck all niggers.